
[ FIXED ]       : Process progress status not working after security core fixes on 7.0.25.


[ FIXED ]       : When reassignment, user notification plugin not working.


[ FIXED ]       : Support 'disable validation' for reject action.

[ FIXED ] : Process List Menu - running on mssql will throw exception when record more than 2100.

[ ADDED ] : Bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7.

[ ADDED ] : Bump junit from 4.4 to 4.13.1.

[ FIXED ] : NPE when runInBackgroud.


[ FIXED ]       : Assignment view on reassign button partially hidden if userview menu on top.


[ FIXED ]       : Missing process data table definition file when starting a process.


[ FIXED ]       : NPE when using 'Execute Tool After Return to Clarification Activity' and missing complete button in datalist.

[ ADDED ]       : Process Enhancement: Unable to save as draft if comment is empty.


[ FIXED ]       : When reassignment on form, post process tool(Email Tool) with form hash variable will not works correctly.

[ MODIFIED ] : Datalist view - "Reassign" UI is oddly cut off.

[ MODIFIED ] : Improve wording for process list.

[ MODIFIED ] : Allow comments on the process to be written to the process business table.


[ FIXED ]       : Withdrawn then resubmitted process, record did not update status to 'new'.

[ FIXED ]       : ProcessListMenu - Error: Submit RunProcess, go to menu Submitted, withdraw action, record saved but record still sits in menu Approval. Menu Withdrawn is empty.

[ FIXED ]       : Assignment Form Actions: control the scope of the reassignment

[ MODIFIED ] : Change all labels to title case.

[ FIXED ]       : Fix wrong version.

[ MODIFIED ] : Support ignore validation when reassign or clarify button is clicked.

[ ADDED ]       : Process Enhancement: control the scope of the reassignment.


[ FIXED ]       : Process Enhancement > More Settings > Confirmation message does not display if more than one activity selected.
[ FIXED ]       : Translation error for CN & TW.


[ FIXED ]       : Comment field becomes readonly when the form sections are set to readonly in plugin setting for Assignment Form Actions.


[ ADDED ]       : Provide additional two property fields for admin to key in 1) comment section label 2) comment field label.
[ FIXED ]       : Update version checking.

[ FIXED ]       : Not able to populate email content in cloud for Approval/Assignment Process Generator. 

[ FIXED ]       : Participant Id in the email tool is wrong for Approval/Assignment Process Generator.


[ MODIFIED ]    : Support run process in background for Assignment Form Actions.
[ MODIFIED ] : Support complete assignment in the background for Assignment Form Actions.
[ FIXED ]       : Resubmit option is missing in the configuration for the Process List Menu.