Is there a way or plugin to upload a file inside a form and be able to download it in another part of the process??

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  1. Yes, there's a File Upload element in Form Builder. Then, let say if you insert File Upload element into Form A, which allows user to upload a file, then you can include Form A as sub-form in Form B. User will be able to download the file in Form B

    1. Hi both,

      Is there a way to include just the File Upload element from Form A in Form B ?



      1. Hi Antoine,

        You can add a File Upload Field in Form B and name it the same as the name you gave to the File Upload Field in Form A, under Advanced Properties for the File Upload Field. The downside to this is that the field in Form B would be enabled... meaning that the user will be able to upload another file to replace that file. You could use Custom HTML to make that field read-only though.

        Hope this helps.


  2. Or you could create custom html and use the following hash variables to achieve this..

    <a href="/wflow-wfweb/web/formbuilder/file/get?fileName=#form.yourformname.attachmentfieldname#&processId=#assignment.processId#">#form.yourformname.attachmentfieldname#</a>

  3. I want to know is there any way to control the version of some uploaded file? Say I have uploaded "abc.pdf" through a form. It will be automatically version as "abc_v1.0.pdf". If I upload the same file once again on the similar thread it will be version as "abc_v1.1.pdf".  And so on. Any help is really appreciated.