Hi everybody,

 I am new to Joget workflow management system. I designed a process and now I am designing a form using Form Builder. But there is no Element 'button'. I want to add a submit button. Please pardon me for my silly question but help me. I am using Mozilla Firefox 4.0 browser and Joget is installed on Centos 5.5.

   Any advise would be highly appreciated.


  • No labels


  1. Hi there,

    Joget adds in the controls when you run your processes. So, there's actually no need to create a submit button. :-)

  2. Hi Sam,

     Thanx for your quick reply. That worked!! :-)

  3.   Hey guys please help me out,what should i do in the following situation,
    i developed a form in joget form builder,now i want to add buttons at the end i.e "save","delete" and "New" or "Add New"
    now my questions are...
    1)how do i add these buttons to the form?
    2)espcially about the "New" button,how should i manage when i entere some values... into the form and save them and then when i click on the "New" button it should bring back the empty text fields while saving the previous dat.
    Plz do reply, I am stuck here, I have been assigned this task and the community site is also down so i couldn't find any help...thank you.

    1. Hi Salman,

      You don't need to add buttons to the forms. Joget will add the necessary buttons in during run-time. I suggest you check out the tutorial videos on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/jogetworkflow). They should be able to give you a better idea on how Joget works. It's basically workflow/process based, and there's no need for New buttons as the forms are based on activities.

      I hope this helps.


      1. what i am trying to say is that,how to add multiple records through a form while it does not go to the next step,i mean before clicking the "complete task" button i would like to add multiple records to the database through that same form,is it possible?

        actually we are not using the whole joget workflow system in our project,we have desingned our processes in joget but for the management purposes we have our own system.

        1. Hi Salman, you can use the Custom HTML element in Form Builder, which supports HTML, CSS and JavaScript (jQuery) syntax, to manually code out the buttons (<input>) that you need. And at the same time, if you are posting some records back into an external server, perhaps some Ajax scripting in the Custom HTML?

          1. Hi Tiensoon, thank you for the reply,i will do try that.

  4. Hello All, 

    This thread has been helpful. On my Joget design, I have two buttons in the forms - Save As Draft and Complete. If an entry is saved as draft (Save As Draft button clicked), it stays in the inbox same as one which is new and this can get confusing when there are many entries in the inbox.

    Is there a way to make the the entries that are saved as draft move to a different folder, or only show up with a different color from the untouched ones, or even have a column that shows if an entry is 'new' or 'saved as draft'? Of course, when 'complete' is clicked the entries move on to the next process.

    Any ideas will be highly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  5. I want to develop form in which I am writing Labels in local language and not in english and it is working fine but Submit button is displaying in English as I am not able to change it as it is generating at run-time.

    Is there any way I can edit the same?