This is a new feature in Joget DX 8.


The Database Wizard Form Data Store allows users to visually configure the database connection and perform queries without coding

Database Wizard Form Data Properties

Figure 1: Database Wizard selected as Load Data From & Save Data To

Figure 2: Configure Database Wizard (Load)

  • Custom Datasource - setup to connect to an external database, has additional configuration.
  • Default Datasource - connect to the Joget database.

By selecting Default Datasource, the database your Joget is currently using will be selected. (See Figure 3).

Custom JDBC Driver

Custom JDBC Driver. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Example: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Custom JDBC URL 

Custom JDBC URL. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Example: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/jwdb?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false

Custom JDBC Username 

Custom JDBC Username. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Custom JDBC Password

Custom JDBC Password. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Click on the "Test Connection" button at the bottom of the page to quickly test out your configurations.


Table Name.

Key Column

Key Column is the field id from a form.

Figure 3: Advanced

Filter Conditions

Filter Conditions

Extra Conditions 

Additional condition(s) for filtering the data set. HQL is expected here.

Handling for field workflow variable?Click the checkbox if you are using workflow variables mapping in your form elements. The JDBC data store will copy the field value to the workflow variable when you submit the form if the form is mapped to a  process. Not applicable to grid elements.
Handling for uploaded files?

Click the checkbox if you are using file or image attachments in your form elements. The JDBC data store will save your file or image attachment into the ".\wflow" folder when you save the form. Select form to store uploaded files only if you are using a form grid or spreadsheet.

Figure 4: Configure Database Wizard (Save)

  • Custom Datasource - setup to connect to an external database, has additional configuration.
  • Default Datasource - connect to the Joget database.

By selecting Default Datasource, the database your Joget is currently using will be selected. (See Figure 3).

Custom JDBC Driver

Custom JDBC Driver. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Example: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Custom JDBC URL 

Custom JDBC URL. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Example: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/jwdb?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false

Custom JDBC Username 

Custom JDBC Username. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Custom JDBC Password

Custom JDBC Password. This field is required when Custom Datasource is selected in Datasource above.

Click on the "Test Connection" button at the bottom of the page to quickly test out your configurations.


Table Name.

Key Column

Key Column is the field id from a form.

Handling for field workflow variable?

Click the checkbox if you are using workflow variables mapping in your form elements. The JDBC data store will copy the field value to the workflow variable when you submit the form if the form is mapped to a  process. Not applicable to grid elements.

Handling for uploaded files?

Click the checkbox if you are using file or image attachments in your form elements. The JDBC data store will save your file or image attachment into the ".\wflow" folder when you save the form. Select form to store uploaded files only if you are using a form grid or spreadsheet.

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