
Options Filter allows one to search base on a set of populated options.

One can search through the options through several mechanisms (See Display Type in the properties).

Options Filter Properties

Figure 1: Options Filter Properties


Display Type

Define on how the filter should be presented to the users.

  • Auto Complete
  • Multi Select Box
  • Select Box
  • Text Field

When any of Auto Complete, Multiple Select Box and Select Box type is selected, all possible select options will be loaded on page load. If you have thousands of select options or sourcing them from Options Data Store, this may cause significant increase on page load time.

Size (Multi Select Box)Control the height of filter when Display Type is set to Multi Select Box.
Default ValueDefault filter value

Options to be made available for filter search.

If your column stores the foreign key to another form table, you can make use of this Options Filter and set the Options Data Store (i.e. Default Form Options Data Store) so that you can search by using the label column configured.

ValueOption Value
LabelOption Label
GroupingOption Grouping Value.
Or Choose Options Data Store

Options to be populated dynamically using Options Data Store plugin.

Available options Data Stores:

Configuring any options Data Store here will ignore 'Options' property values (if any).

If you have thousands of select options or sourcing them from Options Data Store, this may cause significant increase on page load time. You may try to use grouping attribute below to selectively load required options.

Field ID to control available options based on Grouping
Dynamically change the available options based on the "grouping" attribute defined in the options by matching to the current value of the element ID defined.