New feature added in Joget DX :

  • Toggle option to perform Case-sensitive Matching for Regular Expression


Basic Validator takes care of most form input element validation use case needs.

Basic Validator Properties

MandatoryWhen checked, field value must be filled.
  • Alphabet
  • Alphanumeric
  • Numeric
  • Email
  • Custom Regular Expression
Custom Regular Expression

Required when Custom Regular Expression is selected in the Type attribute above.

Validation performed is case insensitive.


  • First letter being a-z or A-Z
  • Minimum 1 subequent any letters.
Regular Expression Case-sensitive Matching?This field will be displayed when Custom Regular Expression is selected in the Type attribute above.
Custom Error Message Shown When Validation FailMessage to show when validation fails.

This is a new feature for Joget DX version 8.1 onwards.

  • Showing increase/decrease control and showing numpad on mobile for number field.

To enable this:

  • Navigate to the "Validator" attribute
  • Select "Basic" for the validator and "Numeric" for the type
  • Save the builder