This is a new feature in Joget DX 8.


JSON API List Data Store allows one to populate a List using JSON calls.

JSON API Properties

New feature in Joget DX version 8.1 onwards.

  1. Added new property Auto Handling Filters for JSON API List Binder and perform filtering using CQengine
  2. Support using object key to create row.
  3. Added new property Disable object keys as columns to join object key as single column value and object value as another column value.


Figure 1 : Auto Handling Filters and Disable object keys as column in Joget DX version 8.1 onwards.

Change 1: New property Auto Handling Filters in JSON API List Data Store
  • Once enabled, you can use the List Builder filter to filtering the JSON API response even the API end point does not support searching/filtering options.
  • Currently, it support all the filter types in List Builder.
  • Example usage of Auto Handling Filters  in App center Homepage > Ability to have a search filter within JSON API List Data Store

  • Configure JSON API for Auto Handling Filters 
    • Open the List Builder in App center, 
    • Click Data > Configure JSON API
    • Check the Auto Handling Filters box.
    • Add Sample Response to retrieve the specific column to be filtered

Change 2: New row creation mapping method in JSON API List Binder
  • Before the change, rows only able to create through array in the JSON API response. Example, using data in Base JSON Object Name for Multirow Data field to create row
   data : [
         key1 : "value1",
         key2 : "value2"
  • When the JSON API response does not having array but only containing object, it will not able to create row previously. Example:
  "data": {
    "key1": {
      "attr1": "Value 1",
      "attr2": "Value 2",
    "key2": {
      "attr1": "Value 1",
      "attr2": "Value 2",

Let say, we want each key in data object to create as rows, we can use data<> in Base JSON Object Name for Multirow Data in this new change. It will tell the plugin to loop all the keys of data and create it as row.

  • This changes also supporting inner object key as rows. Example:
  "key1" {
      "data": {
          "ckey1": {
              "attr1": "Value 1",
              "attr2": "Value 2",
   "key2" {
      "data": {
          "ckey2": {
              "attr1": "Value 1",
              "attr2": "Value 2",

We want to create row based on the data object keys. In this case, using <>.data<> in Base JSON Object Name for Multirow Data. The first <> is to tell it loop all the keys of root object, then .data<> is to tell it to create row based on object keys of data object.

Change 3: New property Disable object keys as columns in JSON API List Binder
  • Before this changes, all the keys of object will be create as columns. Example:
   data : [
         key1 : "value1",
         key2 : "value2"
         key3 : {
            ckey1 : "child value1",
            ckey2 : "child value2"

Will resulting columns key1, key2, key3.ckey1, key3.ckey2.

  • In this new changes, once enabled Disable object keys as columns, for none Base JSON Object Name for Multirow Data object, it will join the object keys as single column and the value as another column. For the same response above, it will resulting column as key1, key2, key3.KEY, key3.VALUE. The value of key3.KEY will be ckey1;ckey2 and value of key3.VALUE will be child value1;child value2

Configure JSON API

Figure 1: Configure JSON API


URL to be called. Mandatory Field. 

//You may also insert the following URL parameters to enable pagination
  • pageSize={size}: This parameter is intended to specify the number of items (data entries) to be returned in a single page or response. The actual value for {size} would be replaced with a numerical value indicating the desired page size.
  • startOffset={start}: This parameter is intended to specify the starting offset or index from where the data should be retrieved. The actual value for {start} would be replaced with a numerical value indicating the starting point for fetching data.

Call Type
  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Body Type

(Only Applicable to Call type = POST or PUT)

Select the POST or PUT method:

  • Request Parameters
    • Add name(s) and value(s) to the request header

      NameName (or Type ) of the Request Header 
      ValueLink or Value of the Request Header
  • Request Parameters as JSON Payload
    • When POST Method is set to "POST Parameters", these parameters will be sent as a UrlEncodedFormEntity.

      When POST Method is set to "POST Parameters as JSON Payload", these parameters will be sent as a StringEntity in a form of an escaped JSON string.

  • Custom JSON Payload
    • Write your own JSON to be the payload. It will be sent as a StringEntity.

      This option is available only when "Custom JSON Payload" is selected.

Request Headers

Add name(s) and value(s) to the request header

NameName (or Type ) of the Request Header 
ValueLink or Value of the Request Header
Passover Current Request CookiesWhen checked, Current Request Cookies will be passed to the server with the request.
Base JSON Object Name for Multirow DataName of the base JSON object (e.g. data).
Total Record Count JSON Object NameTotal number of records in the JSON object (e.g.
Primary Key

Unique Identifier of the JSON object (e.g. Mandatory Field.

Auto Handling Full Results Paging & Sorting

When checked, This option enables automatic sorting for the results returned through the JSON URL.

Uncheck this, if you are performing pagination.

Debug ModeShow relevant debug entries in the server log for debugging purposes.
Sample Response (for Retrieve Columns)

Enter a Sample Response of how the JSON object is formatted.

Must insert a sample response into the field if you are performing pagination.


        "id": "G-001",
        "description": "",
        "name": "Managers",
        "": ""

Download Demo App

Figure 2: Download the demo app below to view how JSON API is used to populate a list.