Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

当您第一次进入Joget, 您需要初始化数据库.


When you are accessing Joget for the very first time, the database will need to be first initialized.

You will be presented with the following screen.

Figure 1: Database Setup

Take note that you must first create a new empty database before proceeding to the next screen.



界面下方有两个额外的选项,是否需要创建样例用户和样例应用,以便您快速学习JogetThere are 2 additional check boxes at the bottom for you to include sample users/apps to get you up to speed faster in learning Joget.


Figure 2: Successful Database Setup




You may get the error above or a similar one if you attempt to set up a database with existing data. Do not use existing database to avoid data loss以上错误提示,您在使用一个已有数据的数据库,而不是一个空的数据库. 请不要使用已有数据库,以免丢失数据.


You may get the error above if Joget fails to connect to the database. Check your connection parameters and try again以上错误提示,数据库连接失败,请核对您的连接参数后再尝试.


Code Block
titleError message
INFO  09 Oct 2015 15:39:03 org.joget.commons.util.DynamicDataSource  - datasourceName=workflow, url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=jwdb, user=sa
ERROR 09 Oct 2015 15:39:18 org.joget.commons.spring.web.CustomContextLoaderListener  - ===== Error initializing WebApplicationContext =====

You may get the Error initializing WebApplicationContext after successful set up of database and usage of Joget subsequent. You will need to check your database connectivity from the app server to the database server. Your database server may not be available too您可能在应用服务器看到以上错误提示. 您需要检查从应用服务器到数据库服务器的连接是否正常,并确保数据库服务正在正常运行.