
The Directory Form Data Store allows one to interact with the Directory Manager.

Directory Form Data Store Properties

Configure Directory Form Data Store


Entity type that you would like to write/read.

  • User
  • Group
  • Organization
  • Department
  • Grade
Handling for Field Workflow Variable?

Update workflow variable based on form field. Not applicable for grid elements.

Handling for Uploaded Files?

Store uploaded files to "app_formuploads" based on form properties table name.

Form to Store Uploaded Files

Required for grid element

After making the selection above, relevant entity attributes mapping will show up. All attributes need to be mapped to the form fields accordingly. Form field ID is expected in all the fields.

Field Mapping (User)

Field Mapping (Group)

Field Mapping (Organization)

Field Mapping (Department)

Field Mapping (Grade)

Other Data Handling

Handling for Field Workflow Variable?

Click the checkbox if you are using workflow variables mapping in your form elements. The JDBC Data Store will copy the field value to the workflow variable when you submit the form if the form is mapped to a  process. Not applicable to grid elements.

Handling for Uploaded Files?

Click the checkbox if you are using file or image attachments in your form elements. The JDBC Data Store will save your file or image attachment into the ".\wflow" folder when you save the form. Select form to store uploaded files only if you are using a form grid or spreadsheet.