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The Scheduler Plugin is a userview menu for Joget Enterprise and Professional to schedule jobs to run at a specific date and time. You can use this plugin to trigger any process tools (except the Form Data Update Tool, which runs only in a process flow). 


This plugin source code is available in a new open-source repository at JogetOSS is a community-led team for open-source software related to the Joget no-code/low-code application platform. Projects under JogetOSS are community-driven and community-supported, and you are welcome to contribute to the projects.

Plugin Info

Plugins Available in the Bundle:


This plugin bundle is compatible with Joget DX 7.0.7 and onwards.

Expected Outcome

To be able to create scheduled tasks inside the app through the UI menu.

Figure 1: Scheduler Menu

Get Started


Where to get the plugin


Scheduler Menu Properties

Configure Scheduler

Job NameJob label.
Cron ExpressionA cron expression is a string comprising five or six fields separated by white space that represents a set of times, normally as a schedule to execute some routine.
AppSelected app.

Select from a list of tools to schedule:

  • BeanShell
  • Counter Increment
  • SQL Query
  • Email
  • Export Form Email
  • File Add Image Tool
  • Update Form Date

and many more.

Source Code and Plugin Download


  1. Please visit for the plugin source code.
  2. You can find the latest release at
  3. Upload the plugin to your Joget by navigating to Settings > Manage Plugins > Upload Plugin as admin.

Exporting Scheduler Data

Do note that when you export an app, it will not include the scheduler records by default, so you will have to handle this separately. To ensure that your scheduled job configurations are successfully promoted across environments, you will need to perform a manual data export and import of the Scheduler data records, specifically for the sch_job_def table, which stores the Scheduler job definitions.

Here is how you can do it:

1. Export the Scheduler Data:

  • Use a database utility like SQLyog (for MySQL/MariaDB) or any other SQL client to connect to your Joget development environment's database.
  • Export the contents of the sch_job_def table into a .sql file.

2. Import the Scheduler Data:

  • Connect to your test environment’s database using the same SQL client.
  • Import the .sql file into the test environment's database, ensuring that the sch_job_def table is populated with the necessary job configurations.

3. Edit and Start Scheduler Jobs:

  • After importing the application and the sch_job_def database records into your Joget test environment, go to the userview where the Scheduler is configured.
  • Click to edit each scheduled job record to ensure the settings are correct, and then start the scheduler jobs as needed.

This process should successfully transfer your scheduled job configurations from the development environment to the test environment.

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