Grid enables one to capture structured and related data.

Figure 1: Screenshot highlighting Grid in sample HR Expenses Claim app

Figure 2: Grid Properties

IDElement ID (By declaring as "approval_comments", a corresponding database table column "c_approval_comments" will be created)
LabelElement Label to be displayed to end user.

Column definition and column label.

Column name is defined in the value column whereas the corresponding label is defined in the label column.

Figure 3: Grid Properties - UI & Validation


Determines if the element is editable.


Attach a Validator plugin to validate the input value.

Validation will takes place whenever form is submitted except when it is submitted as "Save as Draft".

Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)
Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)
Error MessageError message to be shown when row requirements set above is not met.

Figure 4: Grid Properties - Data Binder

 Load Binder

Option by default. Grid data will be saved/loaded in JSON format in its defined database cell.

In this example, Multirow Form Binder is used to load data from other form.

 Store BinderOption by default. Grid data will be saved/loaded in JSON format in its defined database cell.

Figure 5: Grid Properties - Data Binder - Multirow Form Binder

FormForm to store to or load from
Foreign KeyForeign Key for records lookup.

Screenshots taken from http://localhost:8080/jw/web/console/app/hr_expense/1/form/builder/hr_expenses_approval_detail