
I am trying to use Joget v3 for Linux, before this i have done one project using Joget v3 but in Windows OS. I am very new to Linux OS and does not familiar with it, but i still need to use it since i need to design an embedded system using Linux. Hence i really need a guide from you guys to help on explanation the different using Joget v3 in Windows and Linux. And can Joget v3 compatible in embedded system that used Intel Atom board?

Really appreciate if anyone can help me here.. 


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  1. Hi Dinx,

    I don't see why this would not work. As long as you can get Tomcat or your preferred servlet container installed in your OS, it should just run.


    1. Hi Hugo,

      Thanks for your reply. Here i really need your expertise, I never work using Tomcat yet, i just done simple research about Tomcat, and i still not clear on how it work and the purpose. Let me explain my current project and i do hope you can give a comment to it. I am trying to create a vending machine project and decided to make a real time inventory using Joget v3 which allow the owner of the vending machine to check the income and sales in real time using Internet. I am not really clear yet how to make the connection between the vending machine and to the inventory and database (which i decided to use MySQL). For the vending machine, i also involve in designing the hardware part using Intel Atom board which will connected to Internet using LAN or WIFI. I could design the real time inventory using Joget v3, however i does not sure how can i connect the application in Intel Atom board (which i need the money value from the sales of vending machine) to the pc owner via Internet. Do i need to install Joget v3 in both OS in my pc and Intel Atom board (in vending machine)?

      I am really appreciate if you could give me some advice and correct me if my understanding is wrong.


      1. Hi Dinx,

        I can't really comment on the architectural design that you will need to have for your project. It is up to you to decide. It is up to you whether you need to have Joget installation in the vending machine and your "pc owner" machine or not. In my opinion, I don't see any need of having Joget installed in the end user (pc owner) machine. Perhaps all vending machines should be connected to one single Joget server only since they are all connected to the Internet. Bear in mind that you will have a lot of data consolidation work to do if you have multiple server/database instances running at the same time.

        Hope this helps.
