
I'm use joget workflow Community. I want to select Grid row .Do you think it's possible?

Yours sincerely

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  1. Select what Grid Row from where? What are you trying to achieve? What do you currently have?

    1. Hi Walter,

      My purpose is

      • select field c_tools and count  all c_tools from  tp7toolschangeform 
      • select filed details and c_impact

      c_tools,c_details,c_impact in tp7toolschangeform

      • c_tools ,total  to show in grid and link to c_details and c_impact
                                                                                   Count c_tools
      • I want to select grid row  and to show other form
         Do you think it's possible?  I don't know how to solve the problem?
        Do you have any advice better than me.
        Yours sincerely
        1. Thank you for advice

          I can put checkbox in to grid of  impactform. and I want to check  grid row and  press complete  sent  data in grid to other form and delete grid row of impactform

           RHIE=3  Click RHIE
                   grid row =3  SELECT detail similar and complete

          show other from and sent to coomitee

           and update  RHIE =1
          grid row =1

          Do you think it's possible?

          Yours sincerely

  2. I want to create the system.

    Participant have 3 Group.

    1. Requester : Submit  toolschangeform

    2. Working Group: approval and select a tool similar to a group send to Commitee

    3. committee: Approval

      Purposse is to reduce  approval  of  committee.