Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents



With CRUD, one will not need to do all the manual wiring in constructing a CRUD entity.

This element provides a userview menu to show the datalist of your choice and selectable forms to associate with the datalist to perform CRUD operations.

CRUD Properties


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Figure 1: CRUD Properties



Menu element unique id. Userview will use this id in the URL for the menu if the Custom ID is empty.
Custom ID


Item link slug. Optional field.


Ensure that value defined here is unique to other userview menus in the app, since the first matching/conflicting ID will take precedence in page loading.



The userview menu label. You can add Font Awesome Icons into your menu labels.


Datalist to load.
Form (Add)


Target form to open when adding new record.

Optional field.

If this attribute is not mapped, then ability to add is disabled.

Form (Edit)


Target form to open when editing existing record.

Optional field.

If this attribute is not mapped, then ability to edit is disabled.


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Figure 2: Sample CRUD in runtime



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Figure 3: UI - List Properties

Show Number of Rows In Menu


Show number of rows beside this userview menu.


Additional query will be performed to return record count every time the userview loads.

Button Position


Available options:

  • Top Left
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right
  • Top Left & Bottom Left
  • Top Right & Bottom Right
Selection Type


Available options:

  • Multiple
  • Single
Selector Position


Available options:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Both let & right
  • No
Edit Link Label


Edit link button label to show in listing.
New Record Button Label


New record button label to show in listing.
Delete Button Label


Delete button label to show in listing.
Show Delete Button?


When checked, the delete button will be shown, effectively enabling the deletion capability.
If "Show Delete Button" is enabled, the following options will be shown:
  • Delete Associated Grid Data?
  • Delete Associated Child Form Data?
  • Delete Files?
  • Abort Related Running Processes?

Read more in Delete Action.

Custom Header


Custom Header in HTML to show above the listing.
Custom Footer


Custom Footer in HTML to show


below the listing.


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Figure 34: UI Actions - List PropertiesActions

More Actions


This attribute allows you to add more actions into the listing.

LabelLink label.
HyperlinkHyperlink URL.
Parameter NameParameter name to be part of the hyperlink.
Column NameParameter value to be assigned to the parameter name declared above by defining the column name from the Data List.
Confirmation MessageConfirmation message before opening the link.

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For example, see Figure 5.

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Figure 5: Sample List Actions in runtime



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Figure 6: UI - Add Properties

Cancel Button Label


Cancel Button Label to show in add new record form.
Save Button Label


Save Button Label to show in add new record form.
Custom Header


Custom Header in HTML to show in add new record form.
Custom Footer


Custom Footer in HTML to show in add new record form.


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Figure 67: UI Actions - Add PropertiesActions

Message to show after Form saved


Message to show after Form saved.
Action to perform after Form saved


  • Return to list
  • Continue on Adding Record
  • Display in Edit Mode
  • Redirection
After Form Saved - Redirection (Hyperlink)


Hyperlink URL.

Only applicable when "Action to perform after Form saved" is set to "Redirection".

Code Block
After Form Saved - Redirection (Parameter Name)


Parameter to be appended as part of the link defined above.

Only applicable when "Action to perform after Form saved" is set to "Redirection".



After Form Saved - Redirection (Field Name)


Value to be assigned to the parameter defined above.

Only applicable when "Action to perform after Form saved" is set to "Redirection".





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Figure 78: Actions UI - Add Edit Properties






If checked, effectively, the form will be rendered as read only and not editable anymore.
Display Fields as Labels when in Readonly?


When the form is in read only form, determines if values should be displayed as it is (label form) instead of being bounded in original input form.
Back Button Label


Back Button Label


Default value: Back

Save Button Label


Save Button Label


Default value: Save
Record Traversing


Enable record traversing when viewing a individual record in its form.

For example, see Figure 9.

First Record Button Label


First Record Button Label.
Only applicable when Record Traversing is enabled.


Default value: First Record
Previous Record Button Label


Previous Record Button Label.
Only applicable when Record Traversing is enabled.


Default value: Previous Record
Next Record Button Label


Next Record Button Label.
Only applicable when Record Traversing is enabled.


Default value: Next Record
Last Record Button Label


Last Record Button Label.
Only applicable when Record Traversing is enabled.


Default value: Last Record
Custom Header


Custom Header in HTML to show when editing an individual record in a form.
Custom Footer


Custom Footer in HTML to show when editing an individual record in a form. 


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Figure 9: Sample record traversing in runtime


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Figure 10: Actions - Edit Properties

Message to show after Form saved


Message to show after Form is saved

Action to perform after Form saved


  • Return to list
  • Continue on edit record
  • Continue on edit next record
  • Redirection
After Form Saved - Redirection (Hyperlink)


URL to redirect to after submission.

Only applicable when Action to perform after Form saved is set to Redirection.

After Form Saved - Redirection (Parameter Name)


Parameter to be included.

Only applicable when Action to perform after Form saved is set to Redirection.

After Form Saved - Redirection (Field Name)


Parameter value to be assigned to the parameter above by defining a field ID from the form.

Only applicable when Action to perform after Form saved is set to Redirection.

More Actions


Include action buttons to be added into the bottom of the form.


Action button label.

Example: New Action Button

Parameter NameParameter name to be added to the URL defined above.
Field NameField ID correspondent to the form to retrieve value from and set to the parameter above.
Confirmation MessageConfirmation message to prompt before proceeding after clicking on the button.

For example, see Figure 11.


When such button is clicked, the form will NOT be saved.

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Figure 10: Actions - Edit Properties

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Figure 11: Sample Edit Actions in runtime


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Figure 12: Advanced Properties

Userview Key Name


Define a column name to pre-filter the datalist via the userview key value.

See Userview Key for more info.


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Performance & Offline

Cache Settings
