Datalist Inbox Userview Menu extends the usability of Datalist Builder's listing with the generic Task Inbox. Unlike the usual Task Inbox which has it's own set of predefined columns, Datalist Inbox Userview Menu enables you to select your own list, allowing you to display the key value of an item.  This increases productivity and cuts down time wasted clicking and checking each item.

Figure 1: Screenshot showing Data List Inbox from sample HR Expenses Claim app

Figure 2: Data List Inbox Properties

Custom ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the Userview Menus as the first matching name will be called upon.

LabelMenu label. Mandatory field.

Datalist to load. Mandatory field.

Make sure that the "id" of the dataset in the Datalist reflects the Process Instance ID or record ID that can be used to match to the actual assignment.

This is especially important when one is using the JDBC Datalist Database Binder to define its own query.

Assignments to Display
  • All assignments
  • Assignments for all Apps
  • Assignments for a Process only
  • Assignments for selected Activity only

Filter by process(es). Required when Assignments to Display is set to "Assignments for a Process only" or "Assignments for selected Activity only"

ActivityFilter by activity(ies). Required when Assignments to Display is set to "Assignments for selected Activity only"

Figure 3: Data List Inbox Properties - UI

Show Number of Rows in Menu
Show Number of Rows In Menu.


Additional query will be performed to return record count every time the Userview loads.

Show Assignment Details

Show assignment details in a Tooltip fashion.

List View Custom HeaderList View Custom Header in HTML.
List View Custom FooterList View Custom Footer in HTML.
Assignment View Custom HeaderAssignment View Custom Header in HTML.
Assignment View Custom FooterAssignment View Custom Footer in HTML.

Figure 4: Data List Inbox Properties - Advanced

Userview Key NameCorresponding column name to filter the dataset against using the Userview Key value.

Screenshots taken from http://localhost:8080/jw/web/console/app/hr_expense/1/userview/builder/hr_expense_userview