
Delete Action allows one to erase the database record of the matching record ID.

Delete Action Properties

Edit Delete Action

Figure 1: Delete Action Menu

Figure 2: Delete Action Properties


Link / Button label.

When action is added into bulk action placeholder, it will turn into a button.

FormForm to lookup to for record deletion.
Confirmation MessageConfirmation message before performing action.
Delete Associated Grid Data?

If the record have grid element(s), this option will delete the inner grid data.

These 3 options: (Delete Associated Grid Data, Delete Associated Child Form Data, Delete Files), in combination, does apply to nested grid/child elements.

These options traverses the entire form tree. Upon encountering a 'false' condition, it will move on to the next grid/child element.

Example: Consider that the popup form has a form grid, form grid has a subform, subform has a file upload element with abc.pdf. If all options are checked, abc.pdf will be deleted. If all except ONE of the option is checked, abc.pdf will NOT be deleted.

Delete Associated Child Form Data?

If the record have child element(s), this option will delete the child data.

These 3 options: (Delete Associated Grid Data, Delete Associated Child Form Data, Delete Files), in combination, does apply to nested grid/child elements.

Delete Files?

If the record contains file upload element, this option will delete the actual uploaded file(s).

These 3 options: (Delete Associated Grid Data, Delete Associated Child Form Data, Delete Files), in combination, does apply to nested grid/child elements.

Abort Related Running Processes? 

If checked, active process instance associated with the record ID will be aborted.

Visibility Control

Figure 3: Visibility Control Properties


Defines when the action should appear based on the condition(s) set.

Only applicable to row action placeholder.

Join TypeCondition type to fulfill.
FieldForm field ID.

Available operator types:

  • Equal
  • Not Equal
  • Greater Than
  • Greater Than Or Equal
  • Less Than
  • Less Than Or Equal
  • Like
  • Not Like
  • In
  • Not In
  • Is True
  • Is False
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty
  • Regex
  • Not Regex
ValueShow the action when form field matches the condition.


Header LabelHeader label of the List Action
Display Type

Display type of the List Action

  • Link Button
  • Primary Button
  • Secondary Button
  • Success Button
  • Danger Button
  • Warning Button
  • Info Button
  • Light Button
  • Dark Button