We encourage all users to comment on v4. If you have encountered any issue that is not listed here, please discuss the issue inĀ Discussion Forums. When an issue discussed is accepted by the development team, we will update it here to keep everyone in the loop on the latest progress.

Unplanned shutdown caused process instance migration from old version to newer version was aborted.

The consequence of this abortion make some of the process instances fail to migrate and stuck at the old version. Exception will be throw when you are try to open those process instances from the Inbox. Temporary solution for this known issue is manually correct the data in database with following steps:

1. Check the app_package table to see the "packageVersion" that matches the corresponding "appId" and "appVersion". For example the value could be "10".

2. Update the PDefName to that version (e.g. crm#10#approver_process) for the matching activity "Id" in SHKActivities

update SHKActivities set PDefName = "crm#10#approver_process" where ProcessId in (select id from SHKProcesses where PDefName = "crm#9#approver_process" and State = 1000000)

3. Update the ActivityProcessDefName to that version (e.g. crm#10#approver_process) for the matching activity "Id" in SHKAssignmentsTable

update SHKAssignmentsTable set ActivityProcessDefName = "crm#10#approver_process" where ActivityProcessId in (select id from SHKProcesses where PDefName = "crm#9#approver_process" and State = 1000000)

4. Update the PDefName to that version (e.g. crm#10#approver_process) for processes which failed to update in SHKProcesses table

update SHKProcesses set PDefName = "crm#10#approver_process" where PDefName = "crm#9#approver_process" and State = 1000000