
Advanced Grid is best described as a Grid with rich inline editing transformation.

Depending on the target field, the Advanced Grid element would mimic the original target type for accurate and richer data entry capability.

The Advanced Grid is only available on Professional and Enterprise Edition.

Get Started

The easiest way to see how the Advanced Grid works is to use the existing built-in App Expenses Claims and create a new form to mimic an existing form in the app. Here are the steps:

  1. Start the Joget Server and open the App Center.

  2. Log in as admin and click on the pencil icon on the Expenses Claim to open the App Composer. (see Figure 1)

    Figure 1

  3. Click on "Create New Form" and fill up the Form Details as follows (see Figure 2):
      1. Form ID: advGrdTest
      2. Form Name: Advanced Grid Test
      3. Table Name: test

    Figure 2

  4. Click on the Save button and you will be directed to the Form Builder.

  5. Drag and drop the Advanced Grid element on to the canvas.

  6. Click the Advanced Grid element on the canvas and open up the Configure Advanced Grid properties.

  7. Fill up the Edit Advanced Grid properties as follows and click on OK (see Figure 3):
    1. ID : entries
    2. Form: Expense Claim Entry
    3. Columns : 

      Field ID*LabelFormat Type

    Figure 3

  8. Remember to click Apply Change and Save it.
  9. Click on Preview to open up the Preview tab, try clicking on each column in the Advanced Grid and notes each column's behavior. (see Figure 4)

    Figure 4

  10. Open up Expense Claim Entry and note the Field ID's are the same as written in the Edit Advanced Grid. This is how the Advanced Grid mimics the targeted fields we listed in the step 7c from said target form. (see Figure 5)

    Figure 5

Advanced Grid Properties

Configure Advanced Grid


Element Label to be displayed to the end-user.


Element ID. (By declaring as "entries", a corresponding database table column "c_entries" will be created)

Please see Form Element for more information about defining the ID and list of reserved IDs.

FormTarget form for record editing.

The columns defined here must be correspondent to the Form chosen above.

Field ID

ID of the target form.

In "Expense Claim Entry" form, there are Form Elements with the ID "date", "category", "purpose", and "formattedAmount"

LabelColumn Label.
Format Type

If you would like to format the returned value, you may make use of the format type.

Available Format Types

  • Date - formats the field as date.
  • Decimal - formats the field as decimal.
Width (px)

Column width in characters.


Determines if the column is editable.



SearchEnable search capability within the grid data itself.

Determines if the element is editable.

Disable Add FeatureDetermines if a new row can be added.
Disable Delete Feature

Determines if a row can be removed.

Default Sorting Column Number (Start from 1)

Defines the column index to sort by default. This field accepts integers starting from 1 onwards only.

Example: If the grid has 5 columns, inputting a "4" will sort the 4th column from the left in ascending order.

Delete confirmation messageConfirmation message when deleting a row.
Show Row Numbering?Shows numbering on the grid.


Key to save cellKeyboard key to use to determine when to save and move on to the next cell.
Edit HintEdit hint message.


Record Per PagePaging Parameter - Record to show per Page
Paging OptionsPaging Parameter - Paging Options

Data & Validation



Attach a Validator plugin to validate the input value. Please see Form Validator.

Validation will take place whenever a form is submitted except when it is submitted as "Save as Draft".

Unique ColumnColumn/Field ID to identify record ID.

Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)

Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)

Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)

Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)

Error Message

Error message to be shown when row requirements set above is not met.

Data store

Load Data From

Load Data From allows you to customize the method for data retrieval to populate the advance grid in the form.

Save Data To

Save Data To allows you to customize the method on how the advance grid row records are saved to.

This option is empty by default. An empty data store means that the advance grid records will be saved/loaded as a JSON format in the parent form & database table. See the list of available Form Data Store.

The recommended data store to use is the Multiple Form Row so that each record is saved into a child database table via a subform definition. The data store will update the foreign key "parent id" into each child record to point to the parent database table.

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