Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Form Load Binder Plugins are used for extending the method of loading data in a form from any data source.
  • Form Options Binder Plugins are used for extending the method of loading data in a form field’s options from any data source.
  • Form Store Binder Plugins are used for extending the method of storing data in a form to any data source.
  • A useable Form Binder Element plugin must extends org.joget.apps.form.model.FormBinder abstract class and implements one or more of the corresponding interfaces.



  • Under wflow-core module
  • Extends org.joget.apps.form.model.FormLoadBinder.
  • Used to mark a binder that returns multiple options to populate a form element e.g. selectbox, checkbox, radio, etc.
  • Each FormRow object return by FormRowSet object should contains key "value" and "label".


  • Under wflow-core module
  • This interface indicate that a Form Options Binder support retrieving options using AJAX
  • Must use together with org.joget.apps.form.model.FormLoadOptionsBinder.
  • Each FormRow object return by FormRowSet object should contains key "value" and "label".

Method Detail

Interface Methods
public boolean useAjax()

Use to decide this field is using AJAX to load its options or not. 

public org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet loadAjaxOptions(java.lang.String[] dependencyValues);

Retrieve options based on dependency values


  • Under wflow-core module
  • This interface indicate that the form data load by Form Load Binder is deletable from Form Data table.

Method Detail

Interface Methods
public java.lang.String getFormId()

Get Form Id of the loaded data.

public java.lang.String getTableName()

Get table name of the loaded data.

Plugin Properties Options


  • Not available right now

Related Community Plugins

Related Community Plugins

  • Bean Shell Form Binder
    org.joget.apps.form.lib.BeanShellFormBinder (wflow-core)
  • Default Form Binder
    org.joget.apps.form.lib.DefaultFormBinder (wflow-core)
  • Workflow Form Binder
    org.joget.apps.form.lib.WorkflowFormBinder (wflow-core)Not available right now