Hi All!
I am trying to attached external page in task of joget process. The external page contains some  text fields and saves data into database on clicking 'Submit'
button of external page. But task is completed after save the data. so i trying to write following code in by 'saveData.jsp' where i save data into Database.
After saving the data i want to redirect page to 'formSuccess.jsp'.
But not getting success. Please tell me where i going wrong.
<script type="text/javascript">

 function test(){

 var callback = {        success : function(response)

Unknown macro: { AssignmentManager.completeAssignment("http}




<body onload="test()"></body>

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. HI there,

    Please see Sample External Form Integration. And if you are using Joget v3, please replace the context path from "wflow-wfweb" to "jw".
