Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction on force logout once an user is deleted or inactive.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Regression on force logout once an user is deleted or inactive.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgrade Commons BeanUtils for CVE-2014-0114 and CVE-2019-10086 and Upgrade Commons Collections for CVE-2015-6420 and CVE-2017-15708.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update bsh to 2.0b6 for vulnerability CVE-2016-2510.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded Spring LDAP Core to 2.3.4.RELEASE and slf4j dependency to 1.7.25
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded MySQL JDBC in Community Edition to 8.0.26
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded Tomcat JDBC Pool Package to 8.5.72
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded commons-compress for CVE-2021-35515, CVE-2021-35517 and CVE-2021-36090
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update jstl to 1.2 for vulnerability CVE-2015-0254.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update commons-email to 1.5 for vulnerability CVE-2017-9801.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Run Process Menu with "recordId" URL param - Readonly fields are deleted on form submission.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update POI to 4.1.2 for vulnerability CVE-2019-12415 and XML Beans to 3.1.0 for vulnerability CVE-2021-23926.
[ MODIFIED ]     FORM       : JS utility method FormUtil.getFieldsAsUrlQueryString wrongly construct query string when field has multi values.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Process enhancement plugin - When reassignment, user notification plugin not working.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update mssql-jdbc to 9.4.0.jre8.
[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Force logout once an user is deleted or inactive.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : EmailTool/ExportFormEmailTool - Mix of non-standard and standard format encoding on filename.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Email Tools - file upload field as attachment in email, filename shows ?????.pdf if foreign language.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Protected (Readonly) App : Invalid Expiry Date and invalid expiry date error in server log.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.72 
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Formatting the display value to remove time when the display value has time value but format doesn't has time format.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : AJAX subform - Hide Details link is blocked by subform.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction on Improve license page for readonly app and Readonly protected app does not enforce expiry check.
[ MODIFIED ]     PLUGINS    : App License - Improve license page for readonly app.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Calculation Field - Regression on decimal rounding incorrect..
[ MODIFIED ]     PLUGINS    : Upgrade Commons BeanUtils for CVE-2014-0114 and CVE-2019-10086 and Upgrade Commons Collections for CVE-2015-6420 and CVE-2017-15708.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update bsh to 2.0b6 for vulnerability CVE-2016-2510.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded Spring LDAP Core to 2.3.4.RELEASE and slf4j dependency to 1.7.25 
[ MODIFIED ]     PLUGINS    : Upgraded Groovy to 2.4.21 
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded MySQL JDBC in Community Edition to 8.0.26 
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded commons-compress for CVE-2021-35515, CVE-2021-35517 and CVE-2021-36090 
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded Tomcat JDBC Pool Package to 8.5.72
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded commons-compress for CVE-2021-35515, CVE-2021-35517 and CVE-2021-36090 
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update jstl to 1.2 for vulnerability CVE-2015-0254. 
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update commons-email to 1.5 for vulnerability CVE-2017-9801. 
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update POI to 4.1.2 for vulnerability CVE-2019-12415 and XML Beans to 3.1.0 for vulnerability CVE-2021-23926.
[ FIXED ]        CLOUD      : Not able to build due to missing docs directory
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Updated NOTICE.txt and added 3rd party license files into docs/licenses
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Update mssql-jdbc to 9.4.0.jre8.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : App License - Readonly protected app does not enforce expiry check.
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Calculation Field - Decimal rounding incorrect.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Export Form Email Tools - file upload field as attachment in email, filename shows ?????.pdf if foreign language.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Protected (Readonly) App : Invalid Expiry Date and invalid expiry date error in server log.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.72
[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : License - Inconsistent letter case check when the number of registered users exceeds the license.
[ ADDED ]        PLUGINS    : AJAX Subform - Handle if "id" field is used, and there is no "id" field in the parent form.