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Use as Form Load Binder

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Load user data using jdbc.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.commons.util.LogUtil;
public FormRowSet load(Element element, String username, FormData formData) { 
    FormRowSet rows = new FormRowSet();
    if (username != null && !username.isEmpty()) {
        Connection con = null;
        try {
            // retrieve connection from the default datasource
            DataSource ds = (DataSource)AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("setupDataSource");
            con = ds.getConnection();
            // execute SQL query
            if(!con.isClosed()) {
                PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT username, firstName, lastName, email from dir_user where username=?");
                stmt.setObject(1, username);
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                while (rs.next()) {
                    FormRow row = new FormRow();
                    System.out.println(rs.getObject("username") );
                    row.setProperty("username", (rs.getObject("username") != null)?rs.getObject("username").toString():"");
                    row.setProperty("firstName", (rs.getObject("firstName") != null)?rs.getObject("firstName").toString():"");
                    row.setProperty("lastName", (rs.getObject("lastName") != null)?rs.getObject("lastName").toString():"");
                    row.setProperty("email", (rs.getObject("email") != null)?rs.getObject("email").toString():"");
        } catch(Exception e) {
            LogUtil.error("Sample app - Form 1", e, "Error loading user data in load binder");
        } finally {
            //always close the connection after used
            try {
                if(con != null) {
            } catch(SQLException e) {/* ignored */}
    return rows;
//call load method with injected variable
return load(element, primaryKey, formData);

Use as Form Options Binder

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Load time zone as the select box options.

import java.util.Map;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.apps.form.service.FormUtil;
import org.joget.commons.util.TimeZoneUtil;

public FormRowSet load(Element element, String username, FormData formData) { 
    FormRowSet rows = new FormRowSet();
    //Get timezones using timezone util
    for(Map.Entry entry : TimeZoneUtil.getList().entrySet()){
        FormRow option = new FormRow();
        option.setProperty(FormUtil.PROPERTY_VALUE, (String) entry.getKey());
        option.setProperty(FormUtil.PROPERTY_LABEL, (String) entry.getValue());
    return rows;

//call load method with injected variable
return load(element, primaryKey, formData);

Use as Form Ajax Options Binder

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Load user as options based on the group id passed by the controlling field.

import java.util.Collection;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.apps.form.service.FormUtil;
import org.joget.directory.model.User;
import org.joget.directory.model.service.ExtDirectoryManager;

public FormRowSet load(String[] values) { 
    FormRowSet rows = new FormRowSet();
    ExtDirectoryManager directoryManager = (ExtDirectoryManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("directoryManager");
    //set groupId based on dependency value
    String groupId = null;
    if (values != null && values.length > 0) {
        groupId = values[0];
    //Get users using directory manager
    Collection userList = directoryManager.getUsers(null, null, null, null, groupId, null, null, "firstName", false, null, null);
    for(Object u : userList){
        User user = (User) u;
        FormRow option = new FormRow();
        option.setProperty(FormUtil.PROPERTY_VALUE, user.getUsername());
        option.setProperty(FormUtil.PROPERTY_LABEL, user.getFirstName() + " " + user.getLastName());
    return rows;

//call load method with injected variable
return load(values);

Use as Form Store Binder

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Do some calculation before storing the data using Workflow Form Binder.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormStoreBinder;
import org.joget.plugin.base.PluginManager;
public FormRowSet store(Element element, FormRowSet rows, FormData formData) {
    //check the rows is not empty before store it
    if (rows != null && !rows.isEmpty()) {
        //Get the submitted data
        FormRow row = rows.get(0);
        String unitPrice = row.getProperty("unitPrice");
        String unit = row.getProperty("unit");
        double total = 0;
        try {
            double price = Double.parseDouble(unitPrice);
            int unit = Integer.parseInt(unit);
            total = price * unit;
        } catch (Exception e) {}
        //format the total to 2 decimal
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
        row.setProperty("total", df.format(total));
        //Reuse Workflow Form Binder to store data
        PluginManager pluginManager = (PluginManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("pluginManager");
        FormStoreBinder binder = (FormStoreBinder) pluginManager.getPlugin("org.joget.apps.form.lib.WorkflowFormBinder");
        binder.store(element, rows, formData);
    return rows;

//call store method with injected variable
return store(element, rows, formData);

Use as Form Validator

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Compare the submitted value with the value of another field.

import java.util.Arrays;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Form;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.service.FormUtil;

public boolean validate(Element element, FormData formData, String[] values) {
    boolean result = true;

    //get field 1 value from form data object
    String field1Id = "field1";
    Form form = FormUtil.findRootForm(element);
    Element field1 = FormUtil.findElement(field1Id, form, formData);

    if (field1 != null) {
        //get value of field 1
        String[] compareValues = FormUtil.getElementPropertyValues(field1, formData);

        //compare the value of field 2 and field 1 are equals
        if (!Arrays.equals(values, compareValues)) {
            String id = FormUtil.getElementParameterName(element);
            formData.addFormError(id, "Value not equal!!!!");
            result = false;
    } else {
        //ignore if the field 1 not exist

    return result; 

//call validate method with injected variable
return validate(element, formData, values);

Use as Form Multi Row Load Binder

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Load default grid data from another table if current record does not have any grid data.

import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.apps.form.service.FormUtil;
import org.joget.plugin.base.PluginManager;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormLoadBinder;

public FormRowSet load(Element element, String primaryKey, FormData formData) {
    String defaultFormDefId = "default_grid_entry"; //change this to the form id used to store default grid data
    String formDefId = "grid_entry";  //change this to the form id used to store grid data
    String foreignKey = "fk"; //change this to the foreign key 
    FormRowSet f = new FormRowSet();

    // Reuse Multi Row Binder to load data
    PluginManager pluginManager = (PluginManager) FormUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("pluginManager");
    FormLoadBinder binder = (FormLoadBinder) pluginManager.getPlugin("org.joget.plugin.enterprise.MultirowFormBinder");
    //Load from the grid table
    binder.setProperty("formDefId", formDefId);
    binder.setProperty("foreignKey", foreignKey);
    f = binder.load(element, primaryKey, formData);
    //if no grid data is retrieved, get from default table
    if (f == null || f.isEmpty()) {
        binder.setProperty("formDefId", defaultFormDefId);
        //set the foreign key value to empty
        f = binder.load(element, "", formData);
    return f;

//call load method with injected variable
return load(element, primaryKey, formData);

Use as Form Multi Row Store Binder

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Bulk create users based on the grid data.

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.commons.util.LogUtil;
import org.joget.commons.util.StringUtil;
import org.joget.directory.model.Role;
import org.joget.directory.model.User;
import org.joget.directory.dao.RoleDao;
import org.joget.directory.dao.UserDao;
import org.joget.directory.model.service.DirectoryUtil;
import org.joget.directory.model.service.UserSecurity;
public FormRowSet store(Element element, FormRowSet rows, FormData formData) {
    try {
        UserSecurity us = DirectoryUtil.getUserSecurity();
        RoleDao roleDao = (RoleDao) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("roleDao");
        UserDao userDao = (UserDao) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("userDao");
        for (FormRow row : rows) {
            //Get the submitted data for each grid row
            String username = row.getProperty("username");
            String firstName = row.getProperty("firstName");
            String lastName = row.getProperty("lastName");
            String email = row.getProperty("email");
            String password = row.getProperty("password");
            User user = new User();
            //Check if there is user security implementation, using it to encrypt password
            if (us != null) {
                user.setPassword(us.encryptPassword(username, password));
            } else {
            //set user role
            Set roleSet = new HashSet();
            if (us != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogUtil.error("Sample app - Bulk Create Users form", e, "Store user error!!");
    return rows;
//call store method with injected variable
return store(element, rows, formData);

Use as Form Multi Row Validator

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Validate the sum of a column values are less than 1000.

import java.util.Arrays;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.Form;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow;
import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRowSet;
import org.joget.apps.form.service.FormUtil;
public boolean validate(Element element, FormRowSet rows, FormData formData) {
    boolean result = true;
    if (rows != null && !rows.isEmpty()) {
        int total = 0;
        //Sum the values from column "amount"
        for (FormRow row : rows) {
            try {
                int amount = Integer.parseInt(row.getProperty("amount"));
                total += amount;
            } catch (Exception e) {}
        //if amount larger than 1000
        if (total > 1000) {
            String id = FormUtil.getElementParameterName(element);
            formData.addFormError(id, "Total amount should not larger than 1000!!!!");
            result = false;
    return result;
//call validate method with injected variable
return validate(element, rows, formData);

Use as Form Permission

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Check the current user's username are same with the form field "creator" value. The following sample using Form Hash Variable to retrieve form field value.

import java.util.Map;
import org.joget.directory.model.User;

public boolean isAuthorized(User user, Map params) { 
    //using hash variable to get "creator" field value and escapes it with java syntax, then compare with current username
    return "#form.crm_account.creator?java#".equals(user.getUsername());

//call isAuthorized method with injected variable
return isAuthorized(user, requestParams);

Use as Form Post Submission Processing Tool

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Reuse Email tool to send separate email to each users. The following script is for a form not mapped to workflow assignment, therefore workflowAssignment is not available.

import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.joget.apps.app.model.AppDefinition;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppPluginUtil;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.plugin.base.ApplicationPlugin;
import org.joget.plugin.base.Plugin;
import org.joget.plugin.base.PluginManager;
import org.joget.plugin.property.model.PropertyEditable;
public Object execute(AppDefinition appDef, HttpServletRequest request) {
    String[] emails = new String[]{"test1@joget.org", "test2@joget.org"};
    //Reuse Email Tool to send separated email to a list of users;
    Plugin plugin = pluginManager.getPlugin("org.joget.apps.app.lib.EmailTool");
    //Get default properties (SMTP setting) for email tool
    Map propertiesMap = AppPluginUtil.getDefaultProperties(plugin, null, appDef, null);
    propertiesMap.put("pluginManager", pluginManager);
    propertiesMap.put("appDef", appDef);
    propertiesMap.put("request", request);
    ApplicationPlugin emailTool = (ApplicationPlugin) plugin;
    //send email
    for (String email : emails) {
        propertiesMap.put("toSpecific", email);
        propertiesMap.put("subject", "This is a test email for " + email);
        propertiesMap.put("message", "Email content for " + email);
        //set properties and execute the tool
        ((PropertyEditable) emailTool).setProperties(propertiesMap);
    return null;
//call execute method with injected variable
return execute(appDef, request);

Use as Process Participant

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


        Randomly assign an user in a department to a workflow activity.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.directory.model.User;
import org.joget.directory.model.service.ExtDirectoryManager;
import org.joget.workflow.model.WorkflowActivity;

public Collection getAssignees(WorkflowActivity activity) { 
    Collection assignees = new ArrayList();
    ExtDirectoryManager directoryManager = (ExtDirectoryManager) pluginManager.getBean("directoryManager");
    String deptId = "D-005";
    //Get total user in department
    Long total = directoryManager.getTotalUsers(null, null, deptId, null, null, null, null);
    //Get random number from 0 to the total number of users in department
    int random = (int) (Math.random() * total);
    //Get users using directory manager
    Collection userList = directoryManager.getUsers(null, null, deptId, null, null, null, null, "firstName", false, random, 1);
    for(Object u : userList){
        User user = (User) u;
    return assignees;

//call getAssignees method with injected variable
return getAssignees(workflowActivity);

Use as Process Tool 

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Start a new process in the same app with current record id.

import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.joget.apps.app.model.AppDefinition;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppService;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.workflow.model.service.WorkflowManager;
import org.joget.workflow.model.WorkflowAssignment;
import org.joget.workflow.model.WorkflowProcess;
public Object execute(WorkflowAssignment assignment, AppDefinition appDef, HttpServletRequest request) {
    AppService appService = (AppService) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("appService");
    WorkflowManager workflowManager = (WorkflowManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("workflowManager");
    //get current record id
    String recordId = appService.getOriginProcessId(assignment.getProcessId());
    //get process
    WorkflowProcess process = appService.getWorkflowProcessForApp(appDef.getAppId(), appDef.getVersion().toString(), "process2");
    //start process
    workflowManager.processStart(process.getId(), null, null, null, recordId, false);
    return null;
//call execute method with injected variable
return execute(workflowAssignment, appDef, request);

Use as Userview Permission

Injected Variables:

Expected Return Object:


Check the user is in a group and is an admin user.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.directory.model.Group;
import org.joget.directory.model.User;
import org.joget.directory.model.service.ExtDirectoryManager;
import org.joget.workflow.model.service.WorkflowUserManager;
import org.joget.workflow.util.WorkflowUtil;
public boolean isAuthorized(User user, Map params) { 
    //if no logged in user
    if (user == null) {
        return false;
    //check current user is admin
    boolean isAdmin = WorkflowUtil.isCurrentUserInRole(WorkflowUserManager.ROLE_ADMIN);
    //check current user is in group "G-001"
    boolean inGroup = false;
    ExtDirectoryManager directoryManager = (ExtDirectoryManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("directoryManager");
    Collection groups = directoryManager.getGroupByUsername(user.getUsername());
    if (groups != null) {
        String groupId = "G-001";
        for (Group g : groups) {
            if (groupId.equals(g.getId())) {
                inGroup = true;
    return isAdmin && inGroup;
//call isAuthorized method with injected variable
return isAuthorized(user, requestParams);

Best Practices

1. Only import classes that are needed

Do not use wildcard in import statement. It giving a very bad performance in Bean Shell interpreter to search the whole package and loads it in memory.


import java.util.*;


import java.util.Collection;

2. Do not need to mention the type of element of a collections

Bean Shell interpreter cannot recognise the element type syntax of collections class like Collection, Map, List, Set and etc.


Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();


Map map = new HashMap();

3. Indents your script nicely and follows the Java Code Conventions

It will make yours and others life easier to maintain and review the script whenever necessary as Joget Workflow provided flexibility to adapt change quickly.

4. Write your script in functions

If your script is pretty long and some parts of the script are reusable, please make use of function to write your script. It provided better reading and performance.

5. Remember to write some comments 

It will helps you and others to understand what is the purpose for the script quickly. 

6. Catch the exceptions and give a meaningful message in log.

If you are using a lot of Bean Shell Scripting in your app, a meaningful log message can help you to locate your issue quickly.


try {
    //do something
} catch (Exception e) {
    LogUtil.error("BeanShell", e, "Error executing script");


try {
    //do something
} catch (Exception e) {
    LogUtil.error("CRM app - Backend userview", e, "Error retrieving user department in Report category permission");

7. Consider to make it as a plugin instead of using Bean Shell

If your script need to reuse for multiple times in an app or can be used by others app in future development, please consider to make your Bean Shell script as a plugin instead of copy and paste it multiple times across your app. Bean Shell script is harder to maintain in this case. Imagine that you want to make a change, you will have to update all the places that are using the same script as well. Beside that, a normal plugin implementation will have better performance than a script running by a Bean Shell interpreter.

8. Reuse existing plugins in your code to make it cleaner and easy to maintain

If partial of your script can be done by existing plugins in Joget Workflow, you can reuse the plugin in stead of writting it again. 

To reuse a plugin, you can retrieve the plugin using PluginManager, then set it properties and execute it.


  1. Reuse Multi Row Binder plugin to load data
  2. Reuse Email Tool to send email


More samples