Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Coverage of Application Version

ComponentApplication VersionProcess Version



App PropertiesYes


Each app version may hold more than one process version but one can only start a process instance of the current latest process version the app version is holding.


titleRunning Process Instances

Updating application version will not affect any running process instances.


These are the instances when process version will change. 

  • Creation of new version from existing app version.
    Image Modified
    The current app version selected will be cloned (process, form, datalist, userview and properties including default plugin properties, message bundles, and environment variables ) over to the next available version number.

  • Import of App


  • There can only be one published version at any point of time.
  • End users will only be able to access the published version and consume what is available (accessing process, form, datalist, userview etc) in that version with the exception of process instance's form access. (Read more under process version below).
  • When switching published version, please take note of possible impacts to the end users by assessing the differences between the current published version and the soon to be published one. For example, if you are using an environment variable as incremental counter, you may want to make sure that the new counter will start from where the old one left at.


Process Version

Inside an app version, it contains process design but process design has its own set of versioning called process version.


Each process version belongs to only one app version.


Determine current process version

Under each process in processes tab, click on "Show Additional Info" link to reveal the Process Definition ID. You can find the process version in between the 2 hashes.

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Coverage of Process Version


ComponentApplication VersionProcess Version



App PropertiesYes

Updating Process Version

These are the instances when process version will change.


When one of the above takes place, Joget Workflow will find the next available process version and assign to it.

App VersionProcess VersionAction Taken

11 -> 2Process design update

For example, in the table above, upon process design update via process builder, the process version will now turn to 2 from 1.

In some cases, one may perform a process design update on older app version even though there's a newer app version in place as illustrated in the table below.

App VersionProcess VersionAction Taken

11 -> 3Process design update

In this case, app version 1 will now hold process version 3 and not 2.


titlePublished Version

Published Version of App does not affect access of forms by process instance.

Do not remove an app version in a production server if there's still process instances running out from it.


For example, in the table and screenshot below, 123_hr_expense_process1 will show forms mapped according to its activity mappings under app version 1 regardless of whether app version 1 or 2 is published or not.

On the other hand, 124_hr_expense_process1 will show forms from app version 2.

App VersionProcess VersionAction Taken
11 Started a process instance 123_hr_expense_process1
22 Started a process instance 124_hr_expense_process1

By accessing the form record created by a process instance of different app version, you may not be seeing the exact form used during the process instance flow process. As such, you can clone the form from the originating app version into the current app version that you are working on so that you can then gain access to the very form used during the process flow.

For example, in the screenshot below, we are seeing a form with 3 fields in a process instance assignment. Remember that the form that is being used for this process instance originates from the app version the process instance started in.

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For the same record row, when viewed in a CRUD userview menu, there's an extra field given that in the current published version, a field has been added to the form.

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In order to resolve the possible confusion and displaying the correct form intended for the record row, the following actions can be taken:-


titleHow to obtain current app version?

The following code can be used in Bean Shell in:-

  • Process Tool
  • Form Post Submission Processing Tool


Code Block
titleJava code
String appVersion = appDef.getVersion().toString();

