Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
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插件 是为应用添加功能的软件扩展。 Joget工作流插件 -
Joget Workflow中尚未提供的任何集成功能都可以通过开发插件来实现,而不会破坏产品的基本核心。 Joget工作流插件架构支持2种类型的插件结构:
Plugins are software extensions that add capabilities to an app. Joget Workflow plugins -
Any kind of integration that is not yet available in Joget Workflow as a standard feature can be accomplished by developing a plugin, without breaking the fundamental core of the product. Joget Workflow plugin architecture supports 2 types of plugin structures:
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