

        title : 'Page Title',
        properties : [
                name : 'Property Name',
                label : 'Property Label',
                description : 'Property Description', //optional, default is NULL
                type : 'Property Type',
                value : 'Property Value', //optional, default is null
                required : 'Mandatory or Not', //optional, 'true' or 'false', default is 'false'
                //… more attributes …
            }, //… more fields …
        validators : [  //optional
            //… properties custom validators …
        buttons : [  //optional
            //… custom properties page buttons …
    }, //… more properties page …

Sample Look and Feel

Field Types

Check Box

Code Editor

Combine Grid

Element Select Box

Fixed Row Grid

columns : [
    {key : 'key', label : 'Columns'}, // first column will used to populate row label
    {key : 'value', label : 'Value', required: 'true'},
    {key : 'label', label : 'Label', required: 'true'},
    {key : 'width', label : 'Width', options:[
        {value : '10%', label : '10%'},
        {value : '20%', label : '20%'},
        {value : '30%', label : '20%'},
        {value : '40%', label : '20%'}
rows : [
    {label : 'Username', required: 'true'},
    {label : 'Status'},
    {label : 'Message'},
    {label : 'Date'}
value : [
    {label : 'Username'},
    {label : 'Status'},
    {label : 'Message', width : '20%'},
    {label : 'Date', value : 'dateCreated'}



Hidden Field

HTML Editor


Multi Select Box

Password Field

Radio Button

Readonly Text Field

Select Box

Text Area

Text Field

Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes

    regex_validation : '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$',
    validation_message : 'Invalid ID!!'

Dependency Field Attributes

    control_field: 'chartType',
    control_value: 'bar|xy|area|bubble|line|candlestick|ohlc',
    control_use_regex: 'true',

Options Field Attributes

options : [
    {value: 'value1', label : 'Value 1'},
    {value: 'value2', label : 'Value 2'},
    {value: 'value3', label : 'Value 3'}
options_ajax : '[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/json/console/app[APP_PATH]/datalist/options'
options_ajax_on_change : 'type'
options_ajax : '[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/json/app[APP_PATH]/plugin/org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SamplePlugin/service?action=getJson'
options_callback: 'DatalistBuilder.getColumnOptions'
options_script: 'var tempArray = [{\'label\':\'\',\'value\':\'\'}]; 
for(ee in DatalistBuilder.availableColumns){ var temp = {
\'label\' : UI.escapeHTML(DatalistBuilder.availableColumns[ee].label),
\'value\' : DatalistBuilder.availableColumns[ee].id}; 

Built-in JSON API for 'options_ajax' 

Built-in Javascript Function for 'options_callback'

Validator Types


Page Button




Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin

Single Value Field

String value = getPropertyString("property_name");

Multi Values Field

String[] values = getPropertyString("property_name").split(";");

Combine Grid Field

String[] col1_values = getPropertyString("col1_name").split(";");
String[] col2_values = getPropertyString("col2_name").split(";");

Grid Field

Object columns = getProperty("property_name");
if (columns != null) {
    for (Object colObj : (Object[]) columns) {
        Map col = (Map) colObj;
        String col1_value = (String) opt.get("col1_key");
        String col2_value = (String) opt.get("col2_key");

Element Select Box

import org.joget.plugin.base.PluginManager;
import org.joget.plugin.base.ExtDefaultPlugin;
Object element = getProperty("property_name");
if (element != null && element instanceof Map) {
    Map elementMap = (Map) element;
    String className = (String) elementMap.get("className");
    Map<String, Object> properties = (Map<String, Object>) elementMap.get("properties");
    //convert it to plugin
    PluginManager pm = (PluginManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("pluginManager");
    ExtDefaultPlugin plugin = (ExtDefaultPlugin) pm.getPlugin(className);
    if (plugin != null) {