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helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update

helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace --namespace nginx-ingress

Install using yaml file


As for the node, you can scale the node count of the node pool from the Azure portal. Go to the Cluster in the Kubernetes service (in this guide example jogetakscluster) > Settings > Node pools. Select the node pool and then click on the Scale node pool. Choose Manual as the Scale method and input the desired node count (maximum available resource is based on the VM size that you have chosen).

8.Additional Note :- Configure Joget in AKS with Azure Database for MySQL

This additional note is to guide on how to configure Joget in AKS connecting to the Azure Database for MySQL. It is based on the Azure guide here which has been modified to use the Joget application. This guide uses the Azure portal as to assist in visual guidance.

Assuming that a resource group has been created, then from the Azure portal, go to the Virtual network services then Create virtual network and also the subnets for the MySQL and AKS resources.


Based on the Microsoft recommendations of using Azure CNI to setup the configuration of AKS and Azure DB. You can read more on the AKS networking best practises here.

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Then add the IP address space for the Virtual network.

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After that create 2 subnets for the MySQL resource and also the AKS cluster.

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We can then create the Virtual network resource.

8.1 Deploy Azure MySQL Flexible Server

Search for resource Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers. Then click on Create → Flexible server.

In the Basics tab, we configured as below since we are testing the resource. Modify as needed (also note in the screenshot the MySQL version is 5.7, we have tested with version 8 also).

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Then in the Networking tab we need configure the resource to use the Virtual network that we created earlier.

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For Security and Tags tabs we can leave as default or make changes as necessary. After done we can create the resource.

For testing purpose, after the MySQL resource has been created, we turned off the require_secure_transport parameter. This is so that we will be able to intialise through the Joget setup page. Should you need this parameter to be enabled, you can then edit the app_datasource-<profile>.properties file. Example of the workflowUrl parameter with the require_secure_transport parameter turned on;

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8.2 Deploy AKS Cluster and Joget

As to deploying the AKS cluster and Joget itself, the steps are similar as above in this KB page. The only different part is when setting up the AKS cluster, in the Networking tab, we need to specify to use Azure CNI and associate the virtual network and subnet that we have created earlier.

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After AKS and Joget have been deployed, we will be able to do the DB setup on Joget.

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