Versions Compared


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NameDescriptionScreen (Click to view)
Workflow Variable Mapping
Workflow VariableWorkflow Variable Name.
JSON Object NameJSON property name.

Figure 3: Store to Workflow Variable

Notes On JSON Returned Data

In figure 2 and 3 , one will need to specify on above, you can specify how to treat the returned data. The returned data may be saved as form data or/add to be saved into process's workflow variable. The example used in this article shows on how one can store multi-row data into a form data table.

Sample JSON API POST callhttp://localhost:8080/jw/web/json/apps/published/userviews 

(Note: Enter Important Enter asterisk " * " into the "API Domain Whitelist (Separated by ';')" field  field in General Settings to allow API calls).

Sample JSON Result: Returned Results

Code Block
titleSample JSON Returned Results
    	"apps": [
        "id			"name": "crm",
        "name": "CRM",
        App Center",
			"userviews": [{
					"name": "crm_userview_salesJoget DX",
            "description					"id": "v",
            "name": "CRM: Sales Force Automation",
            					"version": 1,
					"url": "/jw/web/userview/crm/crm_userview_sales",
            "version": 1
        "version": 1
    }, {
        "id": "hr_expense",
					"name": "HRJoget ExpensesDX Claim AppPlatform",
        "userviews": [{
            					"id": "hr_expense_userviewv2",
            "description					"version": "",
            "name": "HR Expenses Claim App for Admin",
					"url": "/jw/web/userview/hr_expense/hr_expense_userview",
            "version": 2
			"id": "appcenter",
			"version": 2
		}, {
        "id": "isr",
			"name": "InternalCustomer ServiceRelationship RequestManagement",
        			"userviews": [{
            "id": "isr",
            "description": "",
            "name": "Internal Service Request App",
					"imageUrl": "/jw/web/app/userviewcrm/isr/isr",
            "version": 1
        "version": 1
    }, {
        "id": "ims",
        "name": "Simple Invoicing",
        "userviews": [{
            "id": "ims",
            "name": "Simple Invoicing",
					"name": "Customer Relationship Management",
					"id": "crm_userview_sales",
					"version": 1,
					"url": "/jw/web/userview/ims/ims",
            "version": 1
			"id": "crm",
			"version": 1
    }		}

Image AddedImage Removed
Figure 4: Sample JSON data saved in Joget form data tableDownload the demo app below to view how JSON TOOL is used in run process to populate form records

Download Demo App

View file
