v6 ENTERPRISE ============= For more information, please refer to the knowledge base at http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv6 CHANGES IN 6.0.19 ================= c7fcf6af Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - Format dateCreated & dateModified according to System Date Format. #6527 6.0-SNAPSHOT 6b7d45ae Fixed: wflow-plugin-base - Plugin Manager - OSGI plugin does not show as Uninstallable. 6.0-SNAPSHOT 55e88aef Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - dateCreated & dateModified from JDBC binder is not handle correctly. #6527 6.0-SNAPSHOT 48678eee Fixed: wflow-core - Text Field - Encryption is not handled correctly for readonly. #6577 6.0-SNAPSHOT e44e19c7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Process Deadline duration unit "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" reverts to "yyyy-MM-dd" after save. #6571 6.0-SNAPSHOT bf6d397f Fixed: wflow-designer/wflow-core - Correction for d83450a. Fixed possible NPE. 6.0-SNAPSHOT d83450ac Fixed: wflow-designer/wflow-core - Fixed possible NPE. 6.0-SNAPSHOT 5997a1f9 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - MS SQL Server - Updated DDL schema SQL @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9436b91c Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Oracle - Updated DDL schema SQL @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6480118b Modified: wflow-install - Installer - Updated README to indicate Java 8 as minimum requirement @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3d179670 Modified: wflow-install - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.41 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 31674f6a Fixed: wflow-core - Grid - Data type exception when grid does not having store binder and dateCreated/dateModified is used as grid column. #6529 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 592b28d8 Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - File not store when form having partially store enabled Multi Paged Form element. #6520 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 90cd319a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb: Update ace editor to 1.4.4 to fix IOS not rendering editor issue. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f6d82aaf Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Participants of removed process is not clean from XPDL and causing App Generator fail to regenerate the same process. #6460 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 85c8acf9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Not able to deploy after update from "Debug" textarea. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fce9062d Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Picker is covered by on-screen keyboard on IOS. #6461 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 321d659d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - JDBC Load Binder - dateCreated & dateModified are not set correctly in Date datatype. #6527 6.0-SNAPSHOT 0cd0ae8c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Checkbox cell shows #bad-value# if no value is set. #6575 6.0-SNAPSHOT d1959bdf Added: wflow-enterpriseweb - Oracle - Added support for Oracle 18c @6.0-SNAPSHOT ced03815 Modified: jw-enterprise - Installer - Updated README to indicate Java 8 as minimum requirement @6.0-SNAPSHOT e89be7bf Modified: jw-enterprise - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.41 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7a9cebf7 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Second level nested datalist not able to show due to first column configured to hidden. @7.0-SNAPSHOT 9ead404b Fixed: wflow-core - Image Upload - File not store when form having partially store enabled Multi Paged Form element. #6520 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a2f346fe Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Print view lacking width, missing headers and borders @6.0-SNAPSHOT 56058e5c Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Date Formatter - print out error message @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.18 ================= c0dccae3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form - Header title is not allowed to put HTML tag. #6393 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 96789f25 Fixed: wflow-core - Grid - In readonly mode, fail to display data after form submission with validation error. #6406 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 309e2baa Fixed: wflow-core - FormPdfUtil/ Datalist PDF export - Arabic font is not embedded. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3d17097f Fixed: wflow-core - Section - Radio button field with same id in 2 visibility controlled sections are not able to load value correctly. #6392 @6.0-SNAPSHOT cfc5fa63 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Selectbox - Empty option label is not showing. #6448 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fa1b2fbd Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Process with looped subprocess cannot render correctly. #6312. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2f449cfb Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Signature Field - Sign with pen/finger touch not working on device support touch screen and mouse. #6408 @6.0-SNAPSHOT adcdfe51 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet/Form/List/Advanced Grid - In readonly mode, fail to display data after form submission with validation error. #6406 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 01050460 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Column with regex validator does not work correctly. #6398 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.17 ================= 1b878e66 Fixed: wflow-core - Import App - Environment Variable in previous app version is removed if it does not exist in the imported zip even override environment variables is disabled. #6379 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9b510044 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Embeded Datalist - Regression bug caused list grid does not work correctly. #6260 #6377 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c806b98e Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Monitoring - Not able to reassign activity to username which are email address. #6378 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9d367693 Fixed: wflow-core - AppService - Userview manage permission menu to control listing in AppCenter works intermittently. #6373 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 68794e2d Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-wfengine - User Notification - Did not pick up the latest plugin properties when the activity is triggered by deadline. #6342 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fab7b2d7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Usability issue when copy/paste which appended number after the field id. #6343 @6.0-SNAPSHOT edc9952c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Prevent XSS on datalist action redirection URL. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77cbdfdf Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet mouse click cannot work on Firefox when device support touch screen. #6374 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 52937faa Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Directory Form Binder - Not able to remove assigned groups. #6359 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8f336208 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Row action in nested datalist is not working. #6338 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.16 ================= dd8e7ed Fixed: wflow-core - Ajax Cascading Field - Option id contains quote character does not work correctly. #6284 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 01307e7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Embeded Datalist - Id in returned JSON should not be escaped. #6260 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7b5224b Fixed: wflow-plugin-base - Plugin - Not able to extends UniversalTheme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0cfb036 Fixed: wflow-core - FormPdfUtil - Fixed security scan reported issues. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f8c36e6 Fixed: wflow-core - Selectbox - Value can't load in an Ajax cascading selecbox when value has ampersand. #6284 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5eb3db9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist PDF Export - Does not support Arabic. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist PDF Export - Not able to extend language support. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - FormPDFUtil - Should support the languages supported by datalist PDF export without additional configuration. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6aedbd6 Fixed: wflow-plugin-base - Upgraded to Apache Felix 6.0.2 to fix "Unknown protocol: jrt" error on Java 11.0.2 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 260b1f6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - FormPdfUtil - Arabic characters are disjointed. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8cf6bcf Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Throws undefined 'dom' error after saved due to form is not ready rendering. #6278 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fcf374e Fixed: wflow-core - Popup - Userview theme reset the current app definition of a popup window. #6260 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 833f245 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Popup Selectbox - Option id contains quote character does not work correctly. #6260 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dfbf2a4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Not able to render when where are multiple different loops sharing same activity. #6312 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8b8e8d7 Fixed: wflow-enetrprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Regression of 319cc2. Click delete on file upload field popup file selection dialog. #6292 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 30a1b77 Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - Number Range Filter - not working in MSSQL. #6282 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3ddaf52 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Not able set permission to LDAP groups due to missing organization filter. #6279 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 853cf53 Fixed: jw-enterprise - FormPdfUtil - Arabic characters are disjointed. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b56f5c9 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Datalist Binder - Id column cannot use as aggregate field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a19eba2 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Generator - Error shown on generated datalist when form contains Popup Selectbox field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3accb7a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - JDBC Options Binder - NPE when grouping value is NULL. #6249 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.15 ================= 169611c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Correction of form property description. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 64c47e3 Fixed: wflow-core - BeanShell Options Binder - Does not support FormUtil.PROPERTY_SELECTED to set default value when AJAX enabled. #6210 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 83f065f Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - Load binders under a section configured with readonly permission does not execute. #6071 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a65932d Fixed: wflow-core - FormPdfUtil - Does not work correctly with RTL font. #6141 @6.0-SNAPSHOT e29fbe0 Fixed: wflow-core - Duplicate Value Validator - Record is still stored even validator has configuration error. #6197 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 096ea25 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Not working correctly when deadline triggered transaction back to the same activity. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5432d18 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Jasperreports Menu - Update jasperreport libraryversion to 6.7.0 and update jackson-core to 2.9.8 due to vulnerability https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-1000873. #6202 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4a5fc85 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Options label shown twice when using JDBC options binder and enabled Ajax. #6199 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.14 ================= 436f11b Fixed: wflow-core - Universal Inbox Menu - Click on Due Date column header return empty result. #6167 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3b4401a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Resource - Remove special chars from filename during upload. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 76dfc7c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Resource - "&" symbol in file name uploaded to Resources will lead to "system error" page when configure file permission. @6.0-SNAPSHOT aac1bf9 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-wfengine - Process - Email tool triggered by deadline activity did not use updated email content. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a7ae18d Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - DB Setup cannot be displayed on JBoss EAP, Websphere and Weblogic @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4278c5a Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - Stored File missing in Multi Paged Element when the page is not view. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e4844d2 Fixed: wflow-core - Inbox Menu - Click on Due Date column header return empty result. #6167 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 740232d Fixed: wflow-core - Form Hash Variable/Default Formatter - Not able to retrieve field value when field id started with digit. Correction of ab34f4f. #6161 @6.0-SNAPSHOT db41ce3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist - Right table header checkbox is not showing. #6123 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a21112b Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - loadFormData method not able to retrieve page data of multi paged form. #6119 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9260ab9 Fixed: wflow-core - Form Hash Variable - Unparsed Nested Hash Variable in table name used in User Notification causing System Error. #6116 @6.0-SNAPSHOT f3fb317 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Create form - if hit id already exist error will caused URL was not normalized exception on next submission. @7.0-SNAPSHOT 9019b22 Fixed: wflow-core - Process - NPE is not handled when migrating process instances which have SLA limit set. #6094 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a50579b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Paged Form - Validation error causing values in other pages become empty when partial storing is enabled. #6171 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 47de9a7 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - URL was not normalized exception was thrown when an image is uploaded in image format type column. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0575e2b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet/Form Grid/List Grid - Correction of 2c2eea. #6143 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b2b18d1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Minimize included JS libraries. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c15c454 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet/List Grid - Fail to execute BeanShell store binder if missing load binder. #6146 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2c2eeaf Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet/Form Grid/List Grid - Fail to populate options value if using JDBC options binder with Ajax cascading query. #6143 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 319cc2e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Spreadsheet - context menu items not selectable using mouse. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Spreadsheet - Update to version 6.2.1. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e6e1c5a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Column format type "dropdown" & "autocomplete" does not support custom setting json in format when retrieving options from other form. #6105 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1c9ecef Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task delegation Menu - URL was not normalized issue during configuration. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1e90a4f Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins/wflow-enterprise-extra - LDAP Directory Manger - show null when last name attribute leave empty. #6100 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.13 ================= ad53dc4 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Updated commons-fileupload to 1.3.3 for CVE-2016-1000031. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6ff52c7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - System error viewing old non-responsive mobile view due to "The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized" after Spring Security upgrade @6.0-SNAPSHOT 03381b2 Modified: jw-enterprise - Updated commons-fileupload to 1.3.3 for CVE-2016-1000031. @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.12 ================= 39ee825 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Design App - System error after click "ok" to refresh process list page due to "The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized", regression from 4d057f @6.0-SNAPSHOT 94fb126 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Section - Visibility control disabled buttons in section without enable it back when shown. $#6052 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dcdfac6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Design App - System error after click "ok" to refresh process view page due to "The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized", regression from 4d057f @6.0-SNAPSHOT d591284 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Version - System error after creating new app version due to "The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized", regression from 4d057f @6.0-SNAPSHOT 821a7d9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Getting System Error page when datasource not setup instead of the Database Setup page, regression from 4d057f @6.0-SNAPSHOT 36fff6e Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Builder Advanced Tool - Update jstree library to 3.3.6 to fix document.registerElement deprecation warning. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ee74cc8 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Console UI - Toggle all checkboxes feature of all table is not working after it is checked. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9e454d4 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-plugin-base - Deadline - Generate form pdf from deadline plugin throws exception. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 62c0704 Modified: wflow-plugin-base - Java 11 - Upgraded Apache Felix to 6.0.1 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9b24d81 Fixed: wflow-commons - Java 11 - Remove older aspectjweaver version @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4d057f1 Modified: All - Upgraded libraries to Spring 4.3.19, Spring Security 4.1.5 and bcprov 1.60 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6842a77 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Prevent DoS attacks by refusing to hash large passwords #5981 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d34801e Fixed: wflow-core : FormUtil - jsonToFormRowSet method does not cater for deleted files. #5983 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d7f6818 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-wfengine - Correction of c23e05f. #5962 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c23e05f Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-wfengine - Deadline Checker does not set current App Definition based on process instance. #5962 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b68eaf3 Fixed: wflow-wfengine, wflow-consoleweb - Fixed incompatibility with Java 11 @6.0-SNAPSHOT eb27ef2 Fixed: wflow-core - Cascading Options Field - Field in visibility controlled section having option not display issue after section shown #5934 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 710893c Modified: wflow-plugin-base - Java 11 - Upgraded Apache Felix to 6.0.1 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4c705c2 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Grid - "Show Row Numbering" disappears after editing row. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 74ee1b0 Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - aspectj-maven-plugin couldn't find aspectjrt.jar on classpath during build @6.0-SNAPSHOT 13b23c8 Fixed: App Generator - Fixed Hibernate session exception when generating a process @6.0-SNAPSHOT fd493d1 Modified: All - Upgraded libraries to Spring 4.3.19, Spring Security 4.1.5 and bcprov 1.60 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0838dc6 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins : Calculation Field - Same variable side-by-side with an operator without spaces in an equation will cause calculation error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 37ce530 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins : Spreadsheet - Not able to delete files. #5983 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d6d65e9 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Dropdown type does not able to populate option that label contains semicolon. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d3b95da Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Condition Formatter - Does not work with joined field which contains dot in column name. #5980 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0c8bcc4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Equation error when "Variable Name" is substring of another "Variable Name". #5938 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.11 ================= 943bd57 Fixed: wflow-core - Default Form Options Binder - Duplicate value-label options existed when both retrieved from same field id and has duplicate value. #5834 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 45e40f2 Fixed: wflow-core - DataPicker - Validation error when set current datetime as max datetime in different timezone. #5918 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dbe4da3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - FormUtil.js - startWith/endsWith not working in IE. #5917 @6.0-SNAPSHOT e272f21 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - WorkflowManagerImpl - assignmentAccept is wrongly marked as deprecated. The method is not deprecated, only in terms of UI functionality since v3. #5912 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b67df92 Fixed: wflow-core - FormPdfUtil - Column cannot display correctly when width less than 30%. #5885 @6.0-SNAPSHOT ed9eab8 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-extra - LDAPUtil - Paged search not working for openLDAP. #5887 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6c391b6 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Enable "Disabled Add Feature" with Non zero "Number of spare rows" causing number of row in data incorrect. #5919 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8ede385 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Formula field get into infinity loop when its field id is substring of its dependent field. #5803 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0ed48e1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nonce is not unique sometime. #5913 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.10 ================= 005e996 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Position of rich text field dropdown menu is incorrect when scrolling the page. #5845 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 37985f5 Modified: wflow-install - DB - Upgraded MariaDB to 10.3.9 to fix occasional hanging during shutdown @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8bd4a0d Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Grid type - Ajax options for same column id in different field getting mess up. #5832 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2e9b06f Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist - Filter value contains space causing datalist action fail to pass value correctly. #5828 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1b58df3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Make app center app icon position consistent with the userview builder's icon preview a85abe6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Regression of cb17306 causing header is missing in IOS. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a356c4b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Dynamic Option - Regression of 9c7ba92 & c8ee017. #5811 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d40d353 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Help guide - Help guide is missing for admin bar after login. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 664aa37 Fixed: wflow-commons - FileManager - Filename contains % causing file cannot store. #5804 @6.0-SNAPSHOT ca4a7c8 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - UI - Popup dialog does not work correctly for width < 668. #5790 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1eb5bd1 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Add chinese helplinks 7e96a18 Fixed: wflow-commons/ wflow-plugin-base/ wflow-core - Security - Prevent Path Manipulation: Zip Entry Overwrite. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5dc0aa2 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - JasperReports - Chart tooltip does not appear on mouseover #5862 @6.0-SNAPSHOT cf2c3e0 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - DB - Upgraded MariaDB to 10.3.9 to fix occasional hanging during shutdown @6.0-SNAPSHOT 930200e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Selectbox Datalist Filter - Regression from 34c35b6. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2c1cf2c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Counter Increment Tool - Not able to use hash variable in plugin setting. #5829 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 97f55e5 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Correction for 69fb85. Cannot handle field in subform. #5811 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 69fb850 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Dynamic Option - Regression of 9c7ba92 & c8ee017. #5811 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d1b9299 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - pluginhelp - Fixed broken/missing helplinks 7b3ea4a Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - pluginhelp - Add chinese helplinks CHANGES IN 6.0.9 ================ 5fc3dec Fixed: wflow-core - AbstractSubForm - Not able to detect recursive subform correctly. #5777 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 185df0c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Copy & paste new added (unedited) field causing pasted field id is wrong. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6e18bec Modified: wflow-core - pluginhelp - Add more helplinks 5a5a65f Fixed: wflow-core - Section - "Show as readonly when no permission?" causing options field cannot display value correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f70290 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Correction for a9cf1a. Page button which has popup dialog not working in single page mode. #5727 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a9cf1a0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Page button which has popup dialog not working in single page mode. #5727 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 33ad5cf Fixed: wflow-core - Section - Visibility control does not handle inner grid correctly in Form Grid. #5712 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2adc254 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Correction on 438b19. Pasting the copied element second time will has the same field id with first time. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 85d4148 Fixed: wflow-core - Text Field - Numbering format not working when multiple text field in different section having same field id. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 438b190 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Pasting the copied element second time will has the same field id with first time. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cb17306 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Form is hard to scroll in Iphone. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5e05827 Fixed: wflow-core - Property Util - Regression of a0bd73. Help link injection causing the form option binder property title display wrongly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9c7ba92 Fixed: wflow-core - Dynamic options field/section visibility control - When form id same with control field id, change event does not work correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - formUtil.js - getField method returned form element when form id same with field id. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a0bd731 Modified: wflow-core - Form Options Binder - Add caching implementation. #5676 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a73b044 Fixed: wflow-core - Run Process - Run process directly does not work when "Run Process" activity mapped to a deleted form. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c095352 Fixed: wflow-core - Caching - Add caching implementation for datalist options formatter. @6.0-SNAPSHOT dd3a0c9 Modified: wflow-core - Userview Cache is not cache according to profile and app Id. @6.0-SNAPSHOT da0a5b6 Fixed: wflow-core - Email Tool - Does not give response after send test email. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 54e469c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form - In RTL display, element float position causing file upload does not work correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a3c5fa1 Fixed: wflow-core - App Messages - Not able to import po message with newline char. #5668 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-commons - Manage Messages - Not able to import po message with newline char. #5668 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-commons - Manage Messages - Import po file not able to replace existing message. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2133a62 Fixed: wflow-core - Dynamic options field - Correction of 942145. Previous field value is lost when switched from hidden to visible. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0e2b06e Fixed: wflow-wfengine - App Version - Fail to create new version based on old version after update process flow in old version. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 526eb98 Fixed: wflow-core - Dynamic options field - Previous field value is lost when switched from hidden to visible. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7d4451d Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Web - Value does not encode correctly for post request. #5655 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c6696cf Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Drag to draw activity has position issue when participant is out of viewport @6.0-SNAPSHOT 918b9c9 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - pluginhelp - Add more helplinks b2926e6 Fixed: wflow-license - System key is not cached according to profile. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c6617ef Fixed: wflow-enterprise-extra - LDAP Directory Manager - DN is not return from AttributesMapper. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d84a13e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - "
" tag in the header is not work in Export Form Email Tool. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e3bc4aa Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Correction on c676e1. Variable field id same with the field id causing js error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6d04166 Fixed: wfloe-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - FORMDATA formula return "true" when the value is null or undefined. #5704. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b35568e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - File/Image format does not support multiple upload as configured in File/Image Upload field. #5701 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - File/Image format does not validate file size as configured in File/Image Upload field. #5701 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - File/Image format does not validate file type as configured in File/Image Upload field. #5701 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - File/Image format does not validate file type as configured in File/Image Upload field. #5701 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - File/Image format does not work correctly when there is multiple Spreadsheet fields in the same form. #5701 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c676e14 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Variable field id same with the field id causing js error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3b674e7 Modified: wflow-core - Form Options Binder - Add caching implementation. #5676 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a6d154c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Ajax Sub Form/ Calculation Field - When form id same with control field id, change event does not work correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f8beda4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Revert changes for 01a974. Options Value Datalist Formatter - Add caching implementation. #5676 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 01a974a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Options Value Datalist Formatter - Add caching implementation. #5676 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1f6f2c1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - SMTP validation fail sometime. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Not able to send test email using SMTP setting in general settings. @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.8 ================ 02836b1 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-wfengine - Shark Engine - Correction of 7ee8b5e. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7ee8b5e Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-wfengine/wflow-install - Shark Engine - Memory issue on XPDL caching. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8fbeec8 Fixed: wflow-core - Grid - Change label to reduce confusion. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b1adcae Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Inbox notification at header not working in IE @6.0-SNAPSHOT fc830bd Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Formatting js code. @6.0-SNAPSHOT aae4c0c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Screen blocked by loading spinner even all ajax calls are done in very slow network. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 21b213c Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Property Ediotr - Formatting code to better reading. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77ff645 Fixed: wflow-core - BeanShell Form Binder - Script for ajax options does not work when populate options for Form Grid. #5607 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0e45454 Modifed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Task title in inbox notification does not have word wrapping. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b77adc2 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - Reduce unnecessary db call of shark engine. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2ce106c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview - Error should not shown to enduser. #5566 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5a727f7 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - Workflow Engine - Correction on 20aadea - Process stuck when the activities before "and" route are completed at same time. #5562 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d0e721f Fixed: wflow-core - Run Process Menu - Causing CSRF error in userview builder preview mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1a15cba Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Resource - App resource retrieved from latest version instead of published version when no version is defined in URL. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 25262d9 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - App Version - Not able to create new version based on selected version. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b85019e Fixed: wflow-wfengine - WorkflowAsignmentDao - Retrieved process version is wrong. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 20aadea Fixed: wflow-wfengine - WorkflowDODSPersistentManager - Process stuck when the activities before "and" route are completed at same time. #5562 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a61690f Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Export Form Email Tool - Should not auto covert newline to br tag when email is send as html which causing malformed HTML when the content has html tag. #5648 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 987db6b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Disable add row does not work. #5645 @6.0-SNAPSHOT ecf719b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - ExtCurrentUserHashVariable - Not able to retrieve employee code/job title when using with LDAP Directory Manager. #5644 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8e163cb Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - European numeric format not working. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5c11027 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - calculation field shown wrong results in European format. #5625 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 525b231 Fixed: jw-enterprise - Shark Engine - Memory issue on XPDL caching. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9c97d20 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Grid/ List Grid/ Advanced Grid/ Spreadsheet - Change label to reduce confusion. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f92882 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Color Header not working when multiple columns used same datelist as nested datalist. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Click link in the nested datalist does not reload the datalist correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 572b088 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Janux Theme - Inbox notification at header not working in IE @6.0-SNAPSHOT 60790ef Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Janux Theme - Formatting js code. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 673c748 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - List Grid - Unique Column function does not work when Format Type is set to Options. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cbce72d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Chart View - Hard to differential activities node status by color. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3abf6a7 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Path view - Does not render and calculate progress correctly when subflow is asynchronous. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9d1d715 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Formatter - Progress of each records is not display correctly. #5591 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0aae62e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Chart view - Should not display subflow node if the subflow does not contains any human activity. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2f7f67a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Chart view - Does not render correctly when there are subflows using same process. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Chart view - Does not render correctly when there is "and" split route. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Chart view - Does not render correctly when subflows is asynchronous. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Chart view - Fix position calculation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c35bbe7 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Path view - Does not render correctly when there are subflows using same process. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Path view - Does not render correctly when there is "and" join route. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Path view - Skipped nodes are not display correctly for "xor" route. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7855f02 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - Options format does not work on multiple values. @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.7 ================ c3fa057 Fixed: wflow-core - Date picker - When using as time only and start/end date limit is set, the start date value become blank during edit. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 49a7095 Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Correction for 3e3eaaf. Removed unnecessary debugging code. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3e3eaaf Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Start/End date limit does not work correctly when the picker type is set to "Time only" @6.0-SNAPSHOT 710c648 Fixed: wflow-core - App Util - Cancel button target is not pass correctly causing the CRUD in popup dialog redirected to top window when cancel button is pressed. 5547 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f32623 Fixed: wflow-core - AppUtil - NPE is not handled for facf203. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8cff6a6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Design App - Run Process - Regression of 690df8f which caused the next assignment is shown in different style. @6.0-SNAPSHOT facf203 Fixed: wflow-core - App Center - App messages in userview titles does not parse correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 01a3bdb Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - JSON definition does not escape html correctly after diff merging. #5512 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6a08837 Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Regression of 59b14cc. Grid without binder cannot store. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1eaa898 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Design App - View detail icon disappears after clicking. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 06bbcb0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form - Revert changes on 782ee56. Causing multi selectbox not working in old themes. #5520 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2ee69eb Fixed: wflow-core - Form Data Dao - Check to prevent duplicate columns are keep added with prefix during storing when the JDBC/custom load binder is in used. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 457249e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Correction for 5a06500. Custom color is not working for the second nested datalist formatter in same list. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5a06500 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Not able to use it for multiple columns in same list. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 86fe2ed Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Binder Hash Variable - Hash variable does not parse when multiple unique primary keys are used in single http request. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 34d71c7 Fixed - wflow-enterpriseweb - Calendar - Chinese Message Bundle Fix @6.0-SNAPSHOT a7eaa1b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Border style affected by changes of eb901d7. #5527 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 62d8d7a Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - Generator - Hash Variable in generator configure use for email content is parsed during generation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.6 ================ 5dd10cb Fixed: wflow-core - Inbox/Universal Inbox - Click on quick edit link lead to NPE page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8792b8a Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Form Load/Options Binder get executed in no permission section. #5487 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8792b8a Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Form Load/Options Binder get executed in no permission section. #5487 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1256295 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - No margin after grid field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0473956 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Properties - Message - Not able to create or edit message for userview label that contains Font Awesome icon. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bbe7e2d Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Builder - Advanced Tool - I18N not able to store when message key contains double quote. #5512 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dbc60fe Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview pre v6 theme - Popup Dialog show double scrollbar sometime. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 23e7eae Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - All App buttons in old mobile view show blank page after click. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 690df8f Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - Assignment link should use default userview inbox to display if inbox is available. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bdb808e Fixed: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Universal Theme - Theme inbox/assignment link does not get redirect correctly after login. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0ee0514 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Grid row regex filter does not populate the options sometime. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 59b14cc Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - Spreadsheet element in form grid store data in JSON format in parent table even thought multirow was specified. #5499 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 13a5d20 Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - Not able to upload file in mobile app when File Type limit is set. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b8a3b2a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Regression of 782ee56. "Add section" button is not appear. @5.0-SNAPSHOT c2059dd Fixed: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Email Tool - Validation fail due to the AJAX request is using GET method. #5491 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3d4012d Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Builder - Click any link in preview mode twice will hit security error and invalidate the token in the builder. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b26ffbb Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Pre v5 themes - Admin bar css affected the width of side menu. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2bd2bd4 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Security - Able to click back after logout. #5449 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d60256f Fixed: wflow-core - Datalist filter - Space char in filter name causing filter not work correctly. #5484 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 782ee56 Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Regression bug from d493f6c. This changes caused section with custom height limit in old theme does not work correctly (Eg. Simple Invoicing). Move it to apply to only Universal Theme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 512eca8 Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Regression bug from eb901d7. The changed grid css selector is too high precedence causing custom styling in old app (etc. simple invoicing) does not show correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a733b0d Fixed: wflow-core - JSON Tool - UTF-8 encoding is not supported correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 096c146 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Export - Special characters in header is escaped twice. #5469 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 008f49a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Date Picker - Popup dialog covered by Spreadsheet columns if the Spreadsheet property field "Number of columns to fixed on left" is set #5454 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0fb9752 Fixed: wflow-core - Section - Section visibility does not trigger any event to none control field during show/hide. #5441 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fa3a8c3 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SLA Report Menu - Click on quick edit link lead to NPE page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 744db71 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Paged Form - Form Hash Variable does not parse on second page onward when AJAX rendering is enabled. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bdb8c57 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - janux Theme - Theme inbox/assignment link does not get redirect correctly after login. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1697ea8 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Datalist Binder - Hyperlink that retrieve parameter value from field that not added as column will fail to populate the value. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a5b1e13 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Export Form Email Tool/Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Validation fail due to the AJAX request is using GET method. #5491 @6.0-SNAPSHOT f9bcbbd Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Not able to send email when SMTP setting is configured in general settings. #5413 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 07cf2fd Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Invalidate any previous forgot password links when a new one is requested. #5413 @6.0-SNAPSHOT cdeb3da Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - JDBC datalist binder - Regression bug from 3ce7495. Causing column name with space can work properly in filter. #5484 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 67a6dbf Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation - Able to set inactive user as replacement user. #5468 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0e17c10 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Selectbox - Become readonly in visibility controlled section when it is hided by default. #5441 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.5 ================ 0d8defd Fixed: wflow-core - Section - Visibility control not working correctly. Regression from f4fd69. @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.4 ================ f4fd695 Fixed: wflow-core - Section - Visibility control not working correctly. Regression from 00d220. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3823949 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Regression for 052de4. #5434 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.3 ================ 503f930 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - Date Picker icon position is wrong. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 052de4b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Change binder does not remove order by property which caused unknown column exception. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77a2914 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Console Web Controller - Anonymous user is not handle correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4fc2cf9 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Removed lock table commands in the SQL schema to support MySQL for Cloud Foundry @6.0-SNAPSHOT c7cd9b9 Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - Not able to delete actual file when use in a form grid. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0e618ca Fixed: wflow-core - Grid - Template error when cell value is null. #5418 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dd753e8 Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - recursiveExecuteFormDeleteBinders cannot identify grid data correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7371d06 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Userview Theme - Mobile option is not backward compatible. @6.0-SNAPSHOT db4ba8f Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - "Delete actual file during overwrite or remove?" option does not remove the overridden value when multiple upload is enable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f51a643 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Subform with frame does not have space at the bottom. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 856bee1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - Menu count is display incorrectly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 54edea0 Fixed: wflow-core - Checkbox - Not able to get readyonly value due to regression bug from 652f8f. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 27926e7 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - WorkflowProcessLinkDao - MSSQL throws exception when record more than 2100. #5408 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 083ff6a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Setup Organization - Not able to retrieve department, grade & employment list when organization id contains invalid URL character. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c36077d Fixed: wflow-core - Delete Datalist Action - Not able to delete for form using binder which implemented FormDeleteBinder @6.0-SNAPSHOT 040049e Fixed: wflow-core - AppWorkflowHelper - Assignment assigned to inactive user will go to the performer in previous activity. #5397 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0ea2094 Fixed: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Profile link is shown for readonly user. #5396 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - User Profile Menu - Readonly user is allowed to edit profile. #5396 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d76bba8 Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - The sequence of files are changing every time the form is view. #5261 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8d7da9a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Multipage form element does not have bottom margin @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5cac7aa Fixed: wflow-core - Password Field - Default value is not masked. #5373 @6.0-SNAPSHOT daee4d7 Fixed: wflow-core - FormDataDao - Find custom query does not return created/modified date in data object. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3c81cc6 Fixed: wflow-core - Delete datalist action - Not able to delete subform's files when "Delete Associated Child Form Data?" and "Delete Files?" are checked. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 479ae75 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Current User Hash Variable - Anonymous user is not handle correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f8abc25 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Grid - Upload field not able to delete actual file when using Multirow Form Binder. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8c7744b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet Grid - Custom Settings (JSON) does not work correctly. #5429 @6.0-SNAPSHOT e7b61e9 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Selectbox Datalist Filter Type - Missing grouping column for options configuration. @6.0-SNAPSHOT abf15ef Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread sheet grid - Does not work correctly on mobile. #5425 @6.0-SNAPSHOT aeef834 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet Grid - mouse scroll not work if the mouse over the header. #5421 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2a04ab4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet Grid - Header z-index issue. #5417 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2970ac8 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - User participated in process can't view the process status when "Username Display Format" option set to "Name" or "Name (username)". #5414 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c2ea8c4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Image Upload - "Delete actual file during overwrite or remove?" option does not remove the overridden value when multiple upload is enable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 431d419 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox Menu - MSSQL throws exception when record more than 2100. #5408 @6.0-SNAPSHOT da0d105 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Formatter - Setting multiple process status formatters on different columns does not apply configuration after setting up the first formatter. @6.0-SNAPSHOT be238c0 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Directory Form Store Binder - Not able to delete data by Delete Datalist Action. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 34a976f Fixed: wflow-enterprise-extra - Sync LDAP User Directory Manager - LDAP user should be readonly. #5396 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2de27f6 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-extra - Sync LDAP User Directory Manager - Imported users does not follow the role setting if Admin Role Base DN is missing. #5388 @6.0-SNAPSHOT f2a07df Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Image Upload - The sequence of files are changing every time the form is view. #5261 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 468baa0 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Wrong property type for "Default Sorting Column Number (Start from 1)". @6.0-SNAPSHOT c6826f1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multipage form - Remove unused property. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 90fa0c9 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Datalist Binder - CreatedDate/Modified Date does not follow the date format and timezone setting in general setting. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9f3a3f2 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install, wflow-professional-install - Removed unused windows zip bundle @6.0-SNAPSHOT eaed429 Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - JDBC Store Binder - Delete parent record from CRUD with "Delete Associated Grid Data?" enabled does not delete the grid data which using JDBC store binder. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ca83f84 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Autocomplete cell not able to show options after value is set. #5358 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b802f95 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Tool/Menu - Not able to map column to subform field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b880909 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - File/image format cannot display multiple values correctly. #5261 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a316c11 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - Regression bug of 044d4b0. #5261 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.2 ================ c2bddd7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Duplicate process causing other process participants not display correctly. #5344 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7dd0a4f Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Embed Form/Datalist - Quick editing style is showing for normal user. #5336 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a4085a1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Custom HTML - Default should not have a height and margin. #5327 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d3da483 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Gap too large between the 2 form sections which purposely removed the title to show it as 1 section. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c754ab7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - Hash Variable in userview name cannot parse correctly. #5326 @6.0-SNAPSHOT bedc91a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Date Picker - Popup dialog covered by Spreadsheet element. #5325 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3f63c02 Fixed: wflow-core - User Notification Tool - Delegated user cannot receive the email when task delegation set to all processes in selected apps. #5318 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2850054 Fixed: cloud-wfengine - Plugin Manager - Remove unnecessary warning message. #5352 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 94a1743 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Formula column is not editable when no set to readonly. #5328 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 28a6d7d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation - Process select box showing deleted process. #5321 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0.1 ================ e9582e8 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - MySQL script does not set CHARSET. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c3f122d Fixed: wflow-install - jwdb-empty.sql does not set CHARSET. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f4884eb Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - Datalist paging buttons are missing. #5299 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 058ca19 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Unable to run setup on Ubuntu due to missing JDBC driver @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8edaf09 Fixed: wflow-core - Image Upload - When uploaded image size large than max size, the warning appear with a broken image icon. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3a0bb06 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist builder - Update binder setting does not remove the unavailable column from the design. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 862f629 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Dynamic page button does not update based on field change when it is in single page mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4cf8b37 Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - Validation does not work for multiple files. #5280 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7cbb538 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Plugin - Update help link. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ac7b2d8 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Multi Selectbox element display incorrectly when set to single select. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 03e430a Fixed: wflow-directory - Directory Manager - getUserDepartmentUser throw NPE when user is not assign to a department. #5278 @6.0-SNAPSHOT ee8038c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Monitoring - Filter value with space in running/completed processes list causing the list not able to load list data. #5275 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3282cd8 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Theme - Custom HTML for login page does not work properly due to the property moved under theme. #5267 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d64d323 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form Upload/App Resources - Expires header should not added for not found/no permission web resource. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6c978fa Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Style of popup form of the rich text field is affected by the theme style. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4cd0cb9 Modified: wflow-core - User Notification - Added #assignment.link# for populate assignment link in email content. #5266 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c24dc2b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Embed Form - URL parameters are not available during form load. #5261 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6e6ab3f Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Custom HTML - Not able to type Chinese character. Updated ACE editor to version 1.2.9. #5258 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2050f09 Fixed: wflow-core - Userview Theme Processer - Locale dependent comparison. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ab34f4f Fixed: wflow-core - FormDataDao - Field name starts with numeric character throws unexpected token exception. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 06fa76e Fixed: wflow-core - Dynamic Options Field - Hit max call stack error when dependency field set to the field itself. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 109981c Fixed: wflow-core - Form Pdf Util - Custom HTML - Width is wrong for custom html without a label. #5239 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 43362c6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Design - Builder losing window.opener object due to the builder is launch from a popup window. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d20290a Fixed: wflow-directory - WorkflowUserManager - Fixes for concurrent session control does not considered for backward compatible. @6.0-SNAPSHOT de10233 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Form Builder - Add method to refresh App Design page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a29185c Fixed: wflow-commons/wflow-consoleweb - formUtil.js/StringUtil - Better handling for decimal number format. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fea6d5f Fixed: wflow-install - SQL should not have DROP TABLE commands. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 03524cb Fixed: jw-enterprise - jwdb-empty.sql does not set CHARSET. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c8b1219 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Grid - Image format is not render correctly after image is removed. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d656a0d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation - Correction for 03e430a. #5278 @6.0-SNAPSHOT f45ce55 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation - Added hint for processes field. #5259 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c5f2050 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Plugin - Update help link. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 17f7713 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - System Info - Additional checking to prevent NullPointerExceptions in some cloud platforms @6.0-SNAPSHOT cf5d60a Fixed: jw_enterprise - App thumbnail is missing if setup using jwdb-enterprise-sample.sql @6.0-SNAPSHOT 044d4b0 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Grid - Uploaded files is handled wrongly. #5261 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 54d5095 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation - "Assignment User" & "Replacement User" field are not searchable. #5259 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 06ae7f1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Datalist Binder - In/Not In filter does not work on multi values field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation Menu - List show empty when delegation record created with multiple apps selected and "Allowed Apps" option set to "Selected App". #5252 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 10edac1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Menu/Tool - Locale dependent comparison on filename. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f99a23b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Task Delegation - Missing delete button. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 01c2d02 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Date Range Datalist Filter - Invalid url parameter value causing filter throw error. #5241 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9222895 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Click form submit button while editing grid cell will causing the record store incorrectly. #5240 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1a1ca8a Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - App Generator - App Design page is not refresh after generation completed. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9edcac0 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Correction of ef11d0. #5237 @6.0-SNAPSHOT ef11d04 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Scientific notation is shown in result when subtraction decimal number. #5237 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fc062b4 Fixed: jw-enterprise - Installer -SQL should not have DROP TABLE commands. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3662ad3 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Returned wrong total of users when the external directory manager is also an implementation of local directory. #5222 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0-RC2 ================== 1841f02 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Added MySQL JDBC connector @6.0-SNAPSHOT c87627b Modified: wflow-consoleweb - General Setting - Support API whitelist by IP. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 12ede2d Fixed: wflow-core - Forms - Form columns not automatically created on Oracle @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6eda6b6 Modified: wflow-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT a7aca40 Modified: wflow-install - Updated default MariaDB data @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2483c68 Modified: wflow-install - Update CHANGES.txt. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 718999c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Userview Setting - App id & version are not passed correctly to get theme/permission plugin properties. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload/Section - App id & version are not passed correctly to get permission plugin properties. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 592cfa9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Correction for eb6e0d. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2e55269 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Image - Preview image not showing sometime. @6.0-SNAPSHOT eb6e0df Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Resource - File name with space return 404 error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9d442f0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Infinity loading due to JS error caused by chosen selectbox initialize timing issue. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 625582c Fixed: wflow-core - GridInnerDataStoreBinderWrapper - Not able to retrieve binder properties from wrapper. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c19f3b9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Console UI - Listing filter cannot work in Tomcat 8 when filter value contains invalid character. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5fd75a7 Modified: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Fixed preloader to prevent full width when viewed offline @6.0-SNAPSHOT f7af9fc Modified: wflow-install - Update jwdb-sample.sql and mariadb data. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b5ece4a Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Update default app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f705773 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Selectbox options text is too close to left border. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fffdaca Modified: wflow-install - Startup Script - Added commented JAVA_OPTS (--add-modules java.se.ee) for java 9. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5faf51f Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Update admin bar css. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 93ec47f Fixed: wflow-core - Text Field - Store as numeric value show incorrect format in PDF. @6.0-SNAPSHOT eada811 Fixed: wflow-install - jwdb-sample.sql - Shark tables created in wrong letter case. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 44cdd64 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - I18N - Not able to change locale for machine default locale in Chinese. #5191 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 31cdcf3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - “Process not modified” alert when deploy after save properties. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 51a5afe Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Use MariaDB JDBC connector in place of MySQL JDBC connector @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6bb75e2 Modified: jw-enterprise - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT 407e3ae Modified: jw-enterprise - Update CHANGES.txt. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ae59af4 Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Permission Menu/Image Upload - App id & version are not passed correctly to get permission plugin properties. @6.0-SNAPSHOT af67c4f Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread sheet - Formula value is not store correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e8231e7 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Performance Analyzer - Improved db connection leak detection for Tomcat JDBC pool @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2009ea1 Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread sheet - Files are not deleted during record deletion after enable delete files option. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a45b07c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Popup Select Box - Cannot work with datalist which not using Form Data Binder. #5219 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0f86b13 Modified: jw-enterprise - Update jwdb-sample.sql. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9ce372d Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Support custom column width. #5216 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6a14da4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List/SpreadSheet Grid - Better handle for misconfigured format which causing NPE. #5213 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a259820 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List/SpreadSheet Grid - Fixed grammar error in label. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4f6afba Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List/SpreadSheet Grid - Add tips in columns configuration to mention "File" & "Image" format type required Form Store Binder which able to handle for file storing (Example: Multirow Form Binder). @6.0-SNAPSHOT cf980d5 Modified: jw-enterprise - Startup Script - Added commented JAVA_OPTS (--add-modules java.se.ee) for java 9. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b941190 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Memory Alert - Changed free memory threshold from less than 50mb to 20mb. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f39750f Added: wflow-enterpriseweb - Performance - Add memory usage alert when memory usage over 98% or free memory less than 50mb . @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9521799 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Calculate Field - Store as numeric value show incorrect format in PDF. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b7a1baa Fixed: jw-enteprise - Sample SQL Dump Files - Shark tables created in wrong letter case. #5196 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3653088 Fixed: wflow-entepriseweb - I18N - Not able to change locale for machine default locale in Chinese. #5191 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0-RC ================= f7a1745 Fixed: wflow-core - Ajax Cascading Options - Get request not able to passed long options binder properties. #5180 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 008709b Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - Not display correctly in Universal Theme dark scheme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 524057a Fixed: wflow-core - Text Field - Configured with numbering format fail to store in Grid. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9ae3a69 Fixed: wflow-core - AppUtil - Typo on email error message acaddb8 Modified: wflow-commons - Added method to generate base 16 MD5 hash for UTF-8 content @6.0-SNAPSHOT 815929b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Embed Form/Datalist - Does not has the quick edit link. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2cb927f Modified: wflow-core - Datalist Builder - Add option to consider the filter value when get record total. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8591f11 Modified: wflow-core - Add option to hide filter from UI. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d59cfc1 Fixed: wflow-core - Assignment Hash Variable - Displays wrong assignment in subform when there are several simultaneous running activities @6.0-SNAPSHOT da758a4 Modified: wflow-core - Form Data Dao - Added default columns "createdBy", "createdByName", "modifiedBy" and "modifiedByName". @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4f3927a Modified: wflow-core - Section - Support setting section as readonly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Section - Support setting section as readonly when no permission. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2180ccf Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Fixed inconsistent font. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6b8fa8d Added: wflow-core - Assignment Hash Variable - Added new syntax #assignment.appId# to return the appId and #assignment.processDefIdWithoutVersion# to return processDefId without version and appId. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cf9830b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - The participant id of duplicated process is not able to change. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d9f83a0 Fixed: wflow-core - Hash Variable - Hash variable parse incorrectly when escape format used inside nested hash variable but did not used for outer hash variable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 80565d3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Embed Form - "Form Submitted" is shown for readonly form. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4463e5b Fixed: wflow-install - Mariadb data is created in wrong collation. #5156 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b78fff6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-install - Setup - mysql tables created in wrong collation. #5156 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b324d93 Fixed: wflow-core - Audit Trail - Trail records shown anonymous user for the auto delete unused XPDL after deployed new design. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f8cc24 Modified: wflow-core - Grid - Allow HTML in header labels @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5dbb03c Fixed: wflow-core - Mobile - Added link to mobile view in corporati theme if viewed from mobile user agent and desktopSite cookie is true @6.0-SNAPSHOT 454290d Fixed: wflow-core, wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - Added link to mobile view in footer if viewed from mobile user agent and desktopSite cookie is true @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9c2e4e1 Fixed: wflow-core - Mobile - Mobile View Disabled setting in userview theme is ignored @6.0-SNAPSHOT f374ca4 Modified: wflow-core - Form - Use request parameter value from last field for duplicate element IDs, as per v5 behavior #5134 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 97e6d3f Fixed: Plugin Manager - Missing label for Multi Factor Authenticator plugin. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c16bdf2 Fixed: wflow-directory - Regression bug on 94fa2c and 5eeaa5 - Concurrent session control is not working. #5131 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 33799e2 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - Workflow Manager - Handling for null pointer exception for getServiceLevelMonitorForRunningProcess & getServiceLevelMonitorForRunningActivity. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6e77f7e3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Incorrect hight of first workflow participant when editing a transition on last participant swimlane and the process has many swimlanes. #5126. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f35a1ee Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Import App - Added loading screen on form submission to prevent multiple imports @6.0-SNAPSHOT 03d9a8a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Added pipe between activity names for better readability in the Datalist Inbox @6.0-SNAPSHOT c756560 Fixed: wflow-install - Invalid MariaDB installation directory @6.0-SNAPSHOT fbd5f66 Modified: wflow-install - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.23 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2ffd106 Modified: wflow-install - MariaDB - Replaced MySQL with MariaDB 10.2.10 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2f57015 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Missing label for 0be211. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1a28645 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Update default app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0be211d Modified: wflow-core - MfaAuthenticator - Refactor to require authentication when activating multi factor authentication in user profile. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2f12229 Modified: wflow-jdbc, wflow-commons - MariaDB - Replaced MySQL Connector with MariaDB JDBC Driver 1.6.5 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 59d41db Fixed: wflow-core - Datalist Decorator - Regression of b432e2. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 65f59b3 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Update default app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a1556a9 Modified: All - MySQL - Upgraded JDBC driver version to 5.1.44 to support MySQL 8 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 82c80f5 Fixed: wflow-core - Process Data Collector - Assignee data should not remove when activity completed. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ef65696 Fixed: wflow-core - ID Generator Field - Regression bug - Added validation caused hash variable cannot use in environment name field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 27f21f2 Fixed: wflow-core - Datalist - Auto convert newline to
tag for non html string. #5103 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b432e2c Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-commons - Datalist - Newline is removed in exported file. @6.0-SNAPSHOT dd75e9b Fixed: wflow-core - Form PDF Util - Not able to wrap text for Chinese language. #5102 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8757570 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Print - Remove the link & admin control button from printing. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ad422d6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - UI - Download from marketplace dialog has redundant spacing and scrollbar. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 00ea08c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Old userview theme - Login Page Top/Bottom does not work due to refactored in d798585. #5098 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 61f8430 Fixed: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Dark scheme is not working. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ce80a87 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Workaround for wro4j bug for Windows @6.0-SNAPSHOT dcc5a91 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Theme overrides custom responsive table config for datalists @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6ec3d10 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Improve drag and drop behavior. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 94fa2c0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Correction on 5eeaa5. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5eeaa5c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Concurrent session control is not working. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b194caa Modified: wflow-wfengine - Workflow Manager - Added getActivityByProcess method to return latest activity instance by process instance id and activity definition id . @6.0-SNAPSHOT 47412d1 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Hash Variable - Custom app definition does not set to current app definition. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Hash variable does not parse correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ef1aa14 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Added zh_CN & zh_TW messages. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 678572e Fixed: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Favicon URL is prepended with context path. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Change "Favicon URL" and "Logo URL" to support app resource. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d9adc29 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - App Resource - Show hash variable syntax in details. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 079a050 Modified: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - App resource - Modified the syntax to consistent with hash variable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7bf0711 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Responsive css does not load in preview. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d209b9b Modified: Universal Theme - Support shortcut link to configure to show for anonymous user. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b87a01e Fixed: wflow-core - Datalist - Regression from 86c680f. Parameters in redirect url is passed incorrectly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f15ea10 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Store as numeric value fail to store in Grid. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d0c4ae7 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - Add row with html table content does not work correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c003d58 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Having font color issue in Universal Theme dark scheme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b0fa792 Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - Task Delegation Menu - Change label to reduce confusion. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 98f3407 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Generator - "createdBy", "createdByName", "modifiedBy" and "modifiedByName" does not have label in generated list. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Generator - Remove default field from default column for list generation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bbd5325 Modified: wflow-license - Updated enterprise license for v6 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 50e81c6 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Added App Definition Hash Variable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0a61196 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Row Datalist Binder - Handled default columns "createdBy", "createdByName", "modifiedBy" and "modifiedByName". @6.0-SNAPSHOT 27c23ff Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Support url format type. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 72606fd Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Support store value as numeric. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f65e04f Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Workflow Process Hash Variable - Missing attributes. @6.0-SNAPSHOT abb9e55 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Workflow Process Hash Variable - To retrieve process instance information and activity instance information. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 22388c4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Current user hash variable/ user hash variable - Support syntax to get user meta #currentUser.meta.KEY# #user.USERNAME.meta.KEY#. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7877cac Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - TOTP MFA Authenticator - Secret key is not encrypted in db. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - TOTP MFA Authenticator - Cannot activate again after deactivate without save. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 47b136d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Menu - Checkbox is missing in Universal Theme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 90a2826 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Add loading icon when file is uploading. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b6e30a5 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Image of image format column sometime does not load after submission. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Image of image format column does not follow the configured size. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 66d3f43 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Menu/Tool - Support custom delimiter & quote character @6.0-SNAPSHOT bf17f7a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-install - Mariadb data is created in wrong collation. #5156 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 97c6570 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-install - Setup - mysql tables created in wrong collation. #5156 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5e119dc Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Menu/Tool - Excel need to convert to text before import else the numberic & date value will not import correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4ada0cf Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Calculation field column values are not able to use in a calculation field. #5130 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Calculation field column value in a new added row is not calculated in a calculation field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8faf0ca Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Value is missing for cascading option field after saved. #5122 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a7094af Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Grids - Allow HTML in header labels @6.0-SNAPSHOT 40c90ed Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Mobile - Added link to mobile view in footer if viewed from mobile user agent and desktopSite cookie is true @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3efd756 Fixed: jw-enterprise - Invalid MariaDB installation directory @6.0-SNAPSHOT 223aecf Modified: jw-enterprise - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.23 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c578051 Modified: jw-enterprise - Updated default sample SQL @6.0-SNAPSHOT fad6d22 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - User Security - Refactor to require authentication when activating multi factor authentication in user profile. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e3d5392 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - MariaDB - Replaced MySQL with MariaDB 10.2.10 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fe53d4d Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Update default app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4a2d2cb Modified: jw-enterprise - MySQL - Upgraded JDBC driver version to 5.1.44 to support MySQL 8 @6.0-SNAPSHOT da21664 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Does not render in IE11 #5107 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 025e6c6 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - ID Generator Tool - Regression bug - Added validation caused hash variable cannot use in environment name field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 19abf20 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Update license info @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6174efa Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Janux Theme - Form width truncated on print. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d972119 Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - Workaround for wro4j bug for Windows @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8343b9d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins/wflow-enterpriseweb - Concurrent session control is not working. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 463589c Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - App Center - Added zh_CN & zh_TW messages. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2f205ac Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Support custom header color for nested datalist. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1eeedf4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Janux Theme - Favicon URL is prepended with context path. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 365e3a4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Html is not stripped from export result. @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0-BETA4 ==================== 7f7455b Fixed: wflow-core - Correction of 22eea5. @5.0-SNAPSHOT 0965642 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - FormUtil.getGridCellValues return wrong value on Grid form element.. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3eff30c Fixed: wflow-core - User Notification - Regression from dc9d1c3. Assignment link is missing when not send as HTML. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c7c37dc Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Not able to generate process screenshot and process graph due to CSRF token is reset. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 22eea54 Fixed: wflow-core - AppUtil/Email Tool/ User Notification - Handle exception when SMTP is not configured. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 34f652b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Print - Form section is not able to notice in some theme. #5064 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Print - Uservew footer and admin control are printed. #5064 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a9b33a4 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Only 1 page of form is print when clicked print button. #5064 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1d9f0d6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Regression of 8140f4. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b453dd5 Fixed: wflow-core - Datalist - Session key always same when multiple userview menu is using same datalist. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 41d9119 Fixed: wflow-core - Datalist/Inbox Menu - Redirection is not handled correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 870ba92 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Preview with use session enabled is throwing error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8140f40 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - util.js - ConnectionManager csrf token is reset when the library is included twice. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cd8b3d1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Not able to deploy due to CSRF token reset to empty string. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0b32813 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Advanced Tools - Usage - HTML in label is rendered. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 606337b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Advanced Tools - I18n - Empty label is listed for translate. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a1e5e49 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Builder - Admin bar blocked buttons in builders. @6.0-SNAPSHOT df44d7c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Advanced Tools - I18n - Infinite loop issue when retrieving i18n hash variables. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 348a86f Fixed: wflow-core - AppUtil - Replacing app message corrupted the JSON definition when the message key matched the json attribute key. #5059 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 76f598a Modified: wflow-consoleweb - appCenter.js - Add parameter to AppCenter.loadPublishedApps to exclude userviews. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5712cca Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Process View - Remove unused process attribute. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c25fc2b Added: wflow-core - Email Tool - Added ICS attachment support. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7dfb6ad Fixed: wflow-directory - Directory Manager - getUserByGradeId return wrong results. @6.0-SNAPSHOT beb5215 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Audit Trail - Add ip for login and logout event message. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 86c680f Modified: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Datalist Column Formatter - Add implementation to customize the export result before/after a row rendering. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c84e725 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Update sample crm app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1253cef Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Web Console - Remove KB helplink from console view. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 29109f1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Help icon is missing. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bb479ce Fixed: wflow-core - User Notification - extra
tags are added when send as HTML. #5019 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c1fc671 Fixed: wflow-plugin-base - Regression of 70c80a. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0d20aef Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Form/List/Userview Builder - Not able to update JSON definition and preview in Chrome when JSON definition contain javascript. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 389201a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Correction for f5b0f2. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cc31d60 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - UI - Moved help from admin bar to console page . #5048 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7e64a0b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Theme - Theme parameters is populate wrongly for link link without href attribute. #5049 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 70c80a7 Fixed: wflow-plugin-base - Plugin Resource URL - Able to view directory listing in resources folder. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f20f3f7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Correction of ba13fa. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9c45cd1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Regression bug of 1850f6d3. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ba13fa7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - CSRF Guard - JS file does not cache due to "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated" error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6c636d3 Fixed: wflow-core - Correction of e6f72b. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e6f72ba Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Support of datetime is not backward compatible. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Validation of datetime support is not handle. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 100ff9a Modified: wflow-plugin-base - Plugin Manager - Added method to get plugin type list and check OSGI plugin. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fa7bae7 Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Manage Plugin - Added name filter and plugin type. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Design App - Added name filter to all plugin listing. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9870c9e Fixed: wflow-core - Form Pdf Util - "Hide fields without value" setting does not work correctly with grid field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b75448d Modified: wflow-commons, wflow-core, wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Improved critical rendering path and performance @6.0-SNAPSHOT e9a2644 Modified: wflow-commons - Added lookup cache for URL mapping @6.0-SNAPSHOT ef097f1 Modified: wflow-install - Apache Tomcat - Modified default configuration to enable compression and increase resource cache size @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6d7ef48 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Browser does not load CSS from cache although Expires header present in the request header @6.0-SNAPSHOT f5b0f20 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Embedded Form - Support encrypted form JSON definition. #5013 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 176f743 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Manage Messages/ App Properties - Not able to delete next records after a delete action. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4867ed3 Fixed: wflow-commons - Manage Messages - Not able import keys which shared the same message. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5f19f28 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb -Property Editor - "multiselect" is rendered incorrectly when hash support is enabled. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3e6ac3b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb -Property Editor - Changes in 921464 caused "color" field hash support feature broken. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2354521 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb -Property Editor - Hash support enable link does not display correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 32d8bcf Fixed: wflow-consoleweb -Property Editor - "elementselect" field is lost focus after value changed. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 05c0633 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb -App Resources - Exception after resources is added. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6684b8b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - "file" & "image" field type description does not show on browse file. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9214644 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - "color" field color picker sometime does not shown. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a602abd Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Date Picker - Datetime type throws exception when using start/end date. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7ee2396 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Correction on 4c0bc3. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4c0bc31 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Apps in listing is aligned to left. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4738c87 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Regression of f44bae. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e3b62f9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Builder - Change userview thumbnail preview to follow app center size. @6.0-SNAPSHOT be61ac8 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Date Picker - Regression from ad05a5e. Date value format is wrong when there is form validation error. #4987 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 78f727b Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - 'dateOnly' is not default choice @6.0-SNAPSHOT e8140a3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Mandatory validation of "gridcombine" field type does not work. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f44bae1 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - "image" field type support setting thumbnail size with css. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - "elementselect" field type does not work correctly with dynamic field control. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1ed2e9f Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Description of "label", "readonly" & "htmleditor" field types are not shown correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Extra options for options field are not work correctly when options are retrieve from AJAX. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Extra options for options field are not take care of empty option correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - First option value are wrongly set for "radio" & "checkbox" field types when using AJAX. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - "sortableselect" field type cannot handle AJAX on change correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bc6b21c Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Self validation error when using only time picker @6.0-SNAPSHOT f1a0f77 Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - exposed html bug @6.0-SNAPSHOT 727acd1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Sortable Selectbox - Not able to load default value. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e4c87d0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Regression from 1850f6d. Property Editor - Ajax options can't load correctly for multiple grid column selectbox. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 29dac80 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Description of grid field is not shown when clicking on new row input field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d0fa660 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Regression of 83a8ee7. App Center - Userview icon does not align center in mobile. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b2134ae Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Form/ Datalist - Added max width and word break text wrap for long un-break text in table cell. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Form - Added word break text wrap for long un-break text in readonly field value. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 588ee36 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Form Print - Remove url printed in form. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 22aa716 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist CSV Export - Prevent null dereference. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c3b8229 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Fix css for horizontal menu. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 28e860e Fixed: wflow-wfengine - Workflow Manager - Exception when "variableMap" is null when calling "assignmentVariables" method. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 00d2208 Fixed: wflow-core - FormUtil - Should not execute formatDataForValidation method for hidden elements. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - Text Field - Only format data for validation when style is not empty. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 61d199a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist CSV export - Support for other charset. #4971 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 24e9ed9 Modified: wflow-entepriseweb - Builder - Update css for rtl. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-entepriseweb - Builder - Click builder icon to reload page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 15134b6 Modified: wflow-consoleweb -Builder - Update design. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-consoleweb -UI - Update font awesome icons to v4. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5fd1176 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Mobile - URL with embed parameter is not accessible by normal users. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 09b4008 Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-commons - Values have regex char can't replace correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT dc9d1c3 Fixed: wflow-core - User Notification - Assignment link is wrong when send to multiple users. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 83a8ee7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Inconsistent thumbnail proportion @6.0-SNAPSHOT c3913cd Modified: wflow-consoleweb - File/Image Upload - Change properties for "Multiple File Upload" @6.0-SNAPSHOT ac0e067 Modified: wflow-core - Date Picker - Added i18n chinese translation for time picker elements @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6b71cfa Modified: wflow-core/consoleweb - Date Picker - Added time picker functionality @6.0-SNAPSHOT ad05a5e Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Date format is wrong for readonly mode after form validation fail. #4939 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 051d334 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - Remove improper title of popup dialog. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fb3e25e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process status menu - Handle for null pointer exception when record id is different with process instance id. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5da654f Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process status menu - change default layout to "path". @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5ee9302 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process status menu - remove redundant js file. @6.0-SNAPSHOT eb694f3 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - App License - CSRF token is not set. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fd85663 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Extra column is created in form data table. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 390a9e4 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Export Form Email Tool - Handle exception when SMTP is not configured. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f9b7d7 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - CRUD Menu - The session key of "Allow Record Traveling" is not considered userview key. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a727716 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox/SLA Report Menu - Redirection is not handled correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ad6e80f Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Update license notice. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1efd440 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-extra - LDAP Directory Manager - getUserByGradeId return wrong results. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c1ad1d7 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Hash Variable - Added Users Hash Variable to retrieve users information from group, grade, department and organization. @6.0-SNAPSHOT dd8bf61 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Nested Datalist Formatter - Used to load and render a nested datalist under the row with AJAX. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fb79bac Fixed: oem-entepriseweb - App Center - Help icon is missing. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8213f9d Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Setup - Update default apps. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 696029b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Date column caused the grid not able to render in edit mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 96e759c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - Options column type is not populate label correctly when there are multiple Form/List Grid configured with options column type. #5043 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 272d7a5 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - File/Image Upload - Value is not populate correctly in Form Grid. #5049 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 48c25c9 Fixed: wflow-plugin-extra - Sync Ldap Directory Manager - Changes properties din't reflect on Authentication part. #5035 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d9fd933 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Menu - Radio button is missing when using Universal Theme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bf123a4 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Support javascript function used in formula. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a7655d9 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calendar Menu - Support date and time value retrieve from single field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a305c47 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Binder Hash Variable - Infinite recursive call when the form or the child element are using form binder hash variable which calling the form itself. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ec032fb Modified: jw-enterprise - Universal Theme - Improved critical rendering path and performance @6.0-SNAPSHOT b5fa8cd Modified: jw-enterprise - Apache Tomcat - Modified default configuration to enable compression and increase resource cache size @6.0-SNAPSHOT 49b7356 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Grid Field Basic Validator - Support grid cell validation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fc1b492 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Support display and data date format for date type column. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f65b775 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Added new formula “FORMDATA(formDefId, primaryKey, fieldId)” to support load data based on other column value. #4728 @6.0-SNAPSHOT da35bc3 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Datalist Binder - "Expression Column" are not available to use when "Group By" have values. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 874ffed Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Grid/List Grid - Popup form encounter ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR error in Chrome browser due to JSON definition post to render the popup form is containing script/style tag. #5013 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2369a2b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Dropdown can't select a value when the option label is ended with a space character. #4995 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0aa147f Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calculation Field - Not able to configure with custom field. #4994 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 67d10f1 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Datepicker does not support locale. #4997 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7d53b92 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Formula not working when a column name contains another column name (eg. field10 & field1). #5003 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Formula not working when numeric column value is null. #5003 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 59622c2 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Permission Menu - Change props to better wording @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3f61982 Fixed: wflow-license - License Manager - UnknownHostException caused system key is not display correctly. #4979 @6.0-SNAPSHOT ad3e15e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Datalist Formatter - Stop body scrolling when scroll in the overlay popup. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 164a976 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - JS exception in path layout when a process instance is aborted right after start activity. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c67b4ea Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Looped activities are not render correctly for path layout. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 37d2af4 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Assignment/Approval Process Generator - Change email tool to use SMTP setting in General Setting in stead of environment variable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f7b18eb Modified: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Process Status Datalist Formatter/ Process Status Menu - Support click event callback. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 61cc3bf Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Process Status Datalist Formatter - Process name overlapped with progress bar. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 02f9941 Modified: wflow-entepriseweb - Builder - Update design. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-entepriseweb - UI - Update font awesome icons to v4. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b9cfad3 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Formatter - Added Process Status Datalist Formatter. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Path Layout - Update the process completion calculation to exclude start and end activity. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Path Layout - Update css. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6ffc996 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status Menu - Added new layout to display process status as a path diagram. @6.0-SNAPSHOT be61b19 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Calendar Menu - Support custom time display format. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a77fb5a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Layout incorrect in print. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1be15de Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Number format for formula column are not correct when multiple rows are updated. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d4fcbec Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Values have regex char can't replace correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 98bf36e Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - System Information - Added directory manager class and total users @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5cba72e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Date Range Datalist Filter - Range without from date is not working. #4940 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0-BETA3 ==================== 3a7d535 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Datalist - Responsive width not detected correctly on iOS @6.0-SNAPSHOT ee11127 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Advanced Tool - Tree Viewer - Clear previous data before redraw. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f9547c0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Advanced Tools - Tree Viewer - Error rendering tree after using App Generator. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 764abac Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Scrollbar is missing in IE. #4936 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 76f85e8 Fixed: wflow-core - Correction of 652f8f. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1273d94 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Page validation does not work with plugin default property. #4930 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 04e64400 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Checkbox or radio button not in form field are not visible. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1f8b923a Fixed: wflow-core - Correction for 652f8f. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1dcd6ac0 Modified: wflow-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT 228c823f Fixed: wflow-core - Correction for d1e2a5. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 652f8fa2 Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Does not focus on first field after load. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - Checkbox/Radio Button/File Upload - Not tabbable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - File Upload - Default file size limit is too small. Changed to 100Mb. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f9992a2 Fixed: wflow-core - Advanced Tool - i18n - Message key should be case sensitive. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d1e2a537 Fixed: wflow-core - Advanced Tool - i18n - Option label is not translate correctly in fontend. #4927 @6.0-SNAPSHOT a6be4755 Modified: wflow-core - Delete & Hyperlink Datalist Action - Make labels mandatory @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7480e5aa Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Admin buttons showing for all users in the Community Edition @6.0-SNAPSHOT e9b7a8c9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Date picker field not highlight when focus. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Keyboard support on picker is not working correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Placeholder library is not included when allow manual is not enable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2ee7b6d0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Resource - NullPointerException thrown when resource file is not found @6.0-SNAPSHOT e354378a Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - App Resource - Show file size with unit. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8b10ea6d Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Select box is not display correctly in IE11. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d33cd988 Fixed: wflow-core - App Util - Error throws in process Hash Variable when content is null. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5459b487 Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Edge browser BACKSPACE function overriding intended function @6.0-SNAPSHOT 92272990 Fixed: wflow-core - Form Row Delete Datalist Action - Delete file & abort process are not working without enable delete subform data or grid data. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8389bf41 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Switch page validation in single page mode causing infinity errors popup. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 56a637e5 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Error Pages - Content not centered in Firefox and IE @6.0-SNAPSHOT f35c67dc Fixed: wflow-core - Form Util - Fixed regression bug of fcd7bd. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 52852392 Modified: wflow-consoleweb, wflow-install - Setup - Updated MySQL SQL with latest default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5e957c9a Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Updated default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0f77db59 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Multi Select Box - More keyboard functions like Esc, Enter, Backspace @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1b4f8d8d Fixed - wflow-consoleweb - Monitoring - Link to completed process might not link to the correct app version @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1b3c5133 Modified - wflow-consoleweb - Monitoring - Added link to app version in running and completed process page @6.0-SNAPSHOT f0c46944 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Process Builder - Deadline - Auto handle missing quote for date value. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2777597a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - No gap between the tab and content of Multi Paged Form. @6.0-SNAPSHOT fcd7bdf9 Modified: wflow-core - FormUtil - Modified AJAX options support rule for internal parsed field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 42d49f7f Modified: wflow-install - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.16 @6.0-SNAPSHOT d0079454 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Upgraded Apache POI library to 3.15 @6.0-SNAPSHOT c8e71042 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Run Process - Headers overlapping in some themes @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3d2a0ddb Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Textarea height does not follow number of rows configured @6.0-SNAPSHOT 93741b8f Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Adjusted header font sizes @6.0-SNAPSHOT 2f2a19ab Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Fail to go back to previous page when there is hidden page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7c39ed17 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Error Pages - Simplified 403, 404 and 500 error pages @6.0-SNAPSHOT c4b7075b Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Userview - Updated default userview welcome page @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1850f6d3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - AJAX call dependent on element's properties is not trigger immediately when the property is changed. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Reduced AJAX call if dependent values are same. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3cf97952 Fixed: wflow-core - Deadline Limit - Can't use Environment Hash Variable in limit. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a703a3ee Fixed: wflow-core - Form - Multi value field is not storing the values in correct order as its display in the form. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 10be3d78 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Advanced Tool - Tree Viewer - Edit not working. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 450963ea Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - File Upload - Progress bar is missing. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1f9c3287 Fixed: wflow-commons - FileManager - OutOfMemoryError when uploading large file. #4878 @6.0-SNAPSHOT f1ecb1db Modified: wflow-core - Date Picker - Allow custom placeholder for manual and assisted input @6.0-SNAPSHOT c0bfdec7 @Modified: wflow-core - Date Picker - Allow custom placeholder @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1d612de4 Modified: wflow-core - Date Picker - Allow selected date to be removed @6.0-SNAPSHOT b4615a7a Fixed: wflow-core - Date Picker - Manual input canceled by click event @6.0-SNAPSHOT c4840ad4 Modified: wflow-core - Date Picker - Click field to pop up picker. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e9e77929 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Space between fields are not consistent. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0d6be8a4 Modified: wflow-core - Datalist - Make datalist object available for action, formatter, filter and binder object. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b8951faf Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Form Row Delete Datalist Action/GridInnerDataStoreBinderWrapper - Support delete files when delete record. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 971dd21b Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Popup Dialog - Dependency of JPopup library is not included in common.js. #4862 @6.0-SNAPSHOT e19b9064 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - Workflow Manager - Activity Type returned by getActivityById is wrong. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-wfengine/wflow-consoleweb - Monitoring - Provide feature to complete tool activity. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d2d8ea6b Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Allow uploaded app resource set to public permission. @6.0-SNAPSHOT caf56b4d Fixed: wflow-core - AppResourceUtil - Prevent path manipulation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 668d3a93 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - ConsoleWebController - Add fields parameter to "/json/console/app/(*:appId)/(~:version)/form/columns/options" to add customs field to the options. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 16a75ac5 Added: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Userview - Support custom thumbnail. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a0d9c539 Added: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Support file & image type to choose file from app resources. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f0bb173c Modified: wflow-consoleweb - App - Moved resources to properties menu. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8d6a8dfe Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Popup dialogs have extra margin at the top, and header navigation buttons too close to scrollbar @6.0-SNAPSHOT 146fb810 Modified: wflow-core - User Notification/ Email Tool - Send email to process task delegated user. #4832 @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-core - User Notification - Email does not send when using general SMTP setting. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f38a760b Added: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - App - Support for bundle web resources in the app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7103d575 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Scrollbar covered by header. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cc79ed9a Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Admin Bar - Adjust css for smaller window. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 34edddf0 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Log all error during initializing WebApplicationContext when log4j debug mode is enable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d1cdcef0 Modified: wflow-core - Id Generator Field - Add validation for environment variable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 94acc3a2 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Quick edit link is not show correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6b334097 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Content in popup dialog is not able to scroll. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Header in popup dialog is not showing. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 07a3c7ed Fixed: wflow-common - File/Image Upload - Not working in community version. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ac25921d Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - Checkbox is missing in "Import App" dialog. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7c439b90 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Theme - Missing "X-UA-Compatible" meta tag in login page. #4810 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dc046b3 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Janux Theme - Responsive width not detected correctly on iOS @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9d3dbdd Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status - Correction of ada2d2. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1d4ef38 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Filter assignments to selected activities is not working correctly when there is concurrent activities. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 65affb2 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Width is not full width sometime in IE. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ada2d22 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Process Status - Support showing future activities. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c04dbe8 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT eb2181e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Bad value shown in checkbox field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 444d327 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT 098cdec Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT 44b82d2 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Image Upload - Not tabbable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 035f3c1 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Beanshell & JDBC Datalist Action - Make labels mandatory @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77088c7 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Date / Date Range Datalist Filter Type - Support keyboard on picker. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bc0cdf0 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - System Information - Added MB suffix to JVM memory properties @6.0-SNAPSHOT c7b30d9 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins, wflow-enterpriseweb - System Information - Added System Information link and page in General Settings @6.0-SNAPSHOT 207847d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Rich Text Field - Value is shown twice when export in PDF. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 40cfec9 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Refresh list only after request in popup dialog finishes @6.0-SNAPSHOT eb2181e9 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Bad value shown in checkbox field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 444d3270 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT 098cdec6 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Updated CHANGES.txt @6.0-SNAPSHOT 44b82d2d Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Image Upload - Not tabbable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 035f3c1c Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Beanshell & JDBC Datalist Action - Make labels mandatory @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77088c75 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugin - Date / Date Range Datalist Filter Type - Support keyboard on picker. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bc0cdf07 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - System Information - Added MB suffix to JVM memory properties @6.0-SNAPSHOT c7b30d96 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins, wflow-enterpriseweb - System Information - Added System Information link and page in General Settings @6.0-SNAPSHOT 207847db Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Rich Text Field - Value is shown twice when export in PDF. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 40cfec98 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Refresh list only after request in popup dialog finishes @6.0-SNAPSHOT 97a3c6e3 Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Value does not load correctly for Ajax cascading dropdown. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 20cafb07 Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Formula on date column without format causing wrong value. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Wrong column type is return in formula calculation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1e9e29bb Modified: jw-enterprise - Setup - Updated MySQL SQL with latest default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 12fb37fe Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Setup - Updated default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 122b9a0e Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Added i18n chinese @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6e762778 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Added "show in popup dialog" option @6.0-SNAPSHOT b65a05e0 Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Formula column on new row triggered error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Dropdown options are not sorted correctly. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Added: wflow-enteprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Support AJAX cascading options for dropdown and autocomplete. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 82709f48 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Ajax Subform - Additional input validation for primary key @6.0-SNAPSHOT 166f10b6 Modified: jw-enterprise - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.16 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5be2a560 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Upgraded JFreeChart library to 1.0.19 @6.0-SNAPSHOT fbf370b6 Modified: jw-enterprise - Plugins - Refactored plugins into wflow-enterprise-extra @6.0-SNAPSHOT e224ddcf Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins, wflow-enterpriseweb - Plugins - Refactored v6 plugins into the org.joget.plugin.enterprise package @6.0-SNAPSHOT 981b929b Modified: jw-enterprise - Upgraded libraries to JasperReports 6.4.1 and Apache POI 3.15 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 88cf7f15 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Support set default value for hidden format type column using format. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 561f35df Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - JDBC Store Binder - Possible unreleased resource @6.0-SNAPSHOT 12c68918 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Row Datalist Binder - Not able to sort aggregate fields. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ac8c59be Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Ajax Subform - Cannot load when the id contains "&" @6.0-SNAPSHOT e81fe591 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Sync LDAP User Directory Manager - Modified description @6.0-SNAPSHOT b2c286da Deleted: beans-consoleweb, beans-install - Deleted OEM project for Beans Agile Platform @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0ed2cd47 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Row Datalist Binder - Error retrieving columns when joins is empty string. @6.0-SNAPSHOT d9609767 Merge branch '6.0-SNAPSHOT' of ssh://repo.joget.org/opt/git/joget-enterprise/joget-enterprise into 6.0-SNAPSHOT e0b77b11 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plufins - Joget Entity Datalist Binder - Class not found error when selected entity is empty. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 598e3903 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Time Picker - Hidden timepicker manipulates value @6.0-SNAPSHOT 421aa908 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Time Picker - Support keyboard manipulate and set value @6.0-SNAPSHOT c21df88d Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Hibernate - Disable sequences support in Oracle & MSSQL dialect to improve performance. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3169f874 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Chart/ Calendar Menu - Shown column label instead of alias in data mapping page when label is available. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ff8fb5bd Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Data Binder - Support custom checkbox/radio button value. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Data Binder - Changed the Aggregate Query behavior. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 61502516 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins/wflow-enterpriseweb - Form Grid/List Grid/CRUD - Support delete files when delete record. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 39b0e678 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Form Row Datalist Binder - Support expression column. #4834 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0c6fcd7c Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Not able to load formula data. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Formula data is not store according to the number format. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bd856bc1 Added: wflow-enterpriseweb/cloud-consoleweb - App - Support for bundle web resources in the app. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8e505970 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Id Generator Tool - Add validation for environment variable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 93e8fd28 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Template layout of MFA is not consistent. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 737dc6a6 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Setup - Updated sample SQL with latest default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0c23b5d1 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Setup - Updated default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3d5ae4e1 Modified: wflow-enterprise-designerweb - Updated keystore with latest code signing certificate expiring in 22 May 2020 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0-BETA2 ==================== 671d4ac5 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Websphere - Exception in admin bar web console pages due to WAS bug PI59436 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7908777b Fixed: wflow-core - Email Tool - From email in log is wrong. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e3982a74 Modified: wflow-common - Changed startup log from showing datasource name to profile name. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77c71684 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - SSO JSON API - Using username and password parameters will fail the 1st time. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b297d0b7 Modified: wflow-core - Run Process - Support use Id generated by ID Generator field to start process. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e2ce124c Modified: wflow-core - JSON Tool - Log more information when debug mode is enable. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e150a9d6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - General Setting - Password value is wrong when setting page is save again. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a51e2b35 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - JSON Tool - Inconsistent letter case @6.0-SNAPSHOT a65c38e5 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - General Settings - Fixed grammar in security nonce setting @6.0-SNAPSHOT dd677bd0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview - Permission disabled label is not display correctly in datalist page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0bf69d40 Fixed: wflow-core - Email Tool - Typo in validation message. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7ebbc1d3 Fixed: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Checkbox is missing when using AJAX cascading options. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8dc68820 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Popup dialogs occasionally displays 2 scrollbars @6.0-SNAPSHOT 674b5120 Modified: wflow-common - Hash Variable - Support new escape type ?separator(SEPARATOR_CHARS) to change default separator ";" to new separator in the round brackets. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4abf49f0 Modified: wflow-core - Datalist builder - Added option to enable using session to store list state. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Datalist builder - Added option to show data only when filter is used. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3375628a Modified: wflow-core - Rollback (268157 : Userview - Remove help guide feature from userview and added option to enable it back) for backward compatible reason . @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Universal/Corporati Theme - Add option to disable help guide. @6.0-SNAPSHOT dd7e7685 Modified: wflow-core - Datlist row action visibility control - Support parenthesis in rules. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Datlist row action visibility control - Support Regex in rules. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4d408411 Fixed: wflow-core - DatalistService - Causing stack overflow error in DataListService.evaluateColumnValueFromRow when property is not exist. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8cc0196f Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - JSON Tool - Support debug mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - JSON Tool - Support request headers. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - JSON Tool - Support post with parameters, JSON payload or custom JSON payload. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - JSON Tool - Support JSON array response. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - JSON Tool - Support web service with no response. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 127d064b Modified: wflow-designer - Workflow Designer - Support 'yyyy-MM-dd' and 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' format for deadline. @6.0-SNAPSHOT db958230 Modified: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Process Builder - Support 'yyyy-MM-dd' and 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' format for deadline. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 268157c4 Modified: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Userview - Remove help guide feature from userview and added option to enable it back. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9a5cfe7a Modified: wflow-consoleweb/wflow-core - Hyperlink Datalist Action - Support target for list action. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 43a39f97 Modified: wflow-install - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.14 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3e27463b Fixed: wflow-core - Email Tool - Typo in validation checking. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8bb512f2 Fixed: wflow-core - Userview v5 Theme - Custom HTML before and after login form are not render. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4c795e27 Modified: wflow-common/wflow-consoleweb - General Setting - Added settings to configure SMTP. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Email Tool/ User Notification - Pickup SMTP setting from system setup when SMTP is not configured. @6.0-SNAPSHOT e901227b Modified: wflow-common/wflow-consoleweb - General Setting - Added setting to extending the security nonce cache time. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f1ade599 Modified: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Support sub header and sub footer options for customization. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 864a2e3e Modified: wflow-core - Universal Theme - Update css. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4ae0447c Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - Ajax options dependent on element select box value is broken. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8bff9277 Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Allow datalist action to disable to use as column, row, or list action. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Datalist Builder - Allow to hide action plugin properties based on where the plugin is used. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Hyperlink Datalist Action - Hide "Hyperlink Target" when used as list action since it is not supported. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 54139ff0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Import App - Inconsistent letter case in the Advanced Options @6.0-SNAPSHOT b7c230b5 Modified: wflow-core - Modified jquery.dynamicoptions.js to support usage in datalist. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 37cba2c2 Fixed: wflow-core - Universal Theme- XSS on user name. #4462 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 26444ad1 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Update label for zh_CN. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c209c0a9 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Grid in subform is not styled. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6d66e3f0 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Make radio button circle thinner when not selected. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 48a518b3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview Builder - Copy Paste category feature is broken after adding comment support. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ac120f40 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Can’t differentiate disabled buttons from normal button. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1109efeb Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Grid in subform is not styled. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 120bfc70 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Change grid header to gray color. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4d5851ce Added: wflow-core - Userview Builder - Added comment support for userview category. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core - Userview Builder - Advanced Tool - Category label is not able to change in the popup dialog. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 60cd232b Modified: wflow-core - Form Builder - Changed comment presentation. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5789fb85 Added: wflow-core - Form Builder - Added comment support for section. #4734 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 84fb747f Fixed: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme : checkbox and radio button not showing in IE 11 &7 FF. #4734 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 86d8b82f Modified: wflow-core -FormUtil - Add support for filepath handling on method formRowSetToJson and jsonToFormRowSet. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bcb90d7b Fixed: wflow-Directory -UserMetaDataDao - Returned inaccurate result. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c106cebe Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Userview Builder - Added label in userview when permission checking is disabled. @6.0-SNAPSHOT af1e8864 Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Import App - Support import options to keep the existing mapping of participants and tools. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Modified: wflow-core/wflow-consoleweb - Userview Builder - Added option to temporary disable permission checking for testing usage. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 222b0c8c Fixed: wflow-install - Fixed missing hashpling in tomcat startup script @6.0-SNAPSHOT d9d1a7d8 Fixed: wflow-core, wflow-consoleweb - Added Thai font for PDF export #4718 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5d1de8d4 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Userview screenshots not saving in the correct directory if wflow.home does not end with a slash @6.0-SNAPSHOT d1208ba6 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Hard session timeout does not clear current session user @6.0-SNAPSHOT a2f8adc4 Modified: wflow-core - Additional security hardening changes based on Fortify scan @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3dc42d7b Modified: wflow-wfengine - Updated configuration to support PostgreSQL @6.0-SNAPSHOT 750121b0 Fixed: wflow-core - FormDataDao not working for more than 2 table joins #4707 @6.0-SNAPSHOT dca557b3 Modified: wflow-core - File Upload - Remove template when in readonly mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT caa061a0 Added: wflow-directory - Add user meta data implementation @6.0-SNAPSHOT Added: wflow-core - Add MfaAuthenticator plugin abstract class @6.0-SNAPSHOT 4bf1fb2a Fixed: wflow-wfengine- Workflow Process Link Dao - Fixed Oracle only allow 1000 expression in a list. #4657 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 428f55b7 Fixed: wflow-core - Form PDf Util - Images is cached. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8a46771a Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - ConsoleWebController - Sort JSON Options. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 613ce080 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Fixed warning for MySQL script. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 04d5fb20 Fixed: wflow-wfengine - Database shutdown command executed on exit @6.0-SNAPSHOT 43c44ee7 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Property Editor - HTML Editor - remove auto convert URL to relative link. @6.0-SNAPSHOT cb3f4415 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb- Advanced Tool - Tree Viewer - Fixed js error due to circular data reference. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ad7bc5cd Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - Universal Theme - Print version of form has extra borders in labels @6.0-SNAPSHOT d6185ff3 Fixed: wflow-consoleweb - App Center - After installing app from marketplace, published apps do not reload due to JavaScript error @6.0-SNAPSHOT 26954e76 Modified: wflow-consoleweb - Setup - Updated default CRM app @6.0-SNAPSHOT 44b00534 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Export Form Email Tool - From email in log is wrong. @6.0-SNAPSHOT c95b50ff Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Table width is wrong when initialized in IE11. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9ef6fc39 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - LDAP Directory Manager - User list search does not search on email which is not consistent with local directory manager. #4807 @6.0-SNAPSHOT57f86b98 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Binder Hash Variable - Exception when using the hash of a form in the same form itself. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 57f86b98 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form Binder Hash Variable - Exception when using the hash of a form in the same form itself. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 569b0651 Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Fixed letter case and grammar @6.0-SNAPSHOT cf38aabf Adde: wflow-enterprise-plugins- Added Form Binder Hash Variable to help retrieving value or options label from binder. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 18096373 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - SpreadSheet - Support Excel-like formula. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 42e9d05b Modified: wflow-core - Janux Theme - Add option to disable help guide. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 925bd140 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Options Datalist Filter Type - Autocomplete mode is broken due to added dependency support for select and multi select mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 25fe459e Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.14 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1f060436 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - JDBC Datalist Binder - Change label. @6.0-SNAPSHOT efdea70b Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Show more visible options for the autocomplete and dropdown. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 09f7400a Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Export Form Email Tool/ User Security - Pickup SMTP setting from system setup when SMTP is not configured. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 0b593db9 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spread Sheet - Formula not working when column value contains number character. @6.0-SNAPSHOT ae14d61d Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Added Number Range Datalist Filter Type. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - JDBC Datalist Binder - Filter query objects are processed twice and causing error. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 77f1e403 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Options Datalist Filter - Support dependency options for select and multi select. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7f67ba11 Fixed: wflow-core - Janux Theme- XSS on user name. #4462 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b274bf9e Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - Advanced Datalist Form Binder/Spreadsheet- Update label for zh_CN & zh_TW. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 71c44566 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Paged Form - Support Ajax switch page. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Paged Form - "Only enable submit button on last page?" option not working when multi paged form is in a subform. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Multi Paged Form - Render readonly page field as label is not supported. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f334b6d3 Modified: wflow-enterprise-designerweb - Updated POM to use symantec timestamp server @6.0-SNAPSHOT ab896bd7 Fixed: wflow-enterpriseweb - SQL Server - Unicode characters not storing correctly due to Hibernate dialect using varchar instead of nvarchar @6.0-SNAPSHOT 812958f0 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Form/List Grid - Support column format to render multiple lines text. @6.0-SNAPSHOT a05aaa7c Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Setup - Updated sample SQL with latest default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT df8d6650 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins -CRUD - Blank confirmation message for More Actions still popup a dialog. #4732 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 11920049 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins -Spread sheet - Add support for hidden, image and file format type. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1d5408b1 Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Janux Theme - Menu text disappeared when hover in leaf green color scheme. @6.0-SNAPSHOT f7e33a4b Fixed: wflow-enterprise-install - Fixed missing hashpling in tomcat startup script @6.0-SNAPSHOT b7504cf2 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins- Spread Sheet - Support for key-value options for "dropdown" & "autocomplete" when retrieving the options from a field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 682e9538 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins- Rich Text Field - Not able to retrieve value with FormUtil in readonly mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins- Rich Text Field - No css class nor identifier in readonly mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 8d3d1c4e Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Updated version number for new v6 plugins @6.0-SNAPSHOT 3d3a5a39 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Setup - Updated sample SQL with latest schema changes @6.0-SNAPSHOT 6f180a55 Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Setup - Updated default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 5c2aa712 Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins- Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Enable admin to disable MFA for user. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 692df4ad Modified: wflow-enterprise-install/cloud-install - Update NOTICE.txt for new dependency. @6.0-SNAPSHOT b38c4b8a Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Remove redundant library. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 767523db Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Image Upload - Remove template when in readonly mode. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 97c9f1af Modified: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Support Multi Factor Authenticator. @6.0-SNAPSHOT Added: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Added TotpAuthenticator. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 096c1cda Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Delete row is not working. #4696 @6.0-SNAPSHOT b7b87ca3 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Spreadsheet - Min spare row not working. #4689 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 9129dd6a Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Fixed Oracle only allow 1000 expression in a list. #4657 @6.0-SNAPSHOT 25fcd164 Modified: wflow-enterprise-install - Setup - Updated sample SQL with latest default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 253c40ef Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Datalist Inbox - Assignment links are escaped if "Disable HTML rendering in Datalist" is enabled in General Settings. @6.0-SNAPSHOT bee7efe6 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Selectbox Datalist Filter - Filter results are not correct when display as textfield and autocomplete. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 1aa429eb Modified: wflow-enterpriseweb - Setup - Updated default apps @6.0-SNAPSHOT 591a967e Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Rich Text Field - Editor will auto convert url to invalid link. @6.0-SNAPSHOT 7fd83989 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Import Tool - "Upload Field ID" should be mandatory field. @6.0-SNAPSHOT db7c7681 Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Advanced Grid - Not able to store special character. #4655 @6.0-SNAPSHOT CHANGES IN 6.0-SNAPSHOT ======================= - User Experience - Enhanced App User Experience for Desktop and Mobile - Customizable App Center with Joget Marketplace Integration - Dashboard Capabilities - Calendar View - Unobtrusive Admin and Design Interface - Design Apps Anytime, Anywhere with Support for Touch Devices - App Maintainability and Performance - Improved App Maintainability with Advanced Tools - Enhanced Configuration Options for Codeless Apps - Improved Performance with Userview Caching - Database Connection Monitoring and Leak Detection - Additional Plugins Out of the Box for Greater Flexibility - Latest Upgrades Under The Hood