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This article describes the steps required to run Joget Workflow on Docker. With Docker, you can easily deploy Joget Workflow with just a single command. Public Joget Workflow Docker images are hosted in the Docker Hub repository (

Prerequisite: Install Docker

Install Docker following the docs at There are instructions for Linux, Windows or Mac.

Option 1: Run Joget


with Embedded MySQL

The easiest way is to run a Joget Workflow container which also contains a MySQL database:


With just a single command, you will have an entire running installation of Joget Workflow. Browse to the installation at http://your_docker_host:8080/jw

Option 2: Run Joget


with Separate MySQL and Data Volume

For better flexibility and manageability, you can run a Joget Workflow container separately from the database and shared data volume:


Code Block
# create a volume container for shared data
docker volume create jogetdata

# run a MySQL database container
docker run -d --name jogetdb -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=jwdb -e MYSQL_USER=joget -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=joget -e MYSQL_DATABASE=jwdb mysql:5.7

# run a Joget Workflow container
docker run -d --link jogetdb:jwdb --name joget -p 8080:8080 -e MYSQL_HOST=jwdb -e MYSQL_DATABASE=jwdb -e MYSQL_PORT=3306 -e MYSQL_USER=joget -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=joget --mount source=jogetdata,target=/opt/joget/wflow jogetworkflow/joget-enterprise
