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Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        UI         : Universal/Progressive Theme - Correction for Universal/Progressive Theme - Dropdown of date picker and TinyMCE editor does not stay in place when page scroll.
[ MODIFIED ]     PROCESS    : Process Builder - Start process whitelist having wrong type options.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : CSRF - Disable CSRF throw exception.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction of Update tinymce to 6.5.1.
[ FIXED ]        UI         : Ajax Theme - Redirection and close popup dialog not working correctly. 
[ FIXED ]        LIST       : List - Improve excel export performance.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update Apache Tomcat and Apache Tomcat JDBC to 9.0.76.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update to bcmail-jdk18on 1.75, bcprov-jdk18on 1.75 and bcpkix-jdk18on 1.75.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Update tinymce to 6.5.1.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Further fix for ee0a4582 on different browsers.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : App Composer - Notes in app versions is not refresh after update.
[ FIXED ]        UI         : Universal/Progressive Theme - Spreadsheet dropdown position is wrong when scroll page.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : App Version - Notes can't display multi lines text correctly.
[ FIXED ]        LIST       : List - Regression of Embedded Datalist - Can't select row due to template changes, causing HTML value can't render correctly.
[ FIXED ]        UI         : AJAX Theme - Login redirection to same page is not working.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Password Field - Additional fix for Password Field - Checker doesn't work when form ID and field ID are the same.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Password Field - Checker doesn't work when form ID and field ID are the same.
[ FIXED ]        UI         : AJAX Theme - AJAX event is not unbind when change page.
[ FIXED ]        LIST       : List Builder - Incomplete/incorrect SQL query in Database SQL Query data source causing all columns get removed. 
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form Menu/File Upload - Does not populate form correctly after add record submission and stay without redirection.
[ ADDED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Added I18N (CN and TW) for Date Picker - Added an option to disable weekends in the datepicker.
[ ADDED ]        CORE       : Added an option to disable weekends in the datepicker.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Subflow - Show next assignment form broken. T2624
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Export App - Can't export group used in participant mapping. T2644
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Workflow Manager - Auto recover stuck tools during server startup.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : wflow-consoleweb/Date Picker - Input box will look like it's disabled only when it's readonly.
[ FIXED ]        UI         : UI - Cache does not work for page component and dashboard.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Section Visibility Control - Readonly radio button is not populating value correctly.
[ FIXED ]        PROCESS    : Process Archive - Wrong subflow id is stored.
[ FIXED ]        PROCESS    : Process Data Collector - Thrown exception when process completed and archive feature is used.
[ ADDED ]        CORE       : Added Description for Beanshell Process tool - Script.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Fixed accessibility issues.
[ FIXED ]        FORM       : Form - Primary key is not passed in the single row rows object for form store plugin storing.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Properties Editor - Support inline and picker mode for image radio field type.
[ FIXED ]        LIST       : List - Classic Table - Show/Hide columns control does not work correctly in mobile.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Custom HTML - Auto save input field value can't handle empty checkbox value correctly.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Popup Dialog - Close dialog confirmation message is not i18n supported.
[ FIXED ]        UI         : Duplicate UI - UI name is not replace correctly.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Clone App - UI id is wrongly replaced with app id.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update org.json:json to 20230618.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update to bcmail-jdk18on 1.75, bcprov-jdk18on 1.75 and bcpkix-jdk18on 1.75.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Readjusted positioning of the buttons in RTL mode.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Centering the reset button in Xadmin theme.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - On hover CSS for reset button and pointer cursor for calendar button.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Text Field/Password/Date Picker - Correction for Universal/Progressive/X-admin Theme - Text field and password field are not following size setting.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Change 7.0-SNAPSHOT to 7.1-SNAPSHOT.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update jQuery UI to 1.13.2.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update mysql-connector-java to 9.0.74.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update Apache Tomcat and Apache Tomcat JDBC to 9.0.74.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update JGit to
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update tensorflow-core-platform to 0.4.1 and protobuf-java to 3.21.9.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update Jose4j to 0.9.3.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update Guava to 32.0.0-jre.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update JUnit to 4.13.2.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update org.json:json to 20230227.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update poi to 5.2.3.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update AspectJ to 1.9.7.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update csrfguard 4.2.0 and commons-lang3 3.12.0
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update Spring Framework 5.3.27, Spring Security 5.7.8, Spring LDAP 2.4.1, Hibernate 5.6.7.Final, bcmail-jdk15on 1.70, bcprov-jdk15on 1.70 and bcpkix-jdk15on 1.70
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Date Picker will be hidden when zooming or resizing browser window.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Advanced Grid - Add and Delete buttons have no padding.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Popup Select Box - Select button's label isn't centered and Button has no hover CSS in X-admin.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Next and Prev buttons' cursor not pointer when hovering.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Advanced Grid - Add and Delete buttons have no padding.
[ ADDED ]        CORE       : Password Field - Added a password strength checker.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : User Profile - Disable TOTP throw JS error.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : List Grid - Header sorting is not working.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Date Filter/Date Range Filter - Input box was greyed out and cursor was not-allowed.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update Apache Tomcat and Apache Tomcat JDBC to 9.0.76.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Update jtidy to 1.0.4 for CVE-2023-34623.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update to bcmail-jdk18on 1.75, bcprov-jdk18on 1.75 and bcpkix-jdk18on 1.75.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Signature - Data is encrypted again when it is readonly.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Generator - Image in explanation is not render correctly.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Installer - Upgrade Glowroot to v0.14.0 to support Java 17.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Image Upload - Does not populate value correctly after form add record submission and stay without redirection.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Process Status - Adding fallback handling for wrong subflow id issue.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : List Grid - Added mandatory decorator * when min number of row is set.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Fixed accessibility issues.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update org.json:json to 20230618.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update to bcmail-jdk18on 1.75, bcprov-jdk18on 1.75 and bcpkix-jdk18on 1.75.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Date/Number Range List Filter - Causing additional query executed when using JDBC and empty filter value.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction for Update csrfguard 4.2.0 AND commons-lang3 3.12.0.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction for Custom datasource is required to close.
[ FIXED ]        LICENSE    : License - Cluster license is not working for non-container deployment.