
SLA Report provides you with high-level reports on the performance of processes where an SLA is implemented.


Before such report can be generated, one must first enable the Process Data Collector for each and every intended Joget app.

Please see Enabling Data Collection for SLA Implementation for more info.

SLA Report Properties

Edit SLA Report Menu

Figure 1: SLA Report Properties

LabelThe UI menu label.
Menu ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Ensure that value defined here is unique to other UI menus in the app, since the first matching/conflicting ID will take precedence in page loading.

ProcessLimit the SLA results to a specific process in the current app.
Show only processes & activities have SLA set?Limit the report results only to process(es) and activity(s) that has SLA configured on.

Figure 2: Sample SLA Report in runtime


Figure 3: UI Properties

Custom Header

Custom Header in HTML.

Custom FooterCustom Footer in HTML.

SLA Report Run Time View

The UI SLA Report menu provide two views:

  1. First level: overview of all process SLA
  2. Second level: overview of all activities under the selected process (accessed by clicking the process name in first level view).

If your app has uncompleted activities/tasks, the 'Max Delay' timer will continue to increment as the system calculates the maximum delay time based on current time.

Guide To The SLA Display Columns

Performance & Offline

Cache Settings

Figure 4: Cache Settings 




Caching options are:

  • None: No caching.
  • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
  • User: Cache by username.
Duration (s)Duration in seconds to cache content, defaults to 20 seconds if applicable. 

Read more at Performance Improvement with UI Caching.

PWA Offline Settings

Note: PWA Offline support is dependent on the theme used.

Figure 5 : PWA Offline Settings



Enable cache for offline supportEnable caching for offline support, usually set for use on mobile browsers.
Cache all List links in first pageEnable caching for any List links present in the first page of this UI menu.

Read Progressive Web Application (PWA) for more information.

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