
after saving a form containing a grid with several rows when viewing the form the next time (in the next task or reviewing the saved draft) only the first row with the saved vaules and an empty row are shown (all other saved rows are missing).

After restarting joget service the entire grid with the saved values is listed correctly - until the next save. Looking at the related DB table the values are still there.

It is a problem in 2.01. In 2.00 all worked fine.

Kind regards,


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  1. Thanks for pointing that out, we will get that fixed asap :)

  2. Hi guys

    I seem to be having the same problem. I am using Joget compiled from revision 472, is there any workaround in newer revisions? when will version 2.0.2 be available?

    thanks in advance

    1. Hey,

      This issue has been fixed already quite long ago in fact.

      The latest package made available to the public is of revision 810 already which is released as version 2.0.2. You can get the installer at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jogetworkflow/files/joget-setup-2.0.2.exe/download or get them through svn as well from github.

  3. Hello,

    Sorry to inform, but the problem still persists. Have installed Joget 2.0.2 Revision 810 (thanks for pointing me there, the versions shown at Joget.org for download are still the older ones) and tested it to see the problem still persists:

    1- when the form is open, the user inputs data in a grid:
    2- but then, the user wants to save his work to get back to the form later. He clicks "Save as Draft" > "Withdraw Task". Sometime later, he returns the complete his work. Here's what he sees:

    The same thing happens when working with subforms.
    Looking at the mysql database, one can see that the data is there. It is just not being shown.
    Hope it gets solved pretty soon

    1. Hey Olinto,

      Thanks for bringing this up. I will check on this issue in a timely manner.