Versions Compared


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  1. Create a terraform.tfvars file in the backend directory and ensure the following variables are included


  1. Run terraform init
  2. Run terraform plan to observe the resources that will be deployed (optional)
  3. Once verified, run terraform apply -auto-approve
  4. Once the backend has been deployed, go to the infrastructure directory and open
  5. Find the block:

 backend "s3" {

    bucket         = "xxx"

    key            = "terraform.infrastructure.tfstate"

    region         = "xxx"

    dynamodb_table = "xxx"


  1. Fill in the marked with xxx with the ones that you have created on step 1 - 5


  1. Create a terraform.tfvars file and ensure the following variables are included





  1. Run terraform init
  2. Run terraform plan to observe the resources that will be deployed (optional)
  3. Once verified, run terraform apply -auto-approve


  1. Run kubectl get ingress -A . You should see the DNS under Address column like so:

  1. Use the Address and go to /jw . It will redirect you to the database setup


    • This happens when you are using different credentials - different users or roles to access the cluster. If you are the cluster creator, you should be able to access the cluster
    • Solution: 
      1. In the Terraform Iac, go to infrastructure/compute/eks/
      2. Under the module “eks”, add the following
        • If you are using users credential:

aws_auth_users= [


      userarn  = "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:user/<username>"

      username = "<username>"

      groups   = ["system:masters"]



  • If you are using roles, you may append the aws_auth_roles block like so:


      rolearn  = “arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>”

      username = "<role-name>"

      groups   = ["system:masters"]
