Joget is use mysql as prerequisites, how to use mssql instead of mysql? Are joget system can't support using mssql?

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  1. For further details on running Joget Workflow with SQL Server, please refer to this page in the Knowledge Base - Running Joget Workflow with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

  2. Hi,

    I am really newbies in Joget. I really do not understand how the database works in joget.

    I have go to System Setup> Datasource and Profile Settings and saw this URL : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/sampledb?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useServerPrepStmts=false

    From what I have understand the Joget have created a sample DB name 'sampledb' which in localhost port 3307.

    My question is:

    1. Let say I am starting new project, do I have to create new database ex: helpdeskdb? Or I just can use sampledb only?
    2. How can I query database such as insert, delete, update that point to sampledb database in Joget v2?
    3. What is the best tool to use for querying the database besides mysql cmd line?

    I really need help on this.


    1. 1. You may create a new database using the sql script found in your joget installation folder. Joget-v2\data

      Create a new database and import the sql script said earlier.

      2. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to make queries or execute update while in a process?

      3. SQLyog and HeidiSQL are some of many clients available for MySQL.

      Hope it helps.

      1. Hi Hugo,

        For question (1) n (3)  I've made it! Thanks for the solutions.

        2) I am trying to delete previous data which I've entered previously in the form.

             a) Is that possible If I want to query sql delete in the database?

             b) May I know, which table should I refer in order to delete the form data entered?

             c) If I want to add Delete button in Table Listing for Manage Userview, how I can do that?


        1. a) Yes you can. Just use the generic jdbc connector and execute all the queries you needed.

          b) Find tables with prefix formdata_

          c) No, I afraid you can't. Unless, you want to venture into the code base.

          Hope it helps.