SLA Report provides you with high-level reports on the performance of processes where an SLA is implemented.

In the sample process below, the SLA is configured as follows:



Leave Application Process (Process)

4 minutes

Apply Leave (Activity)

2 minutes

Approve Leave (Activity)

2 minutes

Figure 1: Sample Process Design

The sample report below shows aggregated/compiled figures for the process/activities.

Figure 2: SLA Report - Process View

Process Name - Name of the process where an SLA is implemented.
Min Delay (Seconds) - The shortest delay (in seconds) for overdue processes/activities
Max Delay (Seconds) - The longest delay (in seconds) for overdue processes/activities 
Ratio On Time - Percentage of processes completed within the SLA
Ratio With Delay - Percentage of overdue processes
Service Level Monitor: SLA Indicator based on the given ratio 

Note: Ratio on time + Ratio with delay = 100

SLA report is also available for activity levels.

In the example above, we can tell that 50% of process instances in the sample Leave Application are completed on time and the remaining 50% are not. For instances where there is a delay, the longest is 248 seconds and the shortest is 200 seconds.

Figure 3: SLA Report - Activity View

The example above shows that only half of Apply Leave activities are completed on time, while all Approve Leave activities are completed on time.