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This process tool plugin allows you to send HBAR assets from one account to another on the Hedera DLT, with option to also schedule the transaction for multiple signing cases perform scheduled transactions (e.g.: transactions with multi-sig accounts).


To operate the Hedera plugin pack on the previewnet or testnet, please create a Hedera Portal Profile.


, receiver signature required, etc.).

  • Do ensure that the sender's account has sufficient balance for the amount of assets to send & its required transaction
  • fee.
  • For native tokens & NFTs, do ensure that the receiver has associated with the token before performing transfers with such asset.

Plugin Properties

Configure Hedera Send Transaction Tool

Operator IDPaste in your operator account ID, according to the selected network type.
Operator Key

Paste in your operator account private key, according to the selected network type.

Network Type

Select the network for accounts to create an account interact on:

  • Mainnet
  • Previewnet
  • Testnet

"Mainnet" uses real-world currency(s).

Please use "Previewnet" or "Testnet" for testing purposes.

By default, this plugin pack connects to official Hedera public nodes.
To learn more about the public nodes, see:

Transaction Details

funds to. Hash Variable is also accepted (HBAR) HBAR coin(s) Amount Hash Variable is also accepted for multiple signing purposes

Select a form to retrieve transaction data from.

All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the sections below.

Asset Configuration
Payment Type

Select the asset type to transfer:

  • HBAR
  • Native Token
  • NFT
Token ID

This property will only appear when Payment Type is Native Token or NFT.

The ID of the token minted on the Hedera DLT.

Can use a Hash Variable or simply hardcoded.

NFT Serial Number

This property will only appear when Payment Type is NFT.

Serial number of the NFT that belongs to the Token ID set above. Typically Hash Variable is used here.

Payment Configuration
Sender Account ID

Account to send funds assets from. Hash Variable is also accepted.

Sender Account Mnemonic Phrase

This is the sender's account secret key required in order to perform actions with the sender's account.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the sender's encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.


Account Mnemonic Phrase MUST be strictly secured at all times, and only viewable to the intended user.

Do NOT key in the plain-text mnemonic phrase here.

Anyone who possesses this phrase has full unrestricted control and can do irreparable damage!

Receiver Account IDAccount to send assets to.
Auto-associate token with receiver

This property will only appear when Payment Type is Native Token or NFT.

Receiver Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property will only appear when Payment Type is Native Token or NFT.

Mnemonic phrase of the receiver account.
Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.
This is used only to automatically associate tokens for the receiver.

Amount To Send

This property will only appear when Payment Type is HBAR or Native Token.

Amount of

tokens to send.

For HBAR, amount can only contain max 8 decimal places


Transaction Memo

Insert your own custom note for transfer transactions. Also accepts hash variables.

Set as Scheduled Transaction

Check this option to schedule this transaction

, such as performing transactions with multi-sig accounts, receiver signature required, etc.

Store Response To Workflow Variable

Schedule ID

Only available if Set as Scheduled Transaction property is checked.

To store the schedule ID of this scheduled transaction for logging purposes, or for Joget apps to refer to this value later in order to further act on this scheduled transaction.

Is Transaction Validated

To indicate if this transaction has been successfully validated.

Consensus TimestampTo store the timestamp of when the majority of the network members received the transaction. At this point, the transaction becomes final and verifiable.
Transaction IDTo store the transaction ID of the transaction performed.
Transaction Explorer URLTo store an auto-generated URL to see transaction details on the official Cardano blockchain explorera public ledger explorer. Default is Dragonglass.