Session Management

Joget typically allows 2 types of session timeouts

1)Soft Time out

2) Hard session timeout

Soft Time Out

Joget's Session manager implementations are set to a 30 minute session timeout after which the user will be logged out due to the inactivity. 

Go to System Settings>Directory Manager Settings>Configure Plugin(Security Enhanced Directory Manager)

"Allow Session Timeout" is checked by default in the plugin. Un-check this setting to remove the default session timeout. 


To change the timeout period, open web.xml in apache-tomcat-6.0.18\conf\ directory and change the tome period in Session timeout tag




Hard Session Timeout

Hard session Timeout makes a user log out irrelevant to the activity

It is set to 8 hours in the plugin and can be changed.  

Go to System Settings>Directory Manager Settings>Configure Plugin(Security Enhanced Directory Manager)
