
This process tool plugin allows you to generate an account on the Hedera DLT, and store the account data into a form.

Do note that for freshly created accounts, it must be funded in order to perform any actions on the Hedera DLT.

If you are using the previewnet or testnet, do check the Fund Test Account plugin property.

Plugin Properties

Configure Hedera Generate Account Tool

Operator ID
Operator Key
Network Type
Account Memo

Insert your own custom note for generated accounts. Also accepts hash variables.

Fund Test Account

Only available if Previewnet or Testnet is selected for Network Type property.

Check this option to automatically fund the test account upon account creation.

Set As Multisig AccountCheck this option to generate multi-signature accounts instead of regular single-key accounts.
Form To Retrieve Account Data From

Only available if Set As Multisig Account property is checked.

Select a form to retrieve form data for the would-be signer's account data for this multi-sig account.

Signer Account Mnemonic Field

Only available if Set As Multisig Account property is checked.

Fields available here depends on the form selected from Form To Retrieve Account Data From property.

Select the form field that stores the signer's mnemonic phrase.
Depending on the Signer Account IDs configured, their respective mnemonic phrase is retrieved automatically to generate this multi-sig account.

Signer Account IDs

Only available if Set As Multisig Account property is checked.

Typically hash variable is used here.
Expects a string value of multiple Hedera account IDs, delimited by semicolon (;), to represent the would-be signers for this multi-sig account.

Store Account Data To Form


Select a form to store the account data to.

All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the section below.

Field Mapping
Account ID

The unique identifier of a Hedera account.

This value will be stored as the record ID of the chosen form.

Account Mnemonic Phrase

This is the secret key used to access the generated account.
In the event if account data is lost, this phrase can be used on a qualified wallet to recover the account.

This value is stored as an encrypted value in the database.

Account Mnemonic Phrase MUST be strictly secured at all times, and only viewable to the intended user.

Anyone who possesses this phrase has full unrestricted control and can do irreparable damage!

Account Owner FieldThe field to store the owner of the newly generated account.
Account Owner Value

To set the account owner value to the field selected on Account Owner Field property.

Hash variable is accepted here. Typically points to an actual Joget user, e.g.: Joget username.

Is Test Account FlagTo indicate if this is a real or test account.
Is Multisig Account FlagTo indicate if this is a multi-signature or regular single-key account.
Multisig Account Signers

Only available if Set As Multisig Account property is checked.

The field to store the signer IDs of the newly generated multi-sig account.

Store Data To Workflow Variable

Response StatusTo indicate if account is generated successfully or not.
Is Test Account FlagTo indicate if this is a real or test account.