We are using the community edition of Joget. We are stuck with a problem where we are not able to create a custom user registration. Joget has user registration as a part of their system and the applications deployed in Joget will all have the same session. Once we login into any of the applications deployed by a particular Joget installation , we will be able to log into any application and the Joget system itself with the same session. But the application which we are planning to build requires anonymous users to be able to register and then login with their username/password. But the system now only permits us to create users from the backend Joget system which we cannot make available to public. Also we cant afford to use the same login system which Joget provides as the same session is used by Joget system itself and also the other applications works in the same session.

Please provide me information on:

1) If there is an alternative to this problem which Joget provides

2) if not, is there any way to unbind the login which is used by Joget in all the apps created

3) is it possible to bypass this by some methods joget provides or do we need to look into Joget's source code and try to alter it for our use.

About the 2nd question, we tried to remove the logout button on the top right hand side of the userview builder and was not able to. Do you have any alternative suggestions which we can use for this?

I have provided a screen shot of what I meant by 'removing the logout button'.