Once you have received access to the OEM Project files, download the latest zip. Upon completion of the download, unzip the OEM package to receive the following files:

  1. joget-src-{version number}-{build number}.tar.gz
  2. jw.war
  3. oem-enterpriseweb-{version number}-{build number}.tar.gz
  4. README.txt

Step 1: Building Joget Community Version

Before proceeding further, ensure that you must complete building Joget community edition from its source code of the OEM version that you are building.

You can skip step 3 and use the joget-src-{version number}-{build number}.tar.gz provided in the OEM package instead.

Step 2: Adding OEM war file into local Maven Repository

In the command prompt, browse to the OEM package folder that contains the jw.war and execute the Maven install command to install the jw.war as an artifact to your local Maven repository.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jw.war -DgroupId=org.joget -DartifactId=cloud-consoleweb -Dversion={version number} -Dpackaging=war -DgeneratePom=true

Replace {version number} with the version that you are building against.

Step 3: Build OEM package

Extract the oem-enterpriseweb-{version number}-{build number}.tar.gz. 

In the command prompt, browse to the oem-enterpriseweb folder and build the oem-enterpriseweb to get your customized OEM war file. (jw.war).

mvn clean install

If during building the oem-enterpriseweb encountered an error "BUILD FAILED" containing the message: Failed to collect dependencies at org.joget:cloud-consoleweb:war

Ensure Step 2: Adding OEM war file into local Maven Repository was successful.

If during building the oem-enterpriseweb encountered an error "BUILD FAILED" containing the message: Failed to collect dependencies at org.joget:wflow-core:jar

Ensure Step 1: Building Joget Version was successful.

Step 4: Start Joget server with OEM war file

Once the build is complete, browse to the {oem-enterpriseweb folder}\target and copy-paste the jw.war file into any existing Joget installation folder i.e \Joget-DX8-Enterprise\apache-tomcat-8.5.41\webapps

If the Joget installation has been previously used before, ensure to delete the jw folder before starting the server.

Start the Joget Server to have at a look at your OEM build.  

Now you can start customizing your OEM build.