Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

System Information

In System Information, you can view the Joget version, build number, and your Joget licensing information.


Click on the License hyperlink to open a popup to view your system key, which you then submit in the Request For Enterprise/Professional License form to obtain the Joget license key (only for customers who have purchased Joget software).


Read more at Activate your Joget DX Enterprise License.

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Figure 1:  System Version And License


You may use Chrome browser to print this page to PDF for submission to technical support.

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Figure 2:  System Information

User Interface Settings

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Figure 3:  User Interface Setting

Default UserviewUI

Defines which App's Userview UI to be shown as the default landing page when end users access the Joget platform (e.g.: ).

Typically, this is used to point to your own app's userview UI with your corporate branding.

Landing Page

Change the default landing page from the default Joget App Center.


Settings--> General Settings--> Landing Page


After a session timeout, users will be redirected to the landing page. (Related: Timeout management)

System Time Zone

By default, Joget will use server's timezone.

You may override it with your preferred timezone option.

By default, Joget will use server's locale.

You may override it with your preferred locale option. (Related: Manage Messages Platform Translation, General Settings - Server Locale and Time Zone)

By default, Joget will use " dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm aa" as the date format.

You may override it with your preferred date format.

When checked, Joget will use the date format of the System Locale set above, overriding the set above.
Use Locale for First Day of Week

When checked, Joget will read the 


For this setting to work reliably, when selecting the System Locale or User Locale, select a locale with region/country.


  • for Germany, first day of week is Monday.

de         - (Incorrect. Because this is only the locale, but does not specify region.)

de_DE   - (Correct)

Enables locale selection to users through User Profile. 

Selection of locales available to users. ("Enable User Locale Selection" must be active first.)

Check this option to enable RTL display mode. 

Display Name FormatChanges the display format of the users. (Changes can be seen in the top right of userviewUI, when user hash variable is used to display full name, and when you configure user permission)

Custom CSS file to replace the default look and feel of the web console. (Default CSS file resides at /jw/css/v3.css)

Inline custom CSS to be appended into the web console in addition to the default/CSS URL. 

Determines if user defined HTML input value should be rendered in datalist List listing. Check this option to disable this ability.

Timer Settings

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Figure 4:  System Version And License


System Administration Settings

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Figure 5: System Admin Settings

Master Login credential for API call. Please see  JSON API Authentication.

Master Login credential for API call. Please see JSON API Authentication.

Uploaded File Storage Base Path

System path to store uploaded users' files.


This setting only applies to:

  • File Uploads
  • Plugins

and does not apply to:


If you change the default path, you have to manually copy all the previously uploaded files from the existing path into the new path, for example:

Old path:  [Joget_Root_Folder]\wflow\app_formuploads

New path: [Joget_Root_Folder]\wflow\myFiles

In your new path, the new folder name for plugins is "plugins". The new folder name for "app_formuploads" remains unchanged.

This option is not available on Joget Cloud.
Workflow Designer Base URL

Workflow Designer Base URL. Defaulted to current Joget server path. 

This option is not available on Joget Cloud.
Process Completion Data Handling
  • Retain Process On Completion
  • Delete Process On Completion
  • Archive Process On Completion
Delete process instance data when process instance has been completed. 

The purpose of the "Archive Process On Completion" feature is for faster performance when Joget works with the SHK process tables for active processes, by keeping the main SHK tables "small". Process archiving on completed processes "moves" the process records to the following DB tables: wf_history_activity, wf_history_process, wf_process_link_history. The archived processes are still  accessible in the "Admin Bar > Monitor screen" or via database queries on the above process history tables.

SLA indicator level. Please see Defining SLA Indicators.

Default: 20

SLA indicator level. Please see Defining SLA Indicators.

Default: 50


Default: No Limit.


The limit is applied in terms of individual file.

For example, if the value set here is 1 (1MB) then one may upload multiple files in a single form with total exceeding 1MB but individually, each file must not exceed 1MB.

Check this option to disable the Performance Analyzer.
Minimum duration threshold before showing the Performance Analyzer information.
API Domain Whitelist (Separated by ';')

Domain whitelist to allow API calls to Joget Workflow. Separated by semicolon.


"localhost;;”, or "*" to allow from everywhere.


In a production environment, do not use "*".

Doing so will allow anyone to call all JSON APIs from the Joget server.

API IP Whitelist (Separated by ';')

IP address whitelist to allow API calls to Joget. Separated by semicolon.


"localhost;;”, or "*" to allow from everywhere.


In a production environment, do not use "*".

Doing so will allow anyone to call all JSON APIs from the Joget server.

Glowroot API URLThe URL path to the Glowroot library that the Application Performance Management uses.
Run process primary key

Direct Joget to use UUID (default) or sequentual process id naming for run process for database table "id" or primary key:

  • UUID (Also known as RecordID, example: "d41efaa1-622e-4365-8edb-10097a3a3526")
  • Process instance ID (Example: "2_expenseclaim_process1")

Related documentation:

Environment Name

Environment Name

SMTP Settings

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a communication protocol for electronic mail transmission.


Joget apps will ignore this global SMTP settings if the respective apps already has the settings configured, either in the Plugin Default Properties or Email Tool - Configure SMTP Settings page.

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Figure 6: System Admin Settings - SMTP Settings

HostKey in your mail server address, either via domain name or IP address. 
PortKey in your mail server port number.
SecurityKey in either TLS or SSL depending on your mail server.
UsernameKey in the sender email username.
PasswordKey in the sender email password
From Email AddressKey in the sender email address to be shown to the recipient.
Digital Signature Key Store File Path (P12) File path of the .pfx (or .p12) file under the "wflow" folder in your Joget DX installation folder.
Digital Signature Key Store Passphase The .jks file's Passphrase.
Digital Signature Issuer AliasThe digital certificate's or signature's Issuer name (alias).

Related Documentation

Children Display
