We are planning to implement workflow engine at enterprise level and are interesting in knowing how well JoGet could scale up in terms of performance. Can they scale horizontally like adding multiple instances of Joget workflow engine (clustered environment)? If yes, what will be the fail over strategy?
Does Joget support clustered databases like Oracle RAC as JoGet backend?

These answers will really help us understand the hardware support required.



  1. Hi Arun,

    The standard installation of Joget Workflow is bundled with Apache Tomcat as the servlet/JSP container. So, you can apply the Apache Tomcat clustering to implement Joget Workflow in clustered environment.

    Oracle RAC doesn't change the way Joget Workflow runs, as long as you setup Joget Workflow to run with Oracle. Even with RAC, the datasource will still be essentially referring to a unified TNS name (service name). So Joget Workflow doesn't really need to know the physical implementation of all the RAC nodes.

    1. Tiensoon, thank you for providing the clarifications.