Hi people, 

As you can see, the French Canadian translation is at 97%, for some strings I would need to know more about the context to be able to translate them correctly.

Here they are:


I put in yellow what I consider to be english errors. It’s either : Use this if ….. or Used if…. you choose.
·         Used this if the group(s) that a user is belonging to, is kept in LDAP user entry. eg. groupOf
·         Used this if the department(s) that a user is belonging to, is kept in LDAP user entry. eg. memberOf
·         Used this if the user(s) of the group, is kept in LDAP group entry. eg. Member
·         Used this if the HOD of the department, is kept in LDAP department entry. eg. Manager
·         UUsed together with "Attrbute Mapping - HOD" or "Attrbute Mapping - Users". eg. distinguishedName
·         Used this if the admin role of user(s) is kept in LDAP entry. eg. Member

·         Continue on adding record



http://translate.joget.org/fr_CA/jogetworkflowv3/JaWE_fr_CA.po?match_names=check-isfuzzy%2Cuntranslated&view_mode=translate\] \\

·        Insert free text expression participant
·         Finish mode
·         Multiple outgoing transitions without split type defined
·         Multiple incoming transitions without join type defined
·         Split - join missmatch in 'Full blocked' mode - more splits
·         Split - join missmatch in 'Full blocked' mode - more joins
·         Split - join missmatch in 'Full blocked' mode - different types
·         Conditional transition for AND split in 'Full blocked' mode
·         No otherwise transition for XOR split in 'Full blocked' mode
·         No corresponding join activity in 'Full blocked' mode
·         No corresponding join activity type in 'Full blocked' - XOR used instead of AND
·         No corresponding join activity type in 'Full blocked' - AND used instead of XOR
·         Improperly connected activity multiple incoming transitions
·         Improperly connected activity multiple outgoing transitions
·         Package and external packages dependence
·         Package and external packages print view

http://translate.joget.org/fr_CA/jogetworkflowv3/plugin_fr_CA.po?match_names=check-isfuzzy%2Cuntranslated&view_mode=translate\] \\

·        Parameter Passover Method
·         HTML display after Header block
·         HTML display before Footer block
·         HTML display before Content block
Thank you