
Application Performance Management (APM) is a built-in feature that automatically monitors system and application performance. The monitoring is done at runtime, and alerts can be configured for various metrics including errors so that email notifications are sent when thresholds are exceeded.

 How do I access the System APM?

Localhost version APM

Cloud version APM

  1. Log in as an administrator
  2. Open up the Administrator Bar
  3. Click on Monitor
  4. Click on Performance

How do I access to the APM in my App?

  1. Log in as an administrator
  2. Hover on an app until a pencil icon is displayed 
  3. Click on the pencil icon to access the App Composer
  4. Click on the Performance icon
  5. This will display performance information related only to the current App

Web Request Performance


Cluster Nodes

Cluster Nodes is a new feature in cloud version Joget DX 8.

Response Time

Slow Traces



Service Calls

Thread Profile

Download Slow / Error Trace

For further analysis, the slow / error trace can be downloaded by clicking on the bubble on the chart itself. Then, click on the download link to download.

Application Performance Management (APM) properties

Manage Alert

Set up an email Performance Alert notification.

This is only available in the System (APM) under the Monitor > Performance menu.

Delete Data

A prompt will be displayed to confirm the deletion of performance data.

This is only available in the System (APM) under the Monitor > Performance menu.

  • Last 30 minutes
  • Last 60 minutes
  • Last 2 hours
  • Last 4 hours
  • Last 8 hours
  • Last 24 hours
  • Last 2 days
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days

Performance Alert

Manage Alert

Add AlertSetup an alert

Add Alert


The metric that this alert monitors.

Available Metrics:

  • Error Count
  • Error Rate (%)
  • Heap Memory Usage (MB)
  • Free Physical Memory (MB)
  • Process CPU Load
  • System CPU Load

If the metric value over the given time period is greater than or equal to this threshold, then alert will be triggered

Lower Bound Threshold?Alert if the metric value is less than or equal to the threshold, instead of alerting if it is greater than or equal to the threshold.
Time Period (mins)The time period over which the metric is calculated.
Minimum Transaction Count

Time periods with very few transactions have much less meaningful metrics, so this can be used to suppress alerts from being generated unless the time period has a minimum transaction count.

This field will be displayed if Error Rate (%) is selected in the Metric field.

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
Email NotificationA comma-separated list of email addresses.


If no SMTP settings are configured here, this tool will read the SMTP configuration in the "General Settings".

You may configure common SMTP settings in "General Settings > SMTP Settings" for your future convenience.


Email Server SMTP Host


Email Server SMTP Port

Typically, port 465 for SSL security option and 587 for TLS

  • None
  • TLS
  • SSL

Email Server Account Username

On Google email account, use your full email address.


Email Server Account Password

Password submitted will be encrypted for security reason.

From Email Address

sender email address

From Display Name

sender display name

Info No Reply

Hit on the "Send Test Email" button to quickly validate and test out your email settings.