
Hyperlink Action allows you to add hyperlink as row/bulk action to your records.

Hyperlink Action Properties

Configure Link

Figure 1: Hyperlink Action Menu under List

Figure 2: Hyperlink Action Menu in List Column

Figure 3: Hyperlink Action Properties

HyperlinkURL to link to.
Hyperlink Target
  • Current Window
  • New Window
  • Popup Dialog
  • Top Window
  • Parent Frame
  • iFrame
Hyperlink Parameters

Add parameter values to the hyperlink defined above.

Parameter NameParameter name to be set as part of the URL
Column NameColumn name to retrieve value from

Link / Button label.

When action is added into bulk action placeholder, it will turn into a button.

Confirmation MessageConfirmation message before performing action.
Visible when no record or checkbox?

If checked, link will be visible when no record or checkbox appear in the list.

Only applicable in bulk action placeholder.

Visibility Control

Figure 3: Visibility Control Properties




Defines when the action should appear based on the condition(s) set.

Only applicable in row action placeholder.



Join TypeCondition type to fulfill.
FieldForm field ID.

Available operator types:

  • Equal
  • Not Equal
  • Greater Than
  • Greater Than Or Equal
  • Less Than
  • Less Than Or Equal
  • Like
  • Not Like
  • In
  • Not In
  • Is True
  • Is False
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty
  • Regex
  • Not Regex
ValueShow the action when form field matches the condition.


Header LabelLabel of Column where the Hyperlink Action is in
Display Type

Available Options:

  • Link Button
  • Primary Button
  • Success Button
  • Danger Button
  • Warning Button
  • Info Button
  • Light Button
  • Dark Button