
JasperReports UI Menu is a UI element that allows more complex reporting requirements through integration with JasperReports.

By using JasperReports report definitions, sophisticated reports with custom layouts and graphs can be generated and viewed directly within a UI, with optional export to PDF and Excel.

JasperReports is one of the most popular open-source reporting engines. It is written in Java to be cross-platform, and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word.

This feature is not meant to be a replacement for full-function reporting servers like JasperReport Server ( However, in many cases you do not need such advanced reporting features, and this plugin allows for easy embedding of sophisticated reports directly within a UI.

iReport is a powerful graphical design tool for report designers and power users to define reports for execution using the JasperReports engine.
There are community and enterprise versions for both JasperReports and iReport Designer, depending on your needs.

JasperReports Menu Properties

Configure Jasper Reports

Figure 1: Jasper Reports Properties

LabelMenu label. Mandatory field.
Menu ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the UI Menus as the first matching name will be called upon.

  • Default Datasource
  • Custom Datasource
Default Output
  • HTML
Export OptionsEnable export options at the bottom of the generated report.
Jasper Report Definition (JRXML)Paste your JRXML definition in XML here.
Use virtualizer for large report?If you are experiencing issues in generating of report, try checking this option.

Configure Custom Database

Figure 2: Jasper Reports Properties - Configure Custom Database

The default database settings for your installation of Joget DX can be found by going to Settings > System Settings > Datasource & Profile Settings

JDBC Driver
Enter your JDBC Drive Name
Enter your JDBC URL
JDBC Username
Enter your JDBC profile's username
JDBC Password
Enter your JDBC profile's password 


Figure 3: Jasper Reports Properties - Advanced


If your Jasper Reports is expecting parameters, here's where you can map there.


Jasper Reports parameter name.



Hardcoded value and Hash variable is accepted here.



Figure 4: Jasper Reports Properties - UI

Custom HeaderCustom Header in HTML.
Custom FooterCustom Footer in HTML

Performance & Offline 

Figure 5: JasperReports Properties - Performance & Offline Settings 




Caching options are:

  • None: No caching.
  • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
  • User: Cache by username
Duration (s)Duration in seconds to cache content, defaults to 20 seconds if applicable.

Read more at Performance Improvement with UI Caching.

PWA Offline Settings

Note: PWA Offline support is dependent on the theme used.



Enable cache for offline supportCheck this to enable caching for offline support, usually set for use on mobile browsers.

Read Progressive Web Application (PWA) for more information.

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