
Date Range Filter allows one to filter a List column within a date range.

Date Range Filter Properties

Figure 1: Date Range Filter Properties

Show Label of Filter?

When checked, filter label will be shown.

Default Value (From)Default search value for "From" date range.
Default Value (To)Default search value for "To" date range.
Label for From FieldLabel for "From" Field.
Label for To FieldLabel for "To" Field.
Display FormatPlease refer to
Date stored in UTC timezoneClick this checkbox if you are storing dates in UTC timezone in database.
Data Format

In Java date format; e.g., yyyy-MM-dd for 2011-06-01.

Date Picker Year Range

Range of years to be shown, before and after the current year.

Sample format: c-10:c+10

Enable Time PickerWhen clicked time picker is enabled.

Figure 2: Example of Date Range Filter with Time Picker Enabled