Hi, I was editing my form and was almost finished and saved it.

When I came back to it, I realized it had lost almost all fields except one custom html element.

So I began to investigate, and found nothing wrong and I thought it was my fault and redo the whole form all over again and saved it again.

As a backup, I exported my app in a .zip. I tried reopening my form and the same phenomena has happened, all fields but one were gone.

I really need help on this one. 

Are there logs where we can see all the action executed in the form editing mode???

Thanks in advance


P.S. The only thing different with this form is that I started using #hash variables and custom html element. In both cases, it was when adding a fileupload element.

  • No labels


  1. Does this happen only with that form? What happens if you create a new form (to take the place of the one that keeps breaking), add to it one field at a time (saving as you go)? 

    If creating a new form doesn't work, can you post a picture of your form that you built and also paste the JSON Definition of your form? (At the bottom of the 'Design Form' page, there is a link to 'ADVANCED:JSON definition')

  2. I verified my DOM structure and found out that with custom html we do not havve to include new <body> <html> tags.

    It seems to be working fine now.

  3. hi sir in the process i am written the script and that script not working when i am sending to other user