Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        DATALIST   : Datalist PDF Export - Traditional Chinese characters not render when there is other language in same string.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Report Builder - "Show Unselected Options for Multi Options Field" property is not working.
[ FIXED ]        PLATFORM   : Tooltip icon is blocking main header text.
[ MODIFIED ]     SECURITY   : Update jackson-databind to for CVE-2021-20190.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Temporary setting of default timezone may result in permanently change to GMT 0.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ FIXED ]        FORM       : OSGI plugin having extra properties added in multi tenant environment.
[ FIXED ]        DATALIST   : Nested Datalist Formatter - non-alphabetic foreign characters unable to display properly.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Report Builder - "Show Unselected Options for Multi Options Field" property is not working.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Process status datalist formatter last row item cannot see without scrolling the whole datalist content.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINs    : Temporary setting of default timezone may result in permanently change to GMT 0.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Automatically reload uploaded plugins from other nodes is not working.

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