Versions Compared


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  1. In PowerShell on the Windows Server, generate a keytab file using the Ktpass tool

    Code Block
    ktpass -out joget.keytab -mapuser joget@WINDOWS.LOCAL  -pass Pass@word1  -crypto all -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL  -princ HTTP/

  2. Copy the generated joget.keytab file into the Joget server e.g. at C:\Joget-v6-Enterprise\wflow\joget.keytab

  3. Java 8 may be required for the Kerberos authentication to work with the ktpass generated keytab. Download and install JDK 8, and edit the tomcat-run.bat startup script to update the JAVA_HOME path accordingly.

  4. Create a krb5.ini file under C:\Windows folder with these configurations:

    Code Block
    default = WINDOWS.LOCAL
    default_realm = WINDOWS.LOCAL
    dns_lookup_realm = true
    dns_lookup_kdc = true
       WINDOWS.LOCAL = {
           default_domain = WINDOWS.LOCAL
       .windows.local = WINDOWS.LOCAL
       windows.local = WINDOWS.LOCAL

Using Linux

  1. Install the krb5-user package 

    Code Block
    sudo apt-get install krb5-user

     and configure the realm as WINDOWS.LOCAL and the KDC as WIN-TKDH9LCHUUO.WINDOWS.LOCAL:88

  2. In a terminal, run

    Code Block
    kinit joget@WINDOWS.LOCAL


    IMPORTANT NOTE: The domain must be UPPER CASE

    The command should run without error

  3. Confirm the configuration in /etc/krb5.conf 

    Code Block
    default = WINDOWS.LOCAL
    default_realm = WINDOWS.LOCAL
    dns_lookup_realm = true
    dns_lookup_kdc = true
       WINDOWS.LOCAL = {
           default_domain = WINDOWS.LOCAL
       .windows.local = WINDOWS.LOCAL
       windows.local = WINDOWS.LOCAL

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The domain must be UPPER CASE

  4. In a terminal, generate a keytab file using: 

    Code Block
     ktutil: add_entry -password -p HTTP/JOGET.WINDOWS.LOCAL@WINDOWS.LOCAL -k 1 -e arcfour-hmac-md5
     ktutil: wkt /etc/joget.keytab
  5. List the SPNs in the keytab using: 

    Code Block
     ktutil: rkt /etc/joget.keytab
     ktutil: list
